F1 Caption Game - Archive ThreadFormula 1 

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This is 🤬 terrible! My ass is freezing! Why does it have to be ice...

Oh, haha. I get it now. Really funny, guys...

Mercedes early prototype of rock-solid Internal Combustion Engine.
Round Nine - RESULT

1st=: DK, Touring Mars (C, J: 10 votes) - 21 pts
3rd: Famine (L: 8 votes) - 15 pts
4th=: SVT Cobra GT, Roger The Horse (A, I: 7 votes) - 11 pts
6th: GTP_Ingram (F: 4 votes) - 8 pts
7th=: Flex0r, Furinkazen, RazorSharkz (H, N, R: 2 votes) - 4 pts

(Less than 2 votes = no score)

Winning Entries


Ricciardo takes over Webber's role as "Red Bull's most humiliated Australian".

Verstappen qualified in a disappointing 9th place after suffering a thigh-slapper in Turn 3

* denotes Round Win (ties are settled in favour of most *s)

1st: Touring Mars*** - 109 pts
2nd: Famine** - 84 pts
3rd: Jimlaad43* - 73 pts

4th: GTP_Ingram* - 62 pts
5th: prisonermonkeys* - 57 pts
6th: Furinkazen - 51 pts
7th: Pezzarinho17* - 50 pts
8th=: TheBook*, DK* - 41 pts
10th=: XJ40, SVT Cobra GT - 37 pts
12th=: Pupik, Flex0r - 33 pts
14th=: Ryk, Legro - 32 pts
16th=: niky, jake2013guy - 21 pts
18th=: Soundtrack, Roger The Horse - 18 pts
20th: BlacqueJacques - 16 pts
21st: TRGTspecialist - 7 pts
22nd=: Niku Driver HC, mikeerfol - 6 pts
24th: RazorSharkz - 4 pts
25th=: Liquid, marco89IT, aarror - 1 pt


Round 10 - Britain will follow shortly
Round Ten - Britain



Entries by Monday 1st August 1800 BST - please mark your final entry appropriately, and remember that you cannot change it once it has been marked.​

Please read the full rules available in Post #1 before entering.

Maurizio looks for any excuse to leave the conversation after the subject changes to "last night in bed" and "the FIA wanting a Safety Car start for his wife".

I think we will have to censor our radio feeds, Signore Maurizio...

Why is that?

Sebastian, he, ah, keeps talking about blue balls...

Maurizio: What is the state on Kimi's front wing?

Engineer: He says he can fix it himself. He is requesting a bottle of vodka in order to do so...

Maurizio: Then get one for me as well, I need to drown Vettel's Smurf Syndrome out...

"Vettel is on the radio again, he has asked us again what the **** we are doing?"

"I still don't know... Just tell him we are not allowed to answer."

Sorry I accidentally pasted it here :dunce:

Just add vodka!


Is someone's F1 racing 'on the rocks'?


I am going to need a huge glass for this ice cube!

Maurizio, the four-time Formula One World Champion is complaining again!

Maurizio: How soon is his contract finito?
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"You'll be called Maurizio Arrivederce soon if our results don't improve...."
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Engineer: Maurizio I tell you, instead of carrot in front of donkey, we use Bratwurst and Kalakukko, then Ferrari for the win!

Maurizio: Kala-- what?

"Maurizio, I have good news and bad news."
"What's the bad news?"
"Allison's just asked to leave."
"MAMA MIA! What's the good news?!"
"The espresso machine's fixed, and so is the pizza oven!"

"It's bad, Maurizio - Kimi doesn't like the steering rack, James has left the team, Sebastian has learned a whole new set of swear words and Sergio wants to meet with you in fifteen minutes. What do you want to do?"

"At times like this, there's only one thing we can do - blame Hamilton."

Maurizio: So... is it too late to ask Marko about lending us those Austrian uniforms Ricciardo wore? We need a suitable form of punishment for these "Blue Woes"...

Final Entry, Parc Ferme.
"It's not very good. Fernando has definitely lost his memory again. He's currently shouting at the guys about how he's the only reason we're not being beaten by Force India in the Constructors Championship."

"Good news Maurizio: our latest CFD simulations have shown your streamlined hair is now 15% more aerodynamically efficient."

"Excellent. And what about the car?"

Round Ten - RESULT

1st: Pezzarinho17 (G: 12 votes) - 25 pts
2nd: Touring Mars (J: 8 votes) - 18 pts
3rd: prisonermonkeys (B: 7 votes) - 15 pts
4th=: Ryk, GTP_Ingram (D, F: 5 votes) - 11 pts
6th: DK (L: 4 votes) - 8 pts
7th=:TRGTspecialist, XJ40 (Q, N: 3 votes) - 5 pts
9th: Roger The Horse (K: 2 votes) - 2 pts

(Less than 2 votes = no score)

Winning Entry


"Vettel is on the radio again, he has asked us again what the **** we are doing?"

"I still don't know... Just tell him we are not allowed to answer."

* denotes Round Win (ties are settled in favour of most *s)

1st: Touring Mars*** - 127 pts
2nd: Famine** - 84 pts
3rd: Pezzarinho17** - 75 pts

4th=: Jimlaad43*, GTP_Ingram* - 73 pts
6th: prisonermonkeys* - 72 pts
7th: Furinkazen - 51 pts
8th: DK* - 49 pts
9th: Ryk - 43 pts
10th: XJ40 - 42 pts
11th: TheBook* - 41 pts
12th: SVT Cobra GT - 37 pts
13th=: Pupik, Flex0r - 33 pts
15th: Legro - 32 pts
16th=: niky, jake2013guy - 21 pts
18th: Roger The Horse - 20 pts
19th: Soundtrack - 18 pts
20th: BlacqueJacques - 16 pts
21st: TRGTspecialist - 12 pts
22nd=: Niku Driver HC, mikeerfol - 6 pts
24th: RazorSharkz - 4 pts
25th=: Liquid, marco89IT, aarror - 1 pt


Round 11 - Hungary will follow shortly
Round Eleven - Hungary


Entries by Monday 15st August 1800 BST - please mark your final entry appropriately, and remember that you cannot change it once it has been marked.​

Please read the full rules available in Post #1 before entering.
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