Fallout new vegas

  • Thread starter ajwilli
I'm loving this - up to level 14 now, and my character kicks ass!
Really digging this compared to FO3 which I never bothered to finish. Although I can't seem to get my character to look the way he did in FO3 :(

I set Charisma to 1, and Endurance to 1 to start but upped it to 2 with one of the perks. Doesn't matter as I never been short of hitpoints most of the time, my armour is good, and I have 2 companions to help soak up some fire :)

Varmint rifle + scope + silencer + sneak + headshot = WIN (along with greater scope zoom modded in with GECK (mod tool from the official site)
Just sneak up slowly and snipe everything. You can even sneak in a dark corner and then snipe the guards, which are so dumb they don't seem to care if someone falls dead in front of them as long as your sneaked - Ninja skills FTW!
I sniped all the Powder Gangers, and just left the boss alone, even sniping his bodyguards from within his room.. :D

I also love the Recharger Rifle, saves you ammo for smaller critters. It's an infinite ammo laser rfile

Added the female HD nude mod, makes more sense now, as when you come across some naked dead chicks, makes you think they've been raped... :P
Plus the topless male body mod. You can get these from newvegasnexus.com

Also laser rifles seems kind weak on the surface, but if you have 10 Luck, and Energy weapons at 100, the amount of critical hits you get (that vaporize a target) is like 1-2 out of every 3 shots! And the rifle clip can shoot 24 times.
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I've just become a Paladin of the brotherhood of steel. I have the power armor training and they even gave me a T45B power armor. Freakin sweet.

You can also get power armor training from the Enclave but that path takes a bit more time. I may look into that in the future. I hear their armor is the best in the game.
Alright yeah the Enclave armor is the best by far. The armor has a DT of 28 and the helmet has a DT of 8. The Tesla armor is also pretty cool.
Console commands are great fun :D

Just finished my first playthrough, and I loved it. Fallout 3's final mission was better though - there's just something awesome about fighting alongside a massive robot. Not going to start another playthrough just yet though; I have Dragon Age Origins arriving in a few days so I'll be playing that instead.

On the other hand, if the first bit of DLC is the equivalent of Broken Steel from FO3 I'll definitely play some more NV every now and then, maybe find all the locations and complete all the sidequests :)
I just found two Chinese stealth armors.

I'm wearing it with my red beret and a diving respirator. Looks odd.

I got gifted with a M1 Garand type gun but it's called 'This Gun' or something in the game.

Just got this shotgun on a power fist thing from the Brotherhood of Steel shop - holy crap, near 100 damage per hit. It chews through NightKin and anything else like a knife through butter!!
And my unarmed skill is only 25....
Is the shop in the hidden valley desert bunker? I spent hours looking for that shop and I have almost 30 000 in caps/cash to spend :grumpy:
Is the shop in the hidden valley desert bunker? I spent hours looking for that shop and I have almost 30 000 in caps/cash to spend :grumpy:

Yeah :)
It's right next to the gun range in the bunker. Fairly close to the entrance actually...
On the far right hand side

The inventory usually resets every 72 hours I think. I sometimes just go to sleep or wait for that time period and when Igo back the traders have more caps to buy and different stock.

You can't buy from it right away, once you get a mssion from the leader, then you can.

I had 14,000 caps, and I managed to grab reinforced Mk2 combat armour and helmet, the shottie power fist, another less powerful fist weapon, light machine gun, 5.56mm assault rifle and few other things. The nice thing was that these new weapons allowed me to consolidate my arsenal around 5.56mm rounds, energy weapons and the flamer . I got rid of of the various different guns I had before.
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Got new PS3 slim 320GB today - with FO:NV again... no chance to play anything yet though as xFactor is about to be on (not my choice of Saturday night entertainment!)

New bundle came with free Move Starter Pack too - will have to give that a bash sometime too!!

(Although only just realised my bluetooth headset disappeared in the robbery too - will have to add that to the claim!)

Yeah :)
It's right next to the gun range in the bunker. Fairly close to the entrance actually...
On the far right hand side

The inventory usually resets every 72 hours I think. I sometimes just go to sleep or wait for that time period and when Igo back the traders have more caps to buy and different stock.

You can't buy from it right away, once you get a mssion from the leader, then you can.

I had 14,000 caps, and I managed to grab reinforced Mk2 combat armour and helmet, the shottie power fist, another less powerful first weapon, light machine gun, 5.56mm assault rifle and few other things. The nice thing was that these new weapons allowed me to consolidate my arsenal around 5.56mm rounds, energy weapons and the flamer . I got rid of of the various different guns I had before.

If you are a little short of cash, go to the Van Graaf's. Use a stealthboy and rob the place dry. I've stolen over 20 000 caps worth of stuff from them without one hit of bad karma.

I have "that gun" but not "this gun." I'll have a look around.

Also I found the alien blaster last night. It has over 400 DPS.

I did a noble side mission and it was a reward. It's really powerful.
I've discovered Deathclaws:scared:

Almost killed it, damn things are tough though. Kind of had fun though as I kept running in circles around a boulder, I guess it works in the video game world as well.:lol:
Arrived at Sloan. I scaled the side of the quarry and I caught my first glance of Vegas. I'm trying to get to the crane near the quarry cause I'm pretty sure that would be a nice perch for Deathclaw sniping. Not sure if it's a tad ambitious as I'm only at level 6 still. Also can't quite pick the route to the crane as there is a giant radiscorpion I'm trying to avoid that seems to be in the way of the most direct path.

I've yet to actually see a Deathclaw, are there any on the path from Sloan to the crane?
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There is a place called deathclaw promontory that has 20+ deathclaws. Two mother deathclaws, a deathclaw alpha male, countless regular deathclaws and a handful of young deathclaws. It is on the other side of the Colorado river. Its an unmarked location on the map and you have to swim across.
I have "that gun" but not "this gun." I'll have a look around.

Also I found the alien blaster last night. It has over 400 DPS.

Do you have the Wild Wilderness perk? Is ammo easy to find for it?

Anyway Death Claws are mean at the start but they are nothing more than a minor speed bump now that I'm at level 17, packing a silenced sniper rifle and have 2 companions :)

On the other hand I stumbled into a Dead Wind Cavern - OMG!
My crew got ambushed, but I took a stealth boy, and somehow they couldn't get to me, and I punched all of them to death with a my shottie power fist :)

The regular deathclaws were ok, but the massive ones were a pain, further in. I somehow managed to survive and clean em out, but at a cost of 4 hard to find stealth boys :(
I would hide in the small pockets on the side, where they can't quite reach, and just shoot em to death

nice tip!
Also, the Riot Shotgun with the 12 gauge bean bag rounds. Most people neglect how epic those are. They do no damage outright, but killing an unconscious deathclaw is MUCH easier

The other way is to set C4 explosives outside and run in, and out, lure them outside and set em off


In case you didn't know, if you press and hold one of the number keys 1-8, in the weapons Pip boy screen, and then select a weapon, it will assign it to that number. Very handy for changing weapons on the fly
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Arrived at Sloan. I scaled the side of the quarry and I caught my first glance of Vegas. I'm trying to get to the crane near the quarry cause I'm pretty sure that would be a nice perch for Deathclaw sniping. Not sure if it's a tad ambitious as I'm only at level 6 still. Also can't quite pick the route to the crane as there is a giant radiscorpion I'm trying to avoid that seems to be in the way of the most direct path.

I've yet to actually see a Deathclaw, are there any on the path from Sloan to the crane?

Level is not as important as having the right weapon (e.g. .308 sniper) in top condition and good sneaking skills. :) There's one DC near the crane BTW.
Finished my first playthrough, main story is a bit short, good there is enough side missions.
Saved just before the final battle, so i can return and continue the mayhem.
For now i'm done with the game. Was fun and i was nearly 35 hours in. But i'm oversaturated by the wastelands for now.
Also the mods been great fun.
favorite weapon was the antimaterial rifle, also others were fun too. But doing a critical sneak attack on a big ugly motha***** is sooo funny

I don't know how many ends there are but here's mine:
Killed Mr. House and followed Yes Men. Killed the Legion, and NCR, Benny,... ruling the strip on my own. As it seems that made everything worse LOL
I did the same thing. I tried working for mr house the whole way this time but I decided I still didn't like the things he wanted me to do.
'this gun' is probably the best all around gun in the game, it's my main rifle since i got it and you can buy tons of ammo right where you get it
Level is not as important as having the right weapon (e.g. .308 sniper) in top condition and good sneaking skills. :) There's one DC near the crane BTW.

Cool, thanks mate. I decided my weapons arsenal was probably a little insufficient (moded varmint rifle) so I headed over to Novac to and look for a nice sniper rifle and maybe another stealth boy or two. I think as soon as I dispatch with the deathclaws, I’ll push straight for the strip as I seemed to have amassed a fair amount of caps just from looting and selling.

I’m a little concerned about how my computer will handle the Strip, the frame rate is starting to get choppy at Novac and there were also a few temporary freezes at this point. Seems almost like a memory leak is occurring as the game started off playing so well.
The main framerate killer are shadows and antialaising from my many tests with Fraps running, and the water settings, even if your not near any water it seems.

*ibo* S3 Racer - 36 hours? I'm way past that now and I'm still around level 20, will probably end up doing 80 hours on it :)

Those goulified vaults give me the creeps...

I feel a lot of the explosive weapons are rather weak, why would a gun or energy weapon do more damage than a missle, mine or grenade?
In the real world, missiles can knock out tanks and grenades can take off limbs! Some modding is needed me thinks

This is a nice mod for those like me that feel the energy weapons looks kinda crappy
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Can anyone give me advice on how to repair weapons? I have found the kits but they don't fix them much.

If you have more than one of the same weapon you can combine them to make one good weapon. You can also take a perk later on that will allow you to fix a gun with a similar gun. The higher your repair skill the better the condition of the repaired item.
Yeah just combine them in the weapon list screen, select the weapon and hit repair, the option will be shown if you have another gun of the same type.
High repair skill means a better job
I think as soon as I dispatch with the deathclaws, I’ll push straight for the strip as I seemed to have amassed a fair amount of caps just from looting and selling.
One word of advice when using the sniper rifle: don't use VATS; you can hit them much farther away using your scope and manual aim. They (literally) won't know what hit them, allowing you to pick them off from far, far away. :)
Yeah :)
It's right next to the gun range in the bunker. Fairly close to the entrance actually...
On the far right hand side

The inventory usually resets every 72 hours I think. I sometimes just go to sleep or wait for that time period and when Igo back the traders have more caps to buy and different stock.

You can't buy from it right away, once you get a mssion from the leader, then you can.

I had 14,000 caps, and I managed to grab reinforced Mk2 combat armour and helmet, the shottie power fist, another less powerful fist weapon, light machine gun, 5.56mm assault rifle and few other things. The nice thing was that these new weapons allowed me to consolidate my arsenal around 5.56mm rounds, energy weapons and the flamer . I got rid of of the various different guns I had before.

I take it that is the bunker where you have to lock pick the door?..my lockpick skill 78 atm so I gotta get it up...
There is a full town bigger than Novak filled with NCR ghouls and lots of radiation. SE corner.