niky - 25 pts
LewyOs - 18 pts
akmuq, pezzarinho17, ADEuk, Famine - 11 pts
7th=: Touring Mars, PeterJB, RACECAR, livemusic, Borna12345 - 2 pts
Winning Entry
Jenson, considering our recent reversal of fortunes, I have thought long and hard upon the consideration that I should probably support your push at the championship. To this end, I have talked to the team and henceforth all further upgrades will be applied to your car and your car only. I'll play wingman to you on track to the best of my admittedly limited abilities and will no longer fight you when you need to overtake me for position.
You have my full support, mate.
Who are you and what have you done with Lewis?!?
Standings (after Round Thirteen)
ADEuk •• -
129 pts
LewyOs •• -
126 pts
Touring Mars -
111 pts
Famine • - 91 pts
5th: niky
• - 77 pts
6th: PeterJB
• - 66 pts
7th=: GTP_Ingram
•, pezzarinho17 - 50 pts
9th: RACECAR - 37 pts
10th: livemusic - 35 pts
11th=: TopGearFTW
•, Pupik, dhandes
• - 34 pts
14th=: mafia_boy, interludes - 28 pts
16th: akmuq - 26 pts
17th=: DQuaN
•, Alex.
•, MrMulsanne
• - 25 pts
20th=: daan, Omnis - 21 pts
22nd=: mPWRD, Jimlaad43 - 20 pts
24th: haitch40 - 18 pts
25th=: TheStig13, race'emhard - 17 pts
27th=: BlacqueJacques, EDK - 16 pts
29th=: Bee, TheCracker, C-ZETA - 11 pts
32nd: homeforsummer - 10 pts
33rd: peterjford - 8 pts
34th: driftking18594 - 7 pts
35th: Mynock005 - 5 pts
36th: lukecfc - 4 pts
37th=: F1Addict, granturismite - 3 pts
39th=: adamp93, Tesla, Borna12345 - 2 pts
Congratulations to
niky for winning Round Thirteen of the 2011 competition