F1 Caption Game - Archive ThreadFormula 1 

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BE: "On 3...1...2...3..."
MS: # "I want to ride on my bicycle, bicycle!"
BE: "Bloody hell, no! I wanted you to sing '9 Million Bicycles' by Katie Melua!"​

BE "We got you something to replace that old bike you've been riding"
MS "I did not realise you had met her"​

>Final Entry<

BE - Oh Michael congratulations on your 20th anniversary!
MS - Thank you, so, what is this paper for?
BE - Read it!

"In honor of your 20th anniversary of your commitment to Formula One, all your hard work and championships, records, and influence on the young drivers of today, your present is... a bike."


1st: PeterJB - 25 pts
2nd: interludes - 18 pts
3rd=: niky, Famine, homeforsummer, AdeUK, LewyOs - 10 pts
8th=: driftking18594, Omnis - 3 pts

Winning Entry


The remains of Lewis Hamilton's car are presented to Schumacher

Standings (after Round Twelve)

1st: ADEuk &#8226;&#8226; - 118 pts
2nd: Touring Mars - 109 pts
3rd: LewyOs &#8226;&#8226; - 108 pts

4th: Famine &#8226; - 80 pts
5th: PeterJB &#8226; - 64 pts
6th: niky - 52 pts
7th: GTP_Ingram &#8226; - 50 pts
8th: pezzarinho17 - 39 pts
9th: RACECAR - 35 pts
10th=: TopGearFTW &#8226;, Pupik, dhandes &#8226; - 34 pts

13th: livemusic - 33 pts
14th=: mafia_boy, interludes - 28 pts
16th=: DQuaN &#8226;, Alex. &#8226;, MrMulsanne &#8226; - 25 pts
19th=: daan, Omnis - 21 pts
21st=: mPWRD, Jimlaad43 - 20 pts
23rd: haitch40 - 18 pts
24th=: TheStig13, race'emhard - 17 pts
26th=: BlacqueJacques, EDK - 16 pts
28th: akmuq - 15 pts
29th=: Bee, TheCracker, C-ZETA - 11 pts
32nd: homeforsummer - 10 pts
33rd: peterjford - 8 pts
34th: driftking18594 - 7 pts
35th: Mynock005 - 5 pts
36th: lukecfc - 4 pts
37th=: F1Addict, granturismite - 3 pts
39th=: adamp93, Tesla - 2 pts

Congratulations to PeterJB for winning Round Twelve of the 2011 competition :cheers:


2011 Previous Round Winners

Round 1 - DQuaN

Round 2 - TopGearFTW

Round 3 - LewyOs

Round 4 - Alex.

Round 5 - ADEuk

Round 6 - MrMulsanne

Round 7 - GTP_Ingram

Round 8 - LewyOs

Round 9 - Famine

Round 10 - ADEuk

Round 11 - dhandes

Round 12 - PeterJB


Round Thirteen - Monza will follow shortly

Round Thirteen - Italy



Entries by Monday, 26th September - 0900 BST

Please mark your final entry appropriately, and remember that you cannot change it once it has been marked.

Full rules available in Post #1. Please remember that your entries must be within our Acceptable Use Policy ;)
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26th=: BlacqueJacques, EDK - 16 pts
28th: akmuq - 15 pts

Come on Akmuq; push, push :sly:

You are too far back in Fantasy Formula 1 standings though :)


Hamilton: Do theses sun glasses make my head look small?

Button: I am amazed you can get a helmet on!

Final Entry, Parc Ferme'

Button: That guy in the Banana Hammock is starting to freak me out.
"Hey Jenson. What comes in a silver bottle and tastes of rohypnol?"

Lewis: See this? This is what 20 laps of turbulent air does to you!
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26th=: BlacqueJacques, EDK - 16 pts
28th: akmuq - 15 pts

Come on Akmuq; push, push :sly:

You are too far back in Fantasy Formula 1 standings though :)

I'll have to think of something really funny or just use some internet physic stuff. I haven't done fantasy formula 1 since I missed a round ages ago and lost loads of points.:sly:


Hamilton: I can win this championship.

LH: "You won't believe the e-mail I got the other day from this Nigerian prince! All he wants is £5,000 to invest in gold, and he'll give me the money back when he sells it for a decent price!"
JB: *looks at Hamilton suspiciously*

Lewis Hamilton: "Do you think Ron will let me have that McLaren F1 if I win three championships in F1 2011?"

"Not sure if Hamilton got lighter or suit got darker."

Yeah okay, Lewis, I get your hopes for the championship and all, but can you scoot over a bit? There's a woman running topless running toward our garage! Oh wait, aw, she went to the Ferrari garage, aw come on...

Changed Final Entry​

Is that Jessica getting raided by Tifosi? Ooooooh, that must hurt...
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Jenson, considering our recent reversal of fortunes, I have thought long and hard upon the consideration that I should probably support your push at the championship. To this end, I have talked to the team and henceforth all further upgrades will be applied to your car and your car only. I'll play wingman to you on track to the best of my admittedly limited abilities and will no longer fight you when you need to overtake me for position.

You have my full support, mate.


Who are you and what have you done with Lewis?!?
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Jenson: "Lewis, seriously, what did you fill my water bottle up with this time?..."

Jenson: "Lewis... mate... should have gone to Specsavers"

Edited as too similar to Famine's entry.
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