Fanatec Announcements: CSW V2 Reviews Out

  • Thread starter Crispy
Did anyone get a chance to compare the GT2 to the CSR yet? Mr. Latte perhaps? Sonac?

ISR gave their worst review ever and didnt even compare the two wheels. It almost felt like a Fanatec ad rather then a review.
Caz modded his Porsche shifter with a real aftermarket knob, and I'm willing to bet the feel is similar to the CSR shifter. If you're handy, that may be the way to go. If not, buy the CSR shifter and enjoy.

Did not know this. But, now that you mention it, I remember looking over that thread, but did not remember who it was who did it. That being the case though, yes you are more than correct.

I even went and applied the silent mod by stuffing the inside with grease and cotton balls. Worked great, that shifter had an issue with 2 & 4 gear, even after calibrating. The replacement they sent had a redesign internally. Which took the necessity of the silent mod out of the question. That one is what I used up til yesterday. Keeping it just in case anything happens to the CSR.

I guess let me rephrase what I meant then. If you are simply looking to upgrade, then the CSR is definitely worth it coming from a BASE porsche shifter. If you modded the BASE prosche shifter itself, then eh, not really necessary to upgrade.
Did anyone get a chance to compare the GT2 to the CSR yet? Mr. Latte perhaps? Sonac?

ISR gave their worst review ever and didnt even compare the two wheels. It almost felt like a Fanatec ad rather then a review.

AND, if you watch the wheel list vid by ISR for FM4, it's even worse lol. Darin basically blasts TM and MC for not sending a wheel in to review and compare for FM4, LOL. He even calls out reps names from TM and MC to send in wheels so they CAN review them.

If you are TM or MC and KNOW Darin is now a Fanatec rep, you think you would send the wheel right on over to be reviewed by ISR..............IMO, Darin needs to separate himself entirely from production/reviews on wheels. He would be too 1 sided even if trying to remain neutral.
AND, if you watch the wheel list vid by ISR for FM4, it's even worse lol. Darin basically blasts TM and MC for not sending a wheel in to review and compare for FM4, LOL. He even calls out reps names from TM and MC to send in wheels so they CAN review them.

If you are TM or MC and KNOW Darin is now a Fanatec rep, you think you would send the wheel right on over to be reviewed by ISR..............IMO, Darin needs to separate himself entirely from production/reviews on wheels. He would be too 1 sided even if trying to remain neutral.

Yeah lol.
It was all like a Fanatec ad, and a bad one since all they did was talk what we already know.
Jump ace, try using the dfpro setting. Iirc that is what i used for my gt2.

Oh! Try editing the DFP button maps for controller 1 instead? I'll try that, thank you.

Im not sure if that is what setting i changed tho. So i apologize if im wrong and crushed your hopes ;)

Im going to quote myself from another thread as i think this will be more useful here.
I did some testing with gt5 spec 2 last night because it seemed I was missing less shifts using clutch/ shifter. I wasnt to sure if it was because I just inverted my csps and this was my first time running them or if something changed in game. Any way. Heres what i came up with.
Maybe im nuts and it really is more to do with pedals being more natural.
Tested in lounge
Setup: gt2 / csp inverted
Track: tgtt. Its nice and flat ;)
Car: civic type r (ek) 97 rkm tuned
Sports soft.


You can stay on the throttle 25% without dropping into neutral. If you are slow on the clutch while maintaining 25% or less throttle there is slip. I tried this through all gears up and it holds true.

Same results


Hmmm odd.
Using this combo you can only apply 10% throttle while shifting up. Total opposite of what i was expecting.
Still get clutch slip and activation at the same points as stock setup.

25% throttle is ok down shifting here.



Performs about the same as the sports parts. Maybe a couple percent above but nothing significant. Might be around 15% throttle leeway.

Again right around 25% throttle or less and you will not be kicked into neutral.

Since spec 2 it seems the clutch and gated shifter is much friendlier to the driver. Noticeable clutch slip when coming off it slow that was not present prior to S2. Or at least had a much shorter useable zone.
The clutch no longer feels like an on off. Clutch seems to start to engage about 10% into its travel and us fully engaged with about 10% left to go.

I do find it odd that the stock parts allow you to stay on throttle while going up in gear longer than the upgraded ones, not sure why but maybe has something to do with the delay before engagement.

The consistent throttle pressure across all setups for downshifting makes a little more sense. It seems easier to heel toe now, but that may also be because this is my first day with my pedals inverted.

I know its old, but i love that you can stall your cars.

Dont know if this helps or is useful but there it is.
Looks like we got some pretty good clutch support now.
I did run some laps around full speed And was definetly not coming off throttle all the way. I went up and down through the gear box, accellerating, decelerating without as many neutral drops as i would normally encounter.

I dunno. Ill try again tonight, ill have a couple hours to play.
Maybe its all the pedals for me. But the floor of my rig has been remade so i cant easily go back to the way I had it to test that way.
Ill give a quick test later under racing conditions.

Edit: beers, hottub & my wife won out over gt tonight.
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Did anyone get a chance to compare the GT2 to the CSR yet? Mr. Latte perhaps? Sonac?

ISR gave their worst review ever and didnt even compare the two wheels. It almost felt like a Fanatec ad rather then a review.

I dont have a GT2 mate just PWTS / T500RS / G25 / DFGT
Really to be honest personally I dont expect much different to be changed in the 3rd incarnation of the PWTS. This already was a good product and now with more refinment should only be moderetly improved.

Personally I like the styling, not everyone will but it could look more in place in some cockpits than say a Porsche branded wheel would. Some have completely forgot to mention the lack of support for the PS3 wireless adapter (according to their chart) and I quite liked the illuminated buttons of this wheels older brothers. So with the new improvements comes the loss of some possible advantages/features.

I will make some personal comments and already have a few things to pay attention too that no review Ive read yet has covered properly. Ahh the small details are sometimes the ones with the answers eh.

Depends if my friend gets his this weekend and I get to mess around a little with it.

* I do think their could be a moderate percentage of PWTS owners now considering an upgrade perhaps and maybe moreso than say GT2 owners looking to swap up.
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All CSP orders which have been shipped within the last two weeks can contact our sales team and receive the Tuning kit for free.

Duh, sorry mates, but i seem to have missed something along the way?

Anyone care to explain what the tuning kit is, and if i'm eligible for it?

My order has arrived to the UPS french warehouses (Viry Chatillon) and they confirm i'll get the goods tomorrow...

If you've ordered these,
and had them delivered in the last two weeks,

They will send you this for free
if you send them a message.
Sent Fanatec an email just before midnight last night, received email less than 12 hours later, FREE upgrade kit on its way, that's what I call customer service.

Thanks Fanatec.

Me too :D
Fantastic response from Fanatec 👍 :cool:
Thank You very much :bowdown:

Now I go re read the tuning kit guide by Delphic Reason 💡
Something occured to me after watching ISR xbox 360 wheel guide video.

The wheel rims are the same for the CSR and the CSR Elite (Carbon Fibre aside). Do these rims have a specific name/tilte ?

Will a rim in this exact style be avalable for the CSW albeit without the Forza style branding, possibly a Fanatec style 'F' in the centre of the wheel.

Fanatec's wheel comparison chart states 'Choice of wheel rims as Very High' for the CSW. So I'm hoping for CSR/CSR Elite style rim with ergonomic grips for CSW use.
CSR wheel, inverted CSR elite pedals on my G27 rig frame, everything fits up with minor mods!! I removed the leather dash so you guys could see the pedals. Sorry for the crappy cell pic.



'Everything's gonna happen now...'

Unpacked and screwed tight every bits and pieces in around 2 hours.

Then tried on Forza 3, just to have something to set FM4 against...

Then BAM! Forza 4 hits me rignt under the chin. I'm knocked out for a loooong time =).

About the games - FFB, precision, and general feel seem more defined and accurate with FM 4. Only played a coupla hours, so more to come. Just wanna state that kinect cockpit view during the races isn't broken at all... It's quite the opposite, in fact - sure, it's connecting / disconnecting all the time, but it's a real cool feature, so I'm quite pleased with that. You have to be right in front of the camera though, quite close, with the light sources selected with care - lots of sliders to tweek to make it work in a comfortable way! And that's a real nice feature, not a gadget badly done.

About the Fanatec gear: It's really cool... More than cool, in fact! Still haven't figured how to screw the wheelstand in a sturdy vertical way though. Is it at fixed angles that you can screw it (90° and 110°)... It tends to move to or from me when I'm racing...

The pedals feel real good(CSRE), and the wheel is a pleasure to drive with.
My first time with the CSR H-gear shifter was really funny - couldn't make myself coordinate my feet and hands! Arf!

Played through the beginning of the game this way (miss a gear from time to time, but what the heck!), and I'm having so much fun it's indecent.

Feels good, accurate, precise, my lap times with the slow cars (F, E, D cat.) are as usual.

The wheel is pcked with additionnal supports for the G25/27 shifters. I screwed that support too, maybe I'll be able to screw the CSR shifter on it too even if it's a little too close to the wheel for my own tastes. The 2 aluminium rods are quite fine the way they are IMHO. It's moving a little bit, agreed, but only a lil' bit, and it's doesn't mess with the driving.

What's else? Errr... I'm quite happy - it's expensive, but it's a brillant piece of hardware.
Daaannngg!!! I'm jelly, bro! lol Joking. I'm still waiting on my wheel etc, hope they arrive today! Have fun with your new wheel, let us know how you like it.
Me too :D
Fantastic response from Fanatec 👍 :cool:
Thank You very much :bowdown:

Now I go re read the tuning kit guide by Delphic Reason 💡

They responded to my email within 2 hours, saying the kit will be shipped now. 👍 I just received my csp's 2 days ago.
Really nice pic of all those boxes, eck finally you have it in your hands after months of speculation, pictures and videos.

I love "new box days" :)
Post up a few pictures of it all together, thats going to be a great looking combination.
I did some heavy testing of my GT2/CSP combo yesterday with GT5 Spec 2.0 and came up with great results.

Prior to Spec 2.0 update I couldn't really succeed in winning one particular Seasonal event with GT2/CSP while I had no problem winning while using G25. The difference was around 5 seconds on Nordschelife, which is margin of around 4% in actual time-diference. That margin was not noticeable on shorter tracks and prior to this particular event. But first some explaining.

After initial playing with firmwares during April and May, constructive talks with Thomas and discussion about settings with my friends who also have Fanatec wheels, in June I managed to finally find a setting that will match laptimes achieved with G25. When Expert Challenge race was introduced in Seasonal Events I used Lotus Elise 111R Tsukuba Circuit / 5 Laps event as a full-test playground. During that testing and accidental discovery about importance of Drift setting for overall feedback/driving sensation I finally managed to achieve same results with GT2 as I could with G25. Since that moment GT2 became my weapon of choice for GT5.

Those setting are as follows and I've never changed them after:

SEN OFF | FF 80 | SHO 70 | DRI 004/005 | ABS 50 | LIN 0 | DEA 0 | SPR 0 | DPR 0 |

From June to September I didn't even think to come back to G25. However, in late September new Seasonal Event - Supercar Nostalgia Cup - was introduced with one particular challenge - one lap Nordchelife. It was obvious how stock Miura (oil change only + SH tires) is the car around which this challenge was designed and I tried to win with it. Notice that I tend to drive 100% clean laps, no bumping, no cutting anywhere, no trading paints.

Members of my small community were reporting how they managed to successfully run laptimes of 7.42 needed for the win over leading car with stock-Miura. I just couldn't achieve those laptimes with GT2. I could run 7.47 best, with 7.48 average. When I finally decided to give my G25 a go, I won the challenge in the brezze.

Prior to Spec 2.0 physics I just couldn't match that one particular time with GT2 and it led to idea of 4% performance difference in total. It was not noticeable on other tracks - I spent numerous weekends in online racing with my buddies and with great succes - but this consistent testing on Miura race, with the exact same car, under same conditions, same AI, same sequence and such led me to conclude how that 4% difference is realistic.

Yesterday I found some time to run that same event with new, Spec 2.0 physics. With this 2.0 update I could finally match my pre Spec 2.0 times achieved by G25 with my Fanatec GT2. Supercar Nostalgia Nurburgring test was full success. My way of driving managed to achieve win with the Fanatec GT2 and same car/settings and desired 7.42 laptime.

Great, great job, I can't tell what exactly are the differences in the force feedback engine that made it, but I can say how all Fanatec owners should be very pleased with this update.

Thanx for reading for anyone that cares 👍
In-game FFB 8, no powers steering, simulation. All in-game assists off, ABS was on 1 prior to Spec 2.0, now I am mostly using ABS OFF in all modes.
I did some heavy testing of my GT2/CSP combo yesterday with GT5 Spec 2.0 and came up with great results.

Prior to Spec 2.0 update I couldn't really succeed in winning one particular Seasonal event with GT2/CSP while I had no problem winning while using G25. The difference was around 5 seconds on Nordschelife, which is margin of around 4% in actual time-diference. That margin was not noticeable on shorter tracks and prior to this particular event. But first some explaining.

After initial playing with firmwares during April and May, constructive talks with Thomas and discussion about settings with my friends who also have Fanatec wheels, in June I managed to finally find a setting that will match laptimes achieved with G25. When Expert Challenge race was introduced in Seasonal Events I used Lotus Elise 111R Tsukuba Circuit / 5 Laps event as a full-test playground. During that testing and accidental discovery about importance of Drift setting for overall feedback/driving sensation I finally managed to achieve same results with GT2 as I could with G25. Since that moment GT2 became my weapon of choice for GT5.

Those setting are as follows and I've never changed them after:

SEN OFF | FF 80 | SHO 70 | DRI 004/005 | ABS 50 | LIN 0 | DEA 0 | SPR 0 | DPR 0 |

From June to September I didn't even think to come back to G25. However, in late September new Seasonal Event - Supercar Nostalgia Cup - was introduced with one particular challenge - one lap Nordchelife. It was obvious how stock Miura (oil change only + SH tires) is the car around which this challenge was designed and I tried to win with it. Notice that I tend to drive 100% clean laps, no bumping, no cutting anywhere, no trading paints.

Members of my small community were reporting how they managed to successfully run laptimes of 7.42 needed for the win over leading car with stock-Miura. I just couldn't achieve those laptimes with GT2. I could run 7.47 best, with 7.48 average. When I finally decided to give my G25 a go, I won the challenge in the brezze.

Prior to Spec 2.0 physics I just couldn't match that one particular time with GT2 and it led to idea of 4% performance difference in total. It was not noticeable on other tracks - I spent numerous weekends in online racing with my buddies and with great succes - but this consistent testing on Miura race, with the exact same car, under same conditions, same AI, same sequence and such led me to conclude how that 4% difference is realistic.

Yesterday I found some time to run that same event with new, Spec 2.0 physics. With this 2.0 update I could finally match my pre Spec 2.0 times achieved by G25 with my Fanatec GT2. Supercar Nostalgia Nurburgring test was full success. My way of driving managed to achieve win with the Fanatec GT2 and same car/settings and desired 7.42 laptime.

Great, great job, I can't tell what exactly are the differences in the force feedback engine that made it, but I can say how all Fanatec owners should be very pleased with this update.

Thanx for reading for anyone that cares 👍

Awesome, then that means I can just put my G27 base away 👍

Really amazing info. man, as always. Thanks.
Ok. Final question :) Are you running with 669 or 681 firmware?(or other)

681. I was using downgraded 669U for months, but got back to 681 after testing done with discovery of Drift setting influence on actual wheel weight.
Have any other new CSR wheel owners noticed a high pitched whine from the wheel's fan? Is the sound from your wheel's fan very noticable?
There is a way to set to ON or OFF with ON meaning full on all the time or OFF meaning it will run depending on need (temperature). It is a little annoying when things are quiet but not loud enough to notice much during action. Toggling the fan setting OFF does seem to quiet it down (maybe off completely) but only until I start my Xbox then it seems to run full on again. Haven't tried on my PC or PS3 yet.
You know, I've been using steering wheels to play Gran Turismo for a decade now. I remember it took me several months to finally be able to get my lap times back up to what they were with a controller. The thing is, the three wheels I had previously were the Driving Force, the Pro and the GT; all of which were two pedals and just paddle/sequential shifters.

After spending the day with my first wheel with a clutch and h-shifter...I feel like I'm back to when I first got a wheel ten years ago because I'm simply awful. This is going to take quite a bit of getting use to...hopefully, not several months again.
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