Fallout new vegas

  • Thread starter ajwilli
Ya the PC version is just as buggy, I had people floating around last night and I couldn't talk to them.
As I'm nearing (sort of) the end with a large amount of side missions done my game is getting extremely buggy.

My two followers disappeared and 2 in game weeks later one of them just randomly shows up behind me but the other is still missing. I just turned around and there he was. Scared the **** outta me :lol:

My returned follower is constantly getting stuck inside rocks, tables, people (!)

Game is constantly freezing on load screens

Huge lag with VATS

If I enter a casino or occasional store my follower disappears for a few hours

Game framerate is stalling massively in Vegas and high radiation areas.

There's more but meh. It's getting really really bad now as the game gets full :grumpy:
Well after 3 hours playing the game today, I'm sorry to say I have to go to work.:yuck:

I'm loving it so far, I have died a few times simply because I really have no clue what I'm doing, I also just got to Primm.

Two things I need some help with.

1) Any tips for hacking? I simply suck at it.

2) Can you try them again after you've used your 4 attempts or does it stay that way forever?
They'll be locked forever. This is why you exit after having failed three times in a row. It will reset and you will have another 3 guess before you repeat the process until you guess the word.
They'll be locked forever. This is why you exit after having failed three times in a row. It will reset and you will have another 3 guess before you repeat the process until you guess the word.

I've always hated the hacking in Fallout 3 as well. I never really got my head around it. Is there any sort of logic behind the guessing? I never really figured it out just clicked on words randomly until it worked.
The game will tell you how many letters you got right. So if it says 2/5 two of the letters in the word you guessed are in the correct word. The more letters you get correct the easier it is to narrow it down.
First of all, there is a perk available that will give you a second go at all locked terminals.

Secondly, to have the most success, you need to pay attention to how many letters of the word are correct, which they will tell you after every failed guess.

For example:
first you guess: GENERATOR

and it will tell you 3/7 correct... this means that 3 of the letters are in the password, so you could give a go at another word ending in -TOR, EDIT: you could also rule out a word beginning with GEN since the 'e' is used twice, which would mean 4/7 would have to be correct for GEN to be part of the correct password.

Whenever you guess one where 0/7 are correct, it can also help hugely to rule out words.

Also, there are usually a bunch of words in each set that have similar endings.

If you need me to explain further I can elaborate, as this makes sense as I'm typing it, but may not to you guys reading it :)

And justin, the best tip I can give to a new fallout player is to take your time as far as moving the main story along, and spend some time exploring/doing random sidequests. There are a tons of little places to be found just roaming around the Mojave, and looting some of these areas can make your guy much more powerful.
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Ya the PC version is just as buggy, I had people floating around last night and I couldn't talk to them.
I had golden geckos stuck inside a wrecked truck outside the entrance to Vault 34 in my game... :lol:
I dare anyone to find and kill this beast.

I killed the Mum and Dad Deathclaw at the quarry with a sniper rifle but I haven't seen any in a cave? I've also run into a few 'Blind Deathclaws' west of Camp Golf too
Ya the PC version is just as buggy, I had people floating around last night and I couldn't talk to them.

I was expecting a lot of bugs because I did with Fallout 3 but surprisingly New Vegas has been mostly bug free for me so far (PC version). Frame rate has been stable too, or at least frame rate changes have not been noticable.
First of all, there is a perk available that will give you a second go at all locked terminals.

Secondly, to have the most success, you need to pay attention to how many letters of the word are correct, which they will tell you after every failed guess.

For example:
first you guess: GENERATOR

and it will tell you 3/7 correct... this means that 3 of the letters are in the password, so you could give a go at another word ending in -TOR, or beginning with GEN even.

Whenever you guess one where 0/7 are correct, it can also help hugely to rule out words.

Also, there are usually a bunch of words in each set that have similar endings.

If you need me to explain further I can elaborate, as this makes sense as I'm typing it, but may not to you guys reading it :)

And justin, the best tip I can give to a new fallout player is to take your time as far as moving the main story along, and spend some time exploring/doing random sidequests. There are a tons of little places to be found just roaming around the Mojave, and looting some of these areas can make your guy much more powerful.

another helpful hint; if you see a group of non-letter characters highlighted (whereas normally they will only be highlighted individually) then click it, it should say "dud removed" or "allowance reset". you can either have it remove one of the incorrect words or reset your number of tries which is very very handy on the higher level hacks. I haven't failed a hack since I learned this trick in FO3
another helpful hint; if you see a group of non-letter characters highlighted (whereas normally they will only be highlighted individually) then click it, it should say "dud removed" or "allowance reset". you can either have it remove one of the incorrect words or reset your number of tries which is very very handy on the higher level hacks. I haven't failed a hack since I learned this trick in FO3

Oh wow I never knew that, thanks for the tip.
Argh I'm stuck and I need help/drugs!!

I'm in the 'green' ;) vault and I need that certain part from that certain group but I cant get in the tunnel and the only other route is blocked. It's the vault with a elevator.

If you are having the same trouble I had... I was looking fo access to a door that the map kept pointing to but I couldn't find, it turns out I had to go back up a level or two and find a elevator that was broken, you need to fix it (50 repair required) and take it down to level 5 IIRC.
If you are having the same trouble I had... I was looking fo access to a door that the map kept pointing to but I couldn't find, it turns out I had to go back up a level or two and find a elevator that was broken, you need to fix it (50 repair required) and take it down to level 5 IIRC.

Yeah I did that in an earlier quest to get to the person but you have to go back there for this quest and the elevator takes you to the wrong areas. I found a link and I was just getting started on it and the game froze...


Linky/walkthrough: http://boards.ign.com/fallout/b5729/197115565/p1/?1
The time I have spent on this game so far, I LOVE it. Far more involving than F3, and more importantly the shooting seems more like a proper FPS, which is what the game was needing.
Glad to say I haven't encountered any bugs yet.
Still trying to mop up the little bits in F3 so I can get onto New Vegas proper.
All of my progress is lost... some ****** broke into my house and removed my PS3 (along with a few other things)

Loss Adjuster visiting tomorrow - hopefully will be able to go shopping on Saturday... at least I can get a slim - and avoid any YLOD issues with my older fat one... will get a 320gig one too - as that was what mine was.

That blows, yeti. :(

I have been playing this game for quite a few hours now, and I must say that with autosave disabled and regular saving I have encountered only a few scripting/clipping issues, no crashes or broken gameplay. I had one quest where a script simply halted, but reloading the game was enough to make it continue. (knock on wood) So far so good. :)
It was a bit of a random find. I had already read about this "misplaced" pieces of armor on my last play through so I had been keeping a look out. I had actually gone there hoping a random NCR guy would spawn wearing power armor which didn't happen so I poked around a bit. They are located inside a room with leaking radioactive barrels.
I decided to start a new game, thus far I'm off to a much better start. I just got to level 3 and have mostly just been exploring and killing things(Powder Gangers now hate me). I think I have my guy built better as well, so it actually makes it a little easier.

Also, thanks for the tips on hacking.👍
I made it to level 30 today. I found an abandoned BOS bunker that would make a great home and then I found a beta tesla cannon. After that my game froze and now I have to find them again.