Fallout new vegas

  • Thread starter ajwilli
So I'm at the gate to The Strip and it says I need either 2,000caps or a passport. Do I need to spend the caps or can I get a passport somewhere?

The 2000 caps is just a credit check, you don't actually give them the cash.
So I'm at the gate to The Strip and it says I need either 2,000caps or a passport. Do I need to spend the caps or can I get a passport somewhere?

You can get a 500cap passport from the Mikey and Ralph's and something shop in Freeside

or for free, catch the Monorail in on the 2nd floor of the NCR base close to to the GunRunners shop.
I'm probably going to beat this siding with the NCR today, I just helped the Boomers out and now I'm cleaning up some random sidequests before I move on to the final missions. Since I already killed Mr. House and installed yes-man, it will be easy to go back to a previous save and complete the Yes-Man/Independent quest line as well.

I'm going to have to go to a much older save to side with Caesars Legion and Mr. House though.

Haven't played hardcore mode yet. If I'm not burnt out on this game by the time I complete all the endings, I may give it a shot. I'm usually not the type of person to play through a long game twice, which is why I am definitely reverting to old saves to acquire all said endings.
Well, ED-E is the most embarassing glitch ever. I now have two ED-E companions following me around. It's really stupid. Hopefully Lily makes it back to the Lucky 38 without getting lost or killed. Sending companions around in Hardcore mode is really poorly done.

I'm at the 78 hour mark now, and probably about 75% on the way to finishing the game, level 30 and 120,000 caps!
I was really starting to get into the stride of the game.I've made it to about level 16, discovered about 100 locations and spend about 36 hours in game.I've been able to forgive the developers for most of the small silly bugs like texture failing to load, hovering people and falling through the map on the odd occasion, as I've really enjoyed the game and it's side stories, however in the last hour in quarry Junction area, I can't seem to get my pipboy to pop up, half the time I can't get my character to run anymore and it has crashed about 4 times. I think I've had enough of this game for now.

I'm really disappointed that developers think it's okay to release games this buggy. I know if I was to produce substandard work I would have been fired from my employer a long time ago and have trouble seeing how others get away with it and make millions in the process. Really unhappy at present and I'm uninstalling it from my pc for now. I hope a third party decides to develop a patch to help fix the stability of this soon.
First off the game is great although the setting isn't as atmospheric as Fallout 3, I much preferred the grim, dark, eerie, post-apocalyptic, destroyed city than New Vegas' sun and sand, although the Vegas strip is done really well. The storyline is nothing short of brilliant and it's just one of those games like it's predecessor that's hard to stop playing once you've started. But why oh why do they release Fallout games riddled with bugs? It's not just one or two, it's ******g loads of them!
Well, my ED-E problem worked itself out. I was walking to the Sunset Sarsaparilla factory and all of a sudden one of them turned into an enemy and my ED-Es started shooting lasers at eachother. It was pretty amusing. I killed the enemy one. Luckily it wasn't the one carrying all of my stuff.

Here's a pic:

Stupid question.

How do you get followers?

I'm guessing I'm just not far enough yet,
just got to the part where you get the platinum chip

but am not sure.

I love being a noobie.:lol::guilty:
God, I am so tired of the bugs in this piece of **** game. It's a good game, but it's like still in Alpha phase. I can't even pick locks anymore because the screwdriver and pin graphic won't show up anymore. Can't see what I'm doing.

This is totally stupid.
I beat the game and never played it again. The bugs and glitches are just too annoying, and I have no desire to replay it.

It'll be getting sold back to GS when I pick up GT5.
I am really suprised I never encountered any major bugs (I played it through), only thing I remember is my pip boy was extra bright when I went to use it once and turning off the light fixed that. Oh It did also crash once, but I expect a odd crash (one or two) on PC version games.

Saying that I had plenty of bugs in Fallout 3, tons of crashes too.
Well after having a little dummy spit over the bugs in this game I uninstalled it and went off to play some COD. That soon brought me back New Vegas. I've re-installed it and continued on where I left off.

I came across some power armor near Black Mountain. Now I just need to find somewhere to get the training needed for it.:indiff:
There's a couple places to get the training.

You can get it as part of Arcade Gannon's companion quest, or as part of the Brotherhood of Steel quest line. I think there might be one other point. There's a Fallout wikia that has all the info you could ever need.
Still hoping they patch the meshes for the weathered 10mm pistol, I miss that gun even though I have many more powerful now
I've just completed this game for a third time. This time in favor of Caesar. Somehow this was my favorite play through thus far.

I've also just read some information about the first DLC coming out for this game December 21st. Thus far it is an xbox exclusive with no set release date for PS3. I can't say I this surprises me but I'm still disappointed. I guess thats the price for having the superior system... anyway this is what I found.

*potential spoilers*


As the victim of a raw deal you must work alongside three other captured wastelanders to recover the legendary treasure of the Sierra Madre Casino. In Dead Money, your life hangs in the balance as you face new terrain, foes, and choices. It is up to you how you play your cards in the quest to survive.

Welcome to the Sierra Madre Casino! The casino’s mythical contents are lusted after by desperate wasteland scavengers, who tell stories of intact treasure of the old world buried deep within its vault. Lured here by a mysterious radio signal advertising the long-awaited grand opening of the casino, you are thrown into a high stakes game where you’ll have to work with three other lost souls if you want to survive.

Key Features:

* Take part in a suspenseful post-apocalyptic casino heist in which you’ll need to work with three companions, each of whom has their own motivation for helping you.
* Add hours of extended gameplay where you’ll encounter the mysterious Ghost People, pre-war death traps and the holographic security system of the Sierra Madre.
* Navigate your way through a challenging new storyline, with even tougher choices.
* New perks, achievements, and a raised level cap to 35!

And furthermore in an interview Chris Avellone had this to say.

Can you discuss the setting for Dead Money?

Dead Money is set in the Sierra Madre, an opulent and extravagant resort that was supposed to be the greatest casino in the west – except that it never opened. Bombs fell before the gala opening, and the Sierra Madre froze in time, its state of the art security system locking the place up tight. Nothing could get in, and none of the guests could escape. Years passed. The climate control and air conditioning system within the facility began to spit toxins into the surrounding city, causing a slow cloud and haze to form over the area - which proved lethal to anyone who tried to explore the city. Only a mysterious group called the Ghost People survived to call the city home, trapped inside what appeared to be hazmat suits and never speaking to their victims... only capturing them alive and dragging them away to the depths of the city deep within the Cloud.

And so the Sierra Madre faded from the history books, only occasionally being seen in posters across the wastes, until it took on mythic ghost story status... a supposed "City of Gold" in the Mojave Wasteland where all the treasures of the Old World were rumored to be held. It was kept alive as a late-night saloon story by prospectors who'd claimed to have found maps leading there... and were willing to part with the "map" for a few caps. Or a drink. Or a warm place to sleep.

How will the player reach this area?

The Sierra Madre is a mythical place in the wastes, with travelers all risking their lives to find it. Only one man truly "found" it - and lived. After the fall of HELIOS One, Father Elijah of the Brotherhood of Steel set out to find new weapons to eradicate NCR. And in the process he found the Sierra Madre. The Courier is lured to the Sierra Madre by a faint radio broadcast advertising the gala grand opening.

From a gameplay standpoint, Dead Money is accessed by loading a save file from any point in Fallout: New Vegas prior to the endgame sequence, in the same way as Operation Anchorage, Point Lookout, The Pitt or Mothership Zeta were triggered in Fallout 3.

Can you share details on some of the new creatures/enemies players will encounter?

This being an extension of Fallout: New Vegas, players will encounter several unique characters, each with their own motivations, all of whom will have to work together if any of them are going to survive. Aside from just struggling with their would-be companions, the courier will also have to deal with the mysterious Ghost People as well as the casino's substantial defense systems.
I have a question about the end of the main quest:

How on earth do you defeat the Legate? His resistance is ridiculous and none of my weapons are at all effective, and I can't out run him either. I'm also in the position of being unable to leave the Dam and therefore can't get any new weapons.

I haven't put spoiler text around it as I can't see the option for it when editing the post.
What if you don't have a sniper rifle?

do you have ap ammo for any of your more powerful weapons?

(I haven't gotten to this point as I've been putting off finishing the game however I plan to use the anti material rifle.
I was going through the campaign and I guess I messed up bad and now have reached a game ending glitch. I killed Ceasar before talking to House. So now when I talk to House, he doesnt recognize that Ceasar is dead.

OH well so now I am just concentrating on finding ever location in the game. I unlocked the explorer perk at level 20 so that helped a lot. Now I just walk to each area and eventually plan to unlock every single location in the game. Just horing for now with my sidekick Boone. I have also purchased 3 implants for my character so now hes much faster and much stronger. I also have at least 7 or 8 weapons upgraded. Having a great time with NV despite the glitches and bugs.
Decided yesterday that after over 60 hours of roaming the Mojave not really committing to any faction, that it was time to finish the game.

I picked up Arcade as a companion, ED-E disappeared due to a glitch (he was visible on the map, but nowhere to be found :indiff:) & I reached level 29. Managed to kill the Legendary Deathclaw fairly easily with the Q35 & Arcade as a companion, but I found the Legate to be fairly hard till I remembered I was carrying a Gauss rifle at which point I dispatched him fairly easily. I finished the game putting my support behind the NCR, got the Boomers & Khans to both help in the final battle.

Found the ending to better than Fallout 3 but still a little dissatisfying overall. They really need to work on this with future games in the franchise.

Overall I'm pretty happy with the game, had great fun with it. There are a few things I would have liked to have finished in the game. I never really took the time to do any quests for Jacobstown. I also wanted to finish the Enclave mission but never got around to it either. I don't think I'll be going back to do these however. I've spend enough time in the fallout universe for now.
Found the ending to better than Fallout 3 but still a little dissatisfying overall. They really need to work on this with future games in the franchise.

I played this on the PS3 and as well as I can tell, there's about four different endings based on the faction that you sided with. Each of these endings seem to vary a bit based on the companions that you chose and how they were deployed. I got all four endings in one play through by reverting to an earlier game save and branching out from that.

I did create a different character to earn the Hard Core Trophy, which I did not enjoy, and I was really glad when that was over. Shortly thereafter, I earned the Platinum Trophy by winning the necessary number of Caravan games, which I had never bothered to play.

I've continued to play a bit in order to mess around with my main, initial character. All that I do whenever I play the game now is to build up my mini nuke collection, clothe named characters in different attire, or just kill anyone I want for the sake of killing (without saving).

Most of the named NCR Officers are wearing some type of Legion armor/helmets in my game, and many other NPCs are wearing Brotherhood of Steel power armor, Raider armor, Legion armor, or combinations thereof. The un-named NPC near the General Store in Goodsprings has lost his limp now, perhaps because of the BOS power armor (Str+1) or the awesome Pre-War Bonnet that he's proudly wearing.

I never encountered any game breaking glitches, but I must say that as the save file increased in size, the 'hitching' and complete freezing to a hard reboot of the console got worse. I never patched the game because I realized after a bit of research that the patches did not address the hitching and freezing problems that I encountered, and as previously stated, I never had any game breaking glitches.