The CSW issues you hear "cropping up" have been minor stuff and nothing to worry about. The CSW is solid. You should revisit the the option of buying a kit once the initial fervor dies down and the kit stock is plentiful.
What quality control issues are you referring to specifically? A few of the people who I know very well on iRacing have CSW's and have had no issues whatsoever.
Thomas didn't "bash" him in any way. Thomas simply responded to the BARRAGE of negativity from Mahnegold.
The Fanatec afterburners have now been lit to full flame....with Patrocles kindly speaking on behalf of Fanatec that all CSW issues are minor, and suberbike81 speaking for the rarified air of iRacingdom that all things CSW are well there (at time of this posting Super... still has not received his).
No criticism is to be tolerated as it is based on unfound rumor (thanks Patrocles and superbike81).
Its remarkable that these are Fanatec's first posts in many days on this thread regarding a new product release although there are multiple posts regarding questions, commentary and observations of the product by people who actually bought them (including me).
Why is that? Earnest replies to those posts will go much further to build rapport with customer base than engaging in faux reputation control.
EDIT, ADDITION: Regarding this that started it all:
I decided to cancel my order for the CSW kit. I really wasn't overly happy with how Fanatec handled the launch. I believe holding onto customers money for so long is also bad business practice (mine was 1200euros)
museumsteve made the time to be there for all the crash and burns of the site trying to be at head of the line to get the first shipment of stuff some of you were fortunate enough to get, check the this thread's posts, I know, I was here online at the same time.
I guess someone did not even bother to throw him a bone PMwise, instead it was handled in a public arena (this thread) and the flame was lit. Is that sound customer relations practice?