Fallout 3

  • Thread starter NLxAROSA
The Pitt is pretty dull. The only thing it really has going for it is the new location, but even that can be boiled down to the Capital Wasteland, but more redder.

Has anyone tried Anchorage yet? I'm trying to decided between it, Point Lookout, or just keeping the $10...
I've got all of them - but haven't had a chance to even unwrap it...

I'll let you know how I get on with it all...

By the sounds of things - Mothership Zeta - and Broken Steel are the best 2.

I'm playing through Point Lookout at the moment, and have downloaded all of them.

Whilst I haven't got to the Broken Steel part of the main story yet, the extra levels and perks are coming in handy, and there are some new and fairly menacing new foes to tackle.

I've played through Anchorage and The Pitt so far.

Anchorage is very much more an FPS than the rest of the game as I'm sure you'll know, but the premise is an interesting one, and the rendering of the scenery is stunning - reminiscent of Iko in parts. There's the reward of weapons and armour which make it worth playing through as well.

I found The Pitt far more involving, and very much like the moral decisions that need to be made. In fact, that's what gets me about the game as a whole - following the consequence of actions and decisions. For example, Flak at Rivet City now won't sell me anything because I put a slave collar on him for the Paradise Falls. I set him free again, but he's still holding a grudge - I don't know, there's just no pleasing some people.

Again, the Pitt rewards you with interesting stuff you won't find anywhere else, and it's somewhere you can go back to.

I'm finding Point Lookout to be the most enjoyable so far though. I presently find myself the other side of a shamanic experience that involved strange hallucinations which were really unsettling, and gave an interesting spin on the character's previous history.

The atmosphere of the swamps is beautifully created too - the dampness and humidity is really tangible. It reminds me a lot of a great Belgian film - 'The Ordeal'.

I have found the bugs to be a real irritation though. They've affected me in various ways, from not being able to access Museum Metro station, to not being able to proceeed beyond an invisible wall which seemed to randomly appear in the Wasteland and encompass floating trees, to the more frequent freezes.

They've not entirely spoiled the experience, but as Yeti says, it's not something you expect from a console.

I'd strongly recommend backing up your game data before installing any of the new stuff, so that you've got something to go back to.

Does anyone have the GOTY edition? I have Fallout 3 for the pc and absolutley loved it, and for the price the GOTY (with all the expansions)it makes a trip back to the world of fallout worth it.
Does anyone have the GOTY edition? I have Fallout 3 for the pc and absolutley loved it, and for the price the GOTY (with all the expansions)it makes a trip back to the world of fallout worth it.

I do - but I've not gotten round to playing it yet!!!

EDIT : Played a few hours - Broken Steel add on is quality fun so far... Sending Fawkes into the purifier instead of you is a pretty useful change!! I managed to fall through the scenery after killing some gang - solved by a save and load... only after a crashed reset though!!

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Serious question here, guys. Ok so I bought F3 about three months ago... Honestly, I didn't think I'd enjoy it SO much. I'm loving it and I'm close to Platinuming it, but as for the question: Is it just me or is anyone else ridiculously spooked by the Vaults? Not the one you come from, but the ruined ones. There's something about the lighting and ambience, it's just creepy. I swear, all the other places I've been to (I only need to complete the last quest fo finish the game) aren't anywhere near as scary as them damn vaults!
The vacant/non human vaults in Fallout have always had that sort of ambience (sp?) to them. Check out the "haunted" building in the lower left hand side (northish of the tower) if you really want to be spooked.
Absolutely agree with that. Vault 87 has to be one of the creepiest places, as is the Dunwich Building in the Southwest per previous posts.

I was playing on headphones in the dark yesterday when I found the Chryslum Building, and was rooting around trying not to be spotted by a Mutant Overlord (my god those things are mean), when I stumbled into a shotgun boobytrap. I practically jumped out of my skin, as did my cat who was sleeping on my lap. I had to stop for a bit to get my pulse back to normal, and try and coax the cat back in after she'd bolted through the catflap.

The basement of the Ritual Site in Point Lookout is a real killer too, as is the Mine, can't remember the name of it at the moment.

My current game has clocked up nearly 200 hours so far - talk about immersive!
Vault 106 was quite scary - especially with the halucinations - and the stealth boy equipped scientist!

Deathclaw sanctuary was the scariest place for me - although I didn't actually see any Deathclaws!!

I found Dunwych fine - but that was because I was wearing the ghoul mask - so I wasn't attacked!!!

I was playing on headphones in the dark yesterday when I found the Chryslum Building, and was rooting around trying not to be spotted by a Mutant Overlord (my god those things are mean), when I stumbled into a shotgun boobytrap. I practically jumped out of my skin, as did my cat who was sleeping on my lap. I had to stop for a bit to get my pulse back to normal, and try and coax the cat back in after she'd bolted through the catflap.

:lol: I know the feeling! Yes, vault 106 and those hallucinations were very, very scary, and so was 87 (the one related to the main quest). Good to know it's not just me, since this game isn't exactly a 'horror' game. I'll be sure to check that Dunwich building very soon. Will be great since I don't even have the mask yet.
I had it when I went in, but never wore it. Decided to go in guns blazing and walked away just fine. Make sure to find all the tapes/notes inside to find out the whole story of the people in there.
Deathclaw sanctuary was the scariest place for me - although I didn't actually see any Deathclaws!!

I was generally worried about any Deathclaw encounter for a large proportion of the game, after doing my homework before purchasing, I knew what to avoid. The Dart Gun certainly slows them, but I to ventured into the Sanctuary alone with only 1-2 previous Deathclaw encounters under my belt. It was tense down there, just hearing the, knowing they were around. I took each one out when I could, didn't fancy getting hit in the back.

Interiors are generally frightening places to be, you just don't know what to expect, but perhaps even worse then that for me is water. Why? well firstly I'll confess to having a phobia of total immersion in water in the real world, thanks to my great big bro who used to pull me under before I knew how to swim, and since then I've avoided going anywhere near a swimming pool or any real body of water big enough to fit myself under bar a few exceptions. Anyway, back on topic, my other reason is the water itself, it's dirty and you can't see very far infront of you, so I'm worried of getting lost and possibly drowning in some areas, but the Mirelurks are the things that scare me in gaming terms. Particularly in the broken end of Rivet City, when I turned around to find 4 of them on my tail as I exited the water, it made my heart jump big time. They just come out of nowhere as you simply can't see them even if you go right by them and you've no idea how long they've been following you and it's often the sound of them attacking you in the back when you realise you've been followed.
Guh - playing Mothership Zeta (Which is really good fun)...

But just opening a door managed to crash out and thus waste a good 45 minutes of play.

Bugs suck balls man!

I found this game for $20 at gamestop the other day. You guys reckon I should pick it up or is there a newer game out there that I should look at? I'm aware of new vegas coming out later this year but I'm just looking for something cheap/fun to play right now.
It's a good game for sure, you should get a good chunk of hours out of it though it is a heavy game. Don't expect to find it a good game for quick casual play, don't expect a good first person shooter (don't expect to prone either :sly:) but do expect good bang for buck at that price. The only thing I'd say is if you're after DLC, see how much the Game of the Year edition is, it's much cheaper then buying all the DLC manually. Definately worth a look though.
Well I bought the GOTY edition. It was a fair bit more than the $20 copy but that one was used. I figure even for what I paid for this copy its still less than buying the other one and getting all the DLC separate.
Tis a worthy purchase... I've not played through all of the DLC yet - been playing too much MAG with my gaming hours!

Well I bought the GOTY edition. It was a fair bit more than the $20 copy but that one was used. I figure even for what I paid for this copy its still less than buying the other one and getting all the DLC separate.

Couldn't you find it cheaper? I'm asking this because I for once don't like FPS games, but like RPGs and end up buying this more because it had some RPG elements and it wouldn't force me to play in 1st person, but then I also only got this because I was able to buy the GotY for 15€... really worth it, and I know I would have enjoyed it more if it weren't all the freezes...
Well so far I must say I wish I new about this game sooner. I had seen it on the shelf before but never thought much of it. I absolutely love it and can't stop playing.
Going through the dunwich building with the Krivbeknih. This place is creeping me the hell out.


Whats with some of my weapons being stronger after I've visited point lookout? Is it just me or did my assault rifles triple in damage?
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As iv said before elsewhere here, turn off the autosave feature in the options menu. This should ensure that the game isnt constantly saving when you enter/exit doorways, fast travel, or sleep(and therefore overwriting save data with the possibilty of it being corrupted). just make sure you manually save every 10 or 20 minutes or before going into new areas or starting/finishing big quests. Turning off autosave should erradicate 90% of the freezing problems people have been having. I had problems, then turned off autosave and started a new save slot(NOT a new game). Zero problems after that.
As iv said before elsewhere here, turn off the autosave feature in the options menu. This should ensure that the game isnt constantly saving when you enter/exit doorways, fast travel, or sleep(and therefore overwriting save data with the possibilty of it being corrupted). just make sure you manually save every 10 or 20 minutes or before going into new areas or starting/finishing big quests. Turning off autosave should erradicate 90% of the freezing problems people have been having. I had problems, then turned off autosave and started a new save slot(NOT a new game). Zero problems after that.

Interesting - In an ironic twist - I thanked the autosave feature so many times for saving most of my progress!!!

I tried that today. It cost me a lot of time going back and doing everything twice. At least with autosave on I didn't have to go as far back...
The game would freeze up sometimes for me, but with the autosave function off it happens with much less frequency. I think the key to a flawless gaming session is to limit play to 2-3 hours at a time and having the Autosave off. Like that you will hardly (if ever) get a lockup. It is a great game though. Has to be on my top 5 ever game list.
Ah-ha, at least I know it is not my PS3!

I recently brought the game of the year edition (it's £20 in Asda if anyone is interested), having had the original game for some time. I have to say that I am enjoying the game, it is really spooky in places, especially when played in the dead of night with the lights off!

My biggest gripe about the game though, is the fact that it keeps crashing all the time. Having read some of the comments here, I think I will disable the auto-save, and see what happens. 👍
Fallout 3 is the most crash-tastic game I've ever played, and that includes Burnout! (not for literal reasons, though. Fallout crashes more than you crash in Burnout) :lol:

At least us PC players have the liberty of being able to install the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch to fix most of Betheseda's stuffups :D
Good to hear there are some fixes to the crashes and bugs. My Gamezone store will tomorrow release the Game of the Year Edition pack, and I'm going to order it right away. Will try and browse this thread to find some patches which may fix some of the bugs and/or crashes 👍
Fallout 3 is the most crash-tastic game I've ever played, and that includes Burnout! (not for literal reasons, though. Fallout crashes more than you crash in Burnout) :lol:

Tell me about it. I'm currently stuck inside Hamilton's Hideaway, and no matter what I do, the game crashes every five minutes or so. It wouldn't be so bad If I could just back out with the PS button, but the game locks up the PS3, which requires a hard reset.

If and when I manage to finally get out of there, I will not be returning!!! :ouch: