Doesn't photobucket do this automatically? I mean if I post a photobucket link to a pic you get the optimized version? I'm not going to optimize ish for my review. LOL
But 30% of 2MB is still roughly 600KB and that times 30 or more pictures.
JogoAsobiWith proper optimization for the web you can get that down to 200kb. Not trying to throw a monkey wrench into the works, it would just be a real travesty to have a bloated beast that will take slower systems a year to load.
I have a really fast computer with 8MB RAM and a fast cable modem connection, and some of these non-optimized posts can take a bit of time to load.
So those that are using older hardware on slower DSL may really struggle.
bermudakidYou could upload your Hi Res Version using torrents?
More pics the better +1
LogiForceThe images are not optimized yet, and surely not uploaded. Do not worry. Besides, please use The Gimp since this is the open source equivalent of Photoshop. So free and crossplatform. Besides it is easy to resize with it as well. Plus all pictures are shot in RAW format, so I can still do whatever I want with them.
Also it would be nice if people could just attach images to their posts here and it automatically resized, but unfortunately that does not happen. But would make for less overhead.
Maybe I will just do a web version (with web optimizations), low res pdf (with optimizations) and high res pdf (without optimizations). That way everyone will be happy. Besides a PDF reads nicer on a tablet. At least it does on my ipad. Besides I doubt I can get the web version to look as good because of lack of lettertypes and other styling stuff. But I will do my best. Just thinking out loud here.
But 30% of 2MB is still roughly 600KB and that times 30 or more pictures. It will still be hard on the line. Plus what I understood is that Fanatec wanted all reviews to be posted in one thread. So depending on how much pictures Mayaman and others will post... still would take a long time to load up.
Edit: yeah, I know it can be optimized properly for the web. I have worked with a web based game designer for a bit, so I know how far I can go. I am just too picky sometimes. It will be fine when I am done.
A PDF would be handy, like you say, reading on an iPad (or other tablet) would be easier. If your review is that in depth then a way to read it in comfort would be much appreciated.
Really looking forward to the reviews, and the actual product!
JogoAsobiFor those of you on iPhones, iPads and Macs:
If the person submitting the review is on an Apple Computer running OS X the review can be authored using a word processor of choice (Word, Pages, etc.) and simply saved as a PDF via the Print Dialog Box because that functionality is natively built-in to OS X.
However that same functionality is not built into Windows, so authoring a PDF on Windows will require some flavor of Acrobat software that is not free.
Note that using the print command to save a word processor file as PDF on a Mac will only produce a bare-bones PDF without bells and whistles like active links. Producing a PDF document of that nature requires ponying up serious cash for PDF authoring software on Windows or OS X along the lines of Acroabat (not reader).
So what I am saying is that providing a PDF file is not as simple as some may think depending on the reviewer's computer platform.
mikemavNot trying to be a smart ass (I just think this site is funny in a case like this so I wanted to share it for those who have not seen it before)
I just thought as Adobe Reader was free any person could make one. Never really delved into the word processing side of computers.
Indeed, there are enough so called 'PDF printers' for free that produce a good quality PDF on Windows by just printing your document via that printer. If you do, you can simply save the document as a PDF file and it will ask where to save it to or has a standard directory.
This is open source and thus free:
JogoAsobiHowever that same functionality is not built into Windows, so authoring a PDF on Windows will require some flavor of Acrobat software that is not free.
In Pages you can just save a document as a PDF. So you do not have to go via the PDF printer. Same goes for Pages on the iPad. I forgot to mention this.
JogoAsobiThat's in my first post about this, its built into OS X. You can do it with any application, even web browsers, just go to print, save as PDF.
The other thing is this, if you produce a PDF in Windows or OS X using the methods discussed, you really do not have a way of compressing it like you do with authoring software.
So once you get a few pictures in the PDF it quickly gets very big, with PDF authoring software like Acrobat you can reduce the PDF file size.
bermudakidOr you could also try google documents.
PatroclesWhen can we expect to read the CSW reviews? I believe the NDA ends this week, yes?
RaitzigerNew PC driver is in the blog. Rfactor does not crash anymore.
New one? I only see 128B. Which still has a FFB bug in Simraceway and rFactor 2 still has some issues with it. See bug reports below the post.
what is this driver for? GT3 RS V2 & CSP's ?