Fallout 3

  • Thread starter NLxAROSA
Strangely I didn't encounter any major bugs or freezes during my time with Fallout 3 on PS3 (50+ hours IIRC) I think I had 1 or 2 freezes and the odd visual bug but nothing that was truly game changing. I appear to have been lucky in that respect as I knew others with the game on 360 and PS3 who had problems.
I think the PC version is definitely the way to go with this game. When I first installed it, I had heard rumors about crashing and bugs so I patched it up quick smart and have not had a single crash the entire game. I did get stuck in a wall once and an NPC I was escorting in one mission ended up suddenly 20 meters in the air one time but apart from that, I have had a relatively bug free experience.

Anyone know where I can buy just Mothership Zeta? I can’t be bothered buying GOTY edition as I already have the two expansion sets anyway. I noticed it turn up on Steam as an individual download but you need the Steam edition of Fallout 3 for it to work apparently.
Can't wait to get it in. Looking forward to installing Crysis and Crysis: Warhead tomorrow, but to be honest I'm looking more forward to Fallout 3 as it's a game I've been drooling over ever since its release. Hopefully I can place my order later on as they would announce whether it'd be in stock today 👍
I only crash about once every two days or so... so my PS3 copy is behaving itself. I do get the odd graphic or physics bug, like the 200 foot tall radscorpion, the invisible man (creepy) or flying creatures (there was a physics bug I saw once that launched a Deathclaw 1,000,000,000 feet into the air every time it stepped on an exposed edge in the terrain...)
Welcome me to the club, guys. I just got it in and I am installing it right now! 👍


Oh god, the game froze up on me already twice during character creation :ill:
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With all this talk of freezing and glitches, that is pure irony :lol: seriously though unlucky, have you patched it?

I've downloaded and installed the v1.7 patch.

Irony, yes, but after waiting over 2 years to play this I'm not smiling one bit :indiff:


I've posted in the official forums with a dxdiag included. Perhaps this game can't be played in DX11, although that wouldn't make sense to me as it was running fantastic framerate or loading-time wise. It's just such a big disappointment to get my hands on a game I have been wanting to play for over 2 years now, yet in all that time they haven't managed to fix all the problems so many people are still having and typically I have to stumble upon a major problem already after installing the game :(

*EDIT 2*

I think I'm going to return the game. I haven't even played it for minutes, and I'm already fed up with it. There are endless topics in the official forums, none in which an admin or moderator even has bothered to contribute with a working solution. This leaves everyone posting random .ini file fixes of which no one can say it indeed does fix the problem. Next time I'll be buying a game, I'll be sure it's not made by Bethesda. Even with 7 patches and 2 years after the original release, you don't sell games that crash or freeze 5 minutes after launch. Sorry for my rant, but this game is the most disappointing thing I've bought so far. I will continue to look for a fix, but if it's not working on Monday I'm bringing it back 👎
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Bram, if you've only been installing offical Bethesda's patches... there's your problem ;) Bethesda's patches don't do a *thing* for curing F3's crashtasticness. What you really need is the Unofficial Fallout 3 patch from F3nexus: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3808 (registration required, I can upload the patch to a file host if necessary)

I have the unofficial F3 patch installed and have only had a few freezes/crashes in around 20 hours of playtime.
Sorry to hear the you've had so much trouble with it Bram. There seem to be a few horror stories out there. I've gotten over 70 hours game time in now and have not had a single crash yet so I hope you it all goes well and you get a fix soon.
I think this game starts to crash the more you progress in it. I just started yet another new game and its mostly minor visual glitches but on another save where I'm level 30 it freezes a lot more often.
Bram, if you've only been installing offical Bethesda's patches... there's your problem ;) Bethesda's patches don't do a *thing* for curing F3's crashtasticness. What you really need is the Unofficial Fallout 3 patch from F3nexus: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3808 (registration required, I can upload the patch to a file host if necessary)

I have the unofficial F3 patch installed and have only had a few freezes/crashes in around 20 hours of playtime.

Thanks a lot for the link Sharkz! If my game continues to have problems I'll look into it 👍

Sorry to hear the you've had so much trouble with it Bram. There seem to be a few horror stories out there. I've gotten over 70 hours game time in now and have not had a single crash yet so I hope you it all goes well and you get a fix soon.

Yeah, if I read the amount of trouble out there for other people I'm wondering how in the world Bethesda managed to sell 4 million copies and which nutcase ever granted this game the title "Game of the Year" :lol:

It is indeed a fantastic game, but I still think Bethesda is doing too little to help their customers. Asking their tech support is a disaster as they will only find excuses or blame your system for having Windows 7.

On that, I managed to get it going. I edited the system files to allow the game running on multiple cores and setting the core usage to 2 of the 4 I have. Game is running like mint now, absolutely flawless. I think I played about 2 hours yesterday without any freezes so so far so good. Other people have reported that this file fix works only temporarily before it's starts to freeze randomly again, but I hope this won't be the case for me.

I'm in Megaton right now, and have no idea about my surroundings. I just picked up some quests I got from talking to people in Megaton so I'll complete these and see where I'll end up since it's such a huge game. Qua framerates this game is running fantastic on all high settings. In fact, the framerate is so good I might try ultra settings. Graphics and surroundings look very sweet as well 👍
Be prepared for a crash when you reach Rivet City; for unknown reasons the first time you try and leave the place (ie go from the Rivet City interior to the exterior) the game crashes. :lol:
they will only find excuses or blame your system for having Windows 7.

Just following the trend Apple set. :lol:

I'm in Megaton right now, and have no idea about my surroundings. I just picked up some quests I got from talking to people in Megaton so I'll complete these and see where I'll end up since it's such a huge game. Qua framerates this game is running fantastic on all high settings. In fact, the framerate is so good I might try ultra settings. Graphics and surroundings look very sweet as well 👍

👍 Good to see you have it working. Have you decided if you want to blow up Megaton yet? I saved the place but I always wonder how spectacular that explosion would have been. And trust me, you are only scratching the surface. I still haven't seen every area of the map and I've spent some silly amount's of time playing it.

I'm currently suck on playing Dragon Age: Origins (also strongly recommended) but I'm starting to get the itch to head back to the wasteland. I still need to explore Point Lookout.
No plans on blowing up Megaton, even though the place is a dumphole :lol:

Am going for good karma, had to reload my game because I accidently broke into the armory in Megaton and then I was foolish enough to kill the woman that chased me so I had Megaton going after me :lol:

Currently on a quest to deliver Lucy's message, searched all three places but they weren't there so I guess I'll have to go back once it's dark.

So far the freezes have stopped, nothing has been going wrong apart from the occasional "people falling from the sky" whenever you exit a house :lol:
Am going for good karma, had to reload my game because I accidently broke into the armory in Megaton and then I was foolish enough to kill the woman that chased me so I had Megaton going after me :lol:

After three days they stop chasing you... Same goes for any town you piss off.
Am going for good karma, had to reload my game because I accidently broke into the armory in Megaton and then I was foolish enough to kill the woman that chased me so I had Megaton going after me :lol:

:lol: I started trying to go with the good Karma thing but somewhere along the way I gave up caring and decided to be as badass as I could manage instead. Turnout to be a lot of fun actually and you really do get a lot of equipment from pillaging your way through the game.

Once I finished the core story my Karma was restored to good for making some good moral choices. You can gain followers along the way, and I won't ruin it for you but I have to admit the best follower I have had so far is one in particular that only tags along as long as you have good Karma. ;) He is a great help when you go Behemoth hunting, which I like doing for fun.
Well, so far this game has been awesome fun. I just enjoy the environments and the choice of weapons so much. Currently I'm level 7 and starting to meet quite the amount of Super Mutants. Met my first Behemoth while tagging along with some BOS guys on my way to GNR.

Also got scared the bejezus out of me quite a few times because I failed to notice that ghoul waiting all that time behind me jumping into my face :lol:

VATS is epic, though. At first in all the YouTube videos I didn't like it so much, but now that I have the bloody mess perk I'm like "BOOM headshot!" in VATS! :lol:
finally got around to going into the deathclaw sanctuary now that I have Fawkes following me. I could have gone alone I think. Not nearly as many Deathclaws to deal with compared to what I was expecting. Fawkes is awesome however.
finally got around to going into the deathclaw sanctuary now that I have Fawkes following me. I could have gone alone I think. Not nearly as many Deathclaws to deal with compared to what I was expecting. Fawkes is awesome however.

Fawkes is so powerful, it's almost cheating to have him along... :lol:
So, Bram... still going to return the game? :lol:

I'd be damned if I did! :lol:

Any chance the game is more glitchy on the consoles? Ever since I adjusted the core usage I have had zero freezes or crashes. Even the Rivet City crash you warned me of never took place. The only thing that happens sometimes is that dead bodies fall out of the sky with their heads exploding when I exit a location upon first game loaded... But hey, free ammo, right? :lol:
Fawkes is so powerful, it's almost cheating to have him along... :lol:

Haha yeah it is kind of cheating, He seems indestructible and that Gatling Laser is brutal. I also get around in the Winterized T-51b Power Armor, it never needs repair for some reason :lol: I'm going to have to let go of Fawkes soon however, my understanding is that he won't follow me to Point Lookout.
He does not. I assume he would be waiting for you when you get back though. I went to point lookout and ended up coming back with negative karma causing him to leave on his own so I'm not sure.
I also get around in the Winterized T-51b Power Armor, it never needs repair for some reason :lol:
Call it a "feature" if you'd like, because for one reason or another the Winterized T-51b armor has 9,992,000 item HP and the helmet has 999,100 - which makes the suit damn near indestructible :lol:

I ended up losing mine (somehow) so I had to add a set into my inventory via the console :lol:
I rate when I use the wrong item to fix another item.

Sucks when you're looking for your Wazer Wifle and notice that instead of one "Wazer" and three Laser Rifles, you have three Laser Rifles left after you've "repaired" your Wazer. 👎
I just got the platinum trophy. :)

Now all I have left before 100% are the trophies for finding all the alien captive recordings and finding all 100 steel ingots.