This looks like fun, a nice character build guide.
In my current game, I sorta made an all rounder, and tweaked things as I went
And cheated a bit here and there rearranging my skill points in the console, increasing my carryweight to over 2000, and adding some things that didn't seem to spawn (due to bugs I think) ...

I'll try these cooler builds next time in a harder mode without cheating. Guess I'll have to store more items in my various rooms and companions. I basically carted everything with me to simplify gameplay
One thing I've noticed is that playing through each time from the same load point seems to change the gameplay ever so slightly.
I disregarded Speech/Barter on initially, but you need at least one to a high level.
Man once you get Barter to around 60, you get so much more money from reselling items (plus wearing the +5 barter clothing and hat before you trade, so around 70 I guess). I have over 70,000 caps now!
When I had Barter at 8, it was a struggle...
I used to think Energy weapons were weak compared to Guns, but either one is good, you just have to specialise your perks and character build either way. Same for Explosives, they are deadly with optimsied builds and perks!
If you go middle of road, then by default, guns are better.
For guns, the sniper rifle is better than the Anti Material one, once you add the Hand Loader perk and craft some .308 JSP ammo, for 50% better damage, and get the Better Criticals perk, since the SR has a x5 critical chance multiplier. I can take out my companions in power armour with 2-3 shots with this combo....
In hindsight the Fortune Finder and Scrounger perks are not worth it, if you get Barter up to a decent level to sell off stuff for cash, and with a high luck for gambling