Fallout new vegas

  • Thread starter ajwilli
I take it that is the bunker where you have to lock pick the door?..my lockpick skill 78 atm so I gotta get it up...

Yeah, but you can also get those items from other places too. That Gun Runners shop near Freeside has them once in a while
Can anyone give me advice on how to repair weapons? I have found the kits but they don't fix them much.


Also, if you don't have another weapon of the same type, and still want it repaired, you can pay people to do it for you.

They repair at the NCR outpost to the south of Primm, and also at the scrap yard near Novac, there are a lot more merchants who do it too, but I can't think of them off of the top of my head.. Costs a **** ton of caps to do it that way though, I avoid it unless totally neccessary.

I've now been banned from gambling at two of the Vegas Casinos. I started with an 8/10 in luck and got an implant at the Medical Center so now I have 9/10. Blackjack becomes a great cash cow.
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The main framerate killer are shadows and antialaising from my many tests with Fraps running, and the water settings, even if your not near any water it seems.

*ibo* S3 Racer - 36 hours? I'm way past that now and I'm still around level 20, will probably end up doing 80 hours on it :)

Maybe a few hours more, around 40. Was at level 27. As i said the main quest is rather short.
I will continue before the last mission, in doing sidequest, looking if i can still alter the end....
But i will wait for a mod to increase the level cap
30 is not enough
Maybe at some point doing a second playthrough fighting with Cesar. LOL

As for the performance issues, i only had them at a few points, Repcon with the gouls at the outside, and at the hoover dam while a scripted scene.
Had a few freezes, that teached me to hit F5 more often :D


what do find as theb est way to get loads of caps???

sell weapons and armor. And repair them the best you can before selling.
Had 28000 caps that i did not really needed in doing so
xbox 360 version

I experimented a few days ago with Fallout NV and a few other games. I played offline and online and the main problems are coming from XBOXLIVE. If I play offline I have way less problems or bugs with the games. In fact they even sent out a message over live saying they are having problems with life. So that pretty much helped prove my point.
I was wondering if it was possible to take a faction out of the story, so I just cleaned out the Legion Fort with Boone. :D Didn't do a lot story/quest wise though.
I cleaned out the Legion fort too, albeit unintentionally. Pro tip, if you're planning on visiting Caesar, leave Boone behind. :dopey: Cutting a long story short, Boone started attacking the Legion, so they started attacking me. Had to bust out the incendiary ammo'd .50 sniper rifle to put an end to the furore. :lol:
I was kind of forced to kill Caesar. Unfortunately those stupid dogs prevent you from doing that part of the story. If you're vilified by the legion (I killed Vulpes after he burned that town-- took me like fifty tries and a lot of dynamite/incinerator though), the dogs will still hate you even after you're given Caesar's mark. You can travel the fort unharmed until a dog and its handler spots you. Then you can blow the heads off of both of them and the surrounding Legion won't do a damn thing. When you get in the tent though, there's a big dog right there at the entrance and he triggers Caesar and all of his Praetorians to attack. You're kind of forced to kill Caesar.
coool thanx!

what do find as theb est way to get loads of caps???

Finding weapons and repairing them to 100%, will net you more cash than selling a bunch of worn weapons. The better Guns can be sold for well over 2000 caps each. Get your barter skill up before hand, but either reading mags and wearing Barter boosting clothing will help as well

This is where I lost out, I have a Barter skill of 8, which actually makes me lose more money in the long run... I only get 50% of the value back when I sell, and everything costs way more, unless the town happens to love me

My next game I'm going to try for a high charisma, barter, speech and science character and see how it goes
Got my ass handed to me by Caesar and his praetorians insided the tent though, so I lured them outside, ran circles around the encampment, backwards, so I could fire .50 with the material rifle in any enemies that ran after me. When I figured out the backwards running trick, it took no more than five minutes or so. :lol:
Got my ass handed to me by Caesar and his praetorians insided the tent though, so I lured them outside, ran circles around the encampment, backwards, so I could fire .50 with the material rifle in any enemies that ran after me. When I figured out the backwards running trick, it took no more than five minutes or so. :lol:

The out of the tent was also my rescue. In the tent i died a good 10 times.

Time_Attack Caesars Legate is 100x harder to kill.

True. I hit a critical on him with a stealth boy and the .50 AP. Still 2 bars left, then he comes talking to me :D idiot XD
It seems once you get your luck above 7, the odds for Black jack are stacked in your favour and at 9-10 luck you basicly can't lose :)

There is a limit though, after a while the Casinos ban you, but if you play slots before you reach the limit, you can hit the 32,000 cap jackpot.

Apparently you can make about 200,000 caps by doing this with all the casinos in the game...
I've already been banned from all casinos. The most I won was just over 15,000 from the ultra lux. I only play black jack though.

I also picked up the "this machine." Its alright. I wish I could put a scope on it though.
For those that have done the BoS virus side misssion:

Is it neccesary to complete the virus isolation side mission, or can I help Hardin without completing it? I chose the science option, and apparently this causes a glitch that won't let me finish, and I have no saves close-by.
I finished the mission of sending the ghouls to space & helped solve Boone's missing wife mystery. Boone together with ED-E are now following me. I decided after this that I want to see see the lights of Vegas so I headed straight over. The trip to Vegas is pretty boring actually. I was expecting some action on the roads but it was pretty quite apart from the occasional merchant.

I have pretty much ignored everything in Freeside & went straight into the strip. My luck is only at 5 but I'm still cleaning up nicely in blackjack. Mega easy to make lots of cash in this game compared Fallout 3 which made me feel really poor and made me really scavenge through junk for anything to sell just to have enough cash for more stimpacks.

Haven't helped NCR or Legion so I am neutral with both at present but I think I'm going to try and take control of the strip for myself and not help either faction if possible.
For those that have done the BoS virus side misssion:

Is it neccesary to complete the virus isolation side mission, or can I help Hardin without completing it? I chose the science option, and apparently this causes a glitch that won't let me finish, and I have no saves close-by.

You need the computers to read about some info to help Hardin on one side, but I think you can also complete it without doing so but you'll need to do some other more "tedious" stuff i think - just from reading the this entry (spoliers)

I'm wearing it with my red beret and a diving respirator. Looks odd.

I got gifted with a M1 Garand type gun but it's called 'This Gun' or something in the game.


Is it called "this Machine"?

If so get the hand loader perk, that way you can hand craft some ammo that does +50% extra damage!
Putting it around 100 damage.
Some consider it the best all round weapon, especially in VATS, as far as action points to damage goes.
Low repair rate as well
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Man I just found out that Energy weapons can be extremely deadly if you have the right build and perks!

Get your Energy weapons and science to 100 each and add the Vigilant recycler perk, and you can recycle better and craft Max overcharge ammo.
This boosts damage by heaps. The special Guass Rifle will do 245 damage per shot.... almost 800DPS on this ammo :dunce:

I think that makes it the most powerful weapon in the game :drool:

Then Gatling lasers and other energy weapons make guns seem primitive...add the metdown perk for carnage all round
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This looks like fun, a nice character build guide.

In my current game, I sorta made an all rounder, and tweaked things as I went
And cheated a bit here and there rearranging my skill points in the console, increasing my carryweight to over 2000, and adding some things that didn't seem to spawn (due to bugs I think) ... :)
I'll try these cooler builds next time in a harder mode without cheating. Guess I'll have to store more items in my various rooms and companions. I basically carted everything with me to simplify gameplay

One thing I've noticed is that playing through each time from the same load point seems to change the gameplay ever so slightly.

I disregarded Speech/Barter on initially, but you need at least one to a high level.
Man once you get Barter to around 60, you get so much more money from reselling items (plus wearing the +5 barter clothing and hat before you trade, so around 70 I guess). I have over 70,000 caps now!
When I had Barter at 8, it was a struggle...

I used to think Energy weapons were weak compared to Guns, but either one is good, you just have to specialise your perks and character build either way. Same for Explosives, they are deadly with optimsied builds and perks!
If you go middle of road, then by default, guns are better.
For guns, the sniper rifle is better than the Anti Material one, once you add the Hand Loader perk and craft some .308 JSP ammo, for 50% better damage, and get the Better Criticals perk, since the SR has a x5 critical chance multiplier. I can take out my companions in power armour with 2-3 shots with this combo....

In hindsight the Fortune Finder and Scrounger perks are not worth it, if you get Barter up to a decent level to sell off stuff for cash, and with a high luck for gambling
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Jury Rigging is the best perk in this game, hands down.

It's pretty nice being able to repair a displacer rifle with a lowly varmint rifle, or my gauss ridle with a plasma rifle.
Its great until you repair your regular old rifle with something like a .50 cal. Otherwise its a must have especially if you use special one off weapons.
ya im playing on hardcore really it seems more diffuclt beacase, stimpacks take time to heal and you having to eat,sleep,and drink.But if your good at small tasks it wont be that bad.
Is it just me, or is New Vegas actually harder than Fallout 3? I'm around level 13 but I found Nightkin and deathclaws to be very hard to kill. Normal difficulty on hardcore, by the way.
So I'm at the gate to The Strip and it says I need either 2,000caps or a passport. Do I need to spend the caps or can I get a passport somewhere?