They also have to pay licensing which nobody seems to talk about when it comes to Sony stuff. That is, if they want to use their own drivers, etc. instead of piggy-backing on what Logitech paid for.
Now that you talk about 'Logitech paying for'...
Logitech (as well as ECCI for the 7000 series) uses Immersion TouchSense for their FFB to work.
Link for proof - G27:
As you can see the G27 uses Immersion's software, but as Logitech's software hasn't changed since I think the beginning of proper FFB devices (Logitech Wingman Formula Force GP etc); one can presume that it involves all Logitech wheels.
Now because Immersion has seemingly moved towards mobile (touchscreen etc) haptic feedback and abandoning FFB related matters (Immersion on their site speaks of 'legacy software from 2003'), Logitech had to make a decision upon that to move out when the next consoles came about.
The reason I say Immersion went purely for mobile haptic devices is... well, just look at the page below. Plus I can't find anything about next-gen consoles being compatible with their software.
Link - Immersion TouchSense:
This could well mean that we won't see Logitech on the next-gen console scene, because (like Fanatec in this case) Logitech would have to build their own haptic software up from scratch and try to keep it compatible with the previous Immersion based implementation.
Why the backwards compatibility? Because you don't want to support 2 different haptic feedback coding approaches for the game developers. Plus this would mean the drivers/software would get too bloated. Yet you don't want to trow away the old game compatibility either.
So yeah, if this is the case I can see why Logitech had a lot of dilemmas to wrestle with and think about. All in all, I doubt we'll see Logitech back on the scene quickly. Fanatec as a result riding on Logitech is in the same sore situation.
Also if either Logitech or Fanatec made their own software and drivers from scratch, I think it would definitely change the feel of their FFB. Different devs write up different pages of code after all, plus I am sure Immersion has theirs copyrighted so you wouldn't be able to copy anything or make anything look like their code.
So yeah, still not optimistic. Actually I am getting more pessimistic by the minute, so I won't hold my console compatibility breath over it.