Fanatec Announcements: CSW V2 Reviews Out

  • Thread starter Crispy
One thing that I would do for beta testing and I would like to do for future reviews that I hope to do is a daily report around a page long then absolutely nothing can be missed. I did think my review was in depth so sorry its not upto your standard Latte.

No offence, you had your chance. Your report is like a till receipt to what I want to do with the CSRE. :sly:

My own report/review will put ISR to shame in the level of photographs and comparison to other wheels. I've been in the business of selling products for over 20 years so trust me when I say I understand the importance of presentation and promoting something. It's not just that but I'm consumed about this product, as a hobby I'm as excited right now as I can be. Yet such a report should not be rushed and done over a weekend, he'll I'd be taking the wheel out for dinner and romancing it a bit before getting down n dirty with it. After such it will be photographed like a model and treated like its on a playboy set. :)

I entered the beta test via the website, I'm not selfish enough to also put myself forward before someone else here.
Well photographs certainly isn't what I would concentrate on. I looked around on the internet and I would say it is the most in depth I found. Saying its a till reciept is slightly rude and u would 100% say mine covers enough to be useful
Do you have trouble reading things, like several times on these forums you misread what's being said back to you.
I said yours compared to what I want to do.
IMO Photographs are essential for a good review, if anything they can let the reader relate to exactly what your commenting on. Furthermore you are promoting a product and even if your report on the product finds flaws or issues the point is to showcase it.

Actually I'm rather amused and relish the opportunity.
I have a friend ready with 2 high end SLRs for detailed shots of CSR/CSR Elite.
Yet my own review/comparison would be multi parts and also compare to PWTS and T500RS.
Again all ready to be photographed in high detail for such a report.
Mr Latte
I think Sonac should get a wheel to review. He will be more than capable and has done more to help inform others and promote Fanatec brand with his own fansite and posts on GTP than many others. He deserves one.

While interesting reading, I've not seen a review yet for CSR on GTP that has been done to the level of detail/depth personally I would like to goto. Particularly regarding the lack in photographs and in-depth comparison to other wheels.

A buyer/owners review is not compelled to show gratitude and put in lots of effort. However for me such a position in being an early "tester" is an honour and privilege that has benefits that should be repaid back. Producing a report that has a lot of effort and goes to great length to inform others of the product. I guess it comes down to the individuals passion and appreciation and their perception of the situation.

Mr Latte, how would you feel about a review done like my CSP review in this forum as of late? Would such be detailed enough you reckon, or are your standards even higher?
If they are higher what points would you like to see in a future review? As I am sure anyone here wants to inform the end users to their best ability.
Also as I think that a reviewer should always be honest and objective. This is the only way for the reader to get a good and trustworthy idea of the product as well as that in this case Thomas would get a better understanding of how and where to improve his products. Cause in my opinion he isn't helped by kissing his buttocks to say it nicely.

One thing that I would do for beta testing and I would like to do for future reviews that I hope to do is a daily report around a page long then absolutely nothing can be missed. I did think my review was in depth so sorry its not upto your standard Latte.

Ehm, having a daily report isn't a review. It's writing a report or essay. And that's overdoing things, as readers still need to consume it.
When printed it must certainly not be more then 2 pages full at most without pictures in my opinion. At least for a normal review. An in-depth review would be twice that. But it's your choice to make. You have your own style of reviewing, just like every other person has their own style. ;)
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I don't want this to read I'm blowing my own trumpet.

People are welcome to criticise any future reports of mine just as I do theirs.
I am more critical than others because of my own ideas/targets. My own cockpit thread should be proof enough I do things a bit different or with a desire to push further to go beyond the norm.

I did the original CSP inversion guide on a set of (GT forums) that is no longer. That was before being as involved as a member here. It was well received anyways with about 3 dozen photos showing the pedals and even partly dismantled in how to invert them. Personally I am a strong advocate of using images, no photographer by any means but I always tried to have nice looking photos to make the report more enjoyable. It is one thing that I do like to highlight is showcasing the product. The product is the star after all the reviewers comments and report are always subjective but a good written and (ahem) accurate report with proper testing is of course important.IIRC that guide got posted on Virtual R and even Thomas put it on his blog so I guess he was happy with it too. I actually will spend over 100 hrs on the photo/editing and written reports, while people may not agree with my personal views any such reports I do will never be criticised for lack of effort or detail.
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I do agree that the star is the product. But I read a few posts back that you were in sales? I hope you do keep in mind you are a reviewer and not a sales representative for in this case Fanatec. Not that you will fall into that trap, but you saying that you know how to sell a product doesn't make you more believable as a reviewer. At least not in my opinion. Cause to me there is a big difference in letting people know the detailed objective facts of a product dressed with some subjective personal opinion, then having the need to sell a product to a customer. Besides, a good product will sell itself. And it is up to Thomas and the testing process of the community that there will be a good product which is able to sell itself.

Also the use of photos I agree on. Although people have seen the product via press released pictures, they also want to see it up close under different lighting. And the amount of usage of pictures obviously really is dependent on the length of the article.
I will try my best to shoot pictured of the product if I think it will aid my style of review. I've got a Nikon D90 with 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR lens. Unfortunately I still miss a macro lens for detail shots, which would really be lovely in this case.

But yeah, I guess different people have different thoughts and different ways of doing things. This is in a sense good, cause if everyone would tell you the same thing, reading into a product by reading different reviews because pointless. To be honest I find that most of the big media that review games or devices or just report on new stuff like Thrustmaster releasing their F1 wheel (which was just a copy of a press release on almost every site i looked at, but they failed to mention there was a new firmware available that was needed), tend to just copy the press release and put the sentences in a different order and rewrite these a bit so that it looks a bit different.

Anyhow, let us all just see how things end up. And let us who get the chance to, do our best to inform the people to our best ability about the new product.
I was referring to promoting the product on a visual sense, sales is a different thing. Visually if a review uses stock photographs or many of it's own. Whats more interesting! Also for in particular to highlight comparisons. Words can't do that to the same effect.

The CSR sent out were retail I believe not beta wheels. So from a perspective of evaluation little input from "beta testers" would have much impact on anything changing on certainly the first batch of products. We know of some having noise issues and memory saving issues but those may be rectified in firmware.

I can tell you now that Thomas does not send wheels out to people he thinks will give glowing reviews for the sake of it. He despises that notion and as even stated on his blog people are asked to give their own account of their findings regardless. To me that also means give your own report not rewrite some things ISR already have said in theirs. If anything challenge/test their comments or other reviews with your own findings to such other reviews. That gives the reader understanding of your awareness and own opinion.

The button distance is one such comment but who's actually measured the distance to other wheels to put it into perspective? Does ISR's comment hold much validity as a possible issue? I've yet to read someone experiment or test to confirm it.

Every product has downsides, personally I think they need looked at from a 3rd person perspective too. As an issue to one person isn't so much one for all or perhaps as big. ISR are very good at realising that in their own reports while making comment as a CON without being too subjective.
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I mentioned the button distance as the first time I used it they felt too far apart but then after using the wheel for a period if time I didn't notice it as an issue.again.

Also photos are important but the press release photos are much better to look at than ones I can take at home.

Also in no way do I blow up fanatecs trumpet. In the letter sent with the product I think it got mentioned to give a full honest review.

And Logiforce I wasn't talking literally about a review although I am sure that that would be invaluable to refer to throughout beta testing.
What do the inner buttons do in FM4?
Who has made detailed comment on what and when they are used/needed to substantiate how big of an issue their position actually really is? What games rely on them so much?

To me it's details like this that highlight the criticised design yet havnt tried to follow through with comparisons to other wheels (G27 same issue). What's more important actually is the position, feel and quality of the buttons that ARE used more often. I've yet to read a report looking at it in that depth/perspective with a comparison of actual distances to previous Fanatec and other wheels giving the reader the ability to determine from the findings/photos how big of an issue they think it really is.

A measurement if accurate is fact, a reviewers report is opinion.
Damn sure I'd be all over that highlighting it as a point ISR made but then investigated/photographed to determine how big of an issue it is.
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What do the inner buttons do in FM4?

I think one of them changed view and another started the replay/rewind feature. On gt5 they did nothing. They can of course be mapped.

I cannot 100% remember though as the vast majority of my time was on gt5

Plus o was using the demo
I think one of them changed view and another started the replay/rewind feature. On gt5 they did nothing. They can of course be mapped.

I cannot 100% remember though as the vast majority of my time was on gt5

Plus o was using the demo

What do the inner buttons do in FM4?
Who has made detailed comment on what and when they are used/needed to substantiate how big of an issue their position actually really is? What games rely on them so much?

To me it's details like this that highlight the criticised design but following through with comparisons to other wheels (G27 same issue). What's more important actually is the position, feel and quality of the buttons that ARE used more often. I've yet to read a report looking at it in that depth/perspective with a comparison of actual distances to previous Fanatec and other wheels giving the reader the option to determine how big of an issue they think it really is.

A measurement if accurate is fact, a reviewers report is opinion.
Damn sure I'd be all over that highlighting it as a point ISR made but then investigated/photographed to determine how big of an issue it is.

It's not a reviewers job to be critical of what other reviewers have said. I have small hands and the button placement was five for me.

I also think talking about the feel of buttons and the distance in terms if a measurement is a bit ott for what most review sites including my own offer although I could maybe add that to my reports to distance myself from others.... Hmm maybe you have a point about a gap in the market.
Look it's simple amf. Your own review took comments mentioned on the ISR videos. If I'm doing a review and want to make reference to something ISR commented about as a particular con then I wouldn't just like you state more or less the same thing but give my own account of that and showcase in detail my own findings and opinion based on those findings.

I don't even need to make reference specifically to ISR, most would know where it was mentioned, the idea is not about reviewing ISR's own report or tainting their ability but investigating and determining myself comments they perhaps have raised. That's what after all makes a personal review a personal review.
Yes and I stated after playing that it is not an issue??

I mentioned it to tell people that o was aware of it and that i didn't see it as an issue.
Yes and I stated after playing that it is not an issue??

I mentioned it to tell people that o was aware of it and that i didn't see it as an issue.

Hey you did your bit, the point raised is the amount of detail in the report. However if you can't even remember what it did in FM4, have not it seems tested the wheel with FM4, only the demo? Not compared to other wheels and did your report with what seemed limited testing and mainly on GT5.

Well their you go....

I did a lot of testing actually.... the fact I cannot remember the button layout of every game hardly proves that I didn't thoroughly test the wheel. I could have compared it to more wheels however that would be very unfair due to the fact I have had limited time with other wheels.

The fact is Latte, beta testing is completely different to a review anyway and you are not comparing it to other wheels.
It is also not selfish applying to be a beta at all IMO and we all want to do it so why shouldn't we reply?
Like I said, you had your chance, we seen what you have done. Well done for bringing one of the first reviews of the wheel. For me it was a little lacking and bland.

I don't have a website for reviews nor would have your in-depth knowledge, experience in this line of products so damn gees how could I ever better your highly regarded review. I only have a passion and interest in it and the friends here.

I think your asking to be put in your place if you want to continue arguing about your review. LOL. I personally have not been that impressed with it nor indeed your website. I'm sure others will come along and do indeed offer a more detailed report with images.

Maybe I can give you the same opportunity to judge my own efforts in the future and really isn't that fair.
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See the difference between you and guys like logiforce is
1) I respect his opinions and he respects mine
2) He has the politeness to PM me to tell me his thoughts on my review
3) His critism was constructive and he showed examples of were to improve and how to improve. For example you say it was bland. He said you could try and spice it up a bit like JC from TG.

That is why me and yourself will never get on.. Please put me on your ignore list if you find that a problem :)

Ohh... if you have a problem please PM it in a polite manner. Thanks.
See the difference between you and guys like logiforce is
1) I respect his opinions and he respects mine
2) He has the politeness to PM me to tell me his thoughts on my review
3) His critism was constructive and he showed examples of were to improve and how to improve. For example you say it was bland. He said you could try and spice it up a bit like JC from TG.

That is why me and yourself will never get on.. Please put me on your ignore list if you find that a problem :)

Ohh... if you have a problem please PM it in a polite manner. Thanks.

Yes I am guilty of winding you up, sorry I do that sometimes. Its the caffine you see. Wasnt thier just a bit of banter going on in here recently?

You mention respect, thats kinda funny.
Can I ask what respect you gave to people you copied their reviews for your own site. Did you credit those people, did you ask them? Did you by chance blag a Fanatec wheel for review based on owning a review website?

That is my beef with you amf you are not the same as other members so dont play the victim. Their is also the fact that still now several weeks later regarding a PM I did send you. You remember the one dont you, about you possibly telling lies once owning a Fanatec GT2? You still never did send proof of ever purchasing one so tell me why again I should respect you if you (it seems) purposly lied to people on these forums and never ommited that you were, when given the chance?

I will uphold my own opinion based on your own actions here. As for ignore lists they are a little childish however I will remove you from my friends list that you requested to be on if you wish.

I have nothing to hide...
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i look forward to reading some unbiased reviews that hopefully focuses more about the product then how their review looks.

Afterall i really only care about the product, the review can be written by a 5 year old for all i care as long as the information is there.
Yes I am guilty of winding you up, sorry I do that sometimes. Its the caffine you see. Wasnt thier just a bit of banter going on in here recently?

You mention respect, thats kinda funny.
Can I ask what respect you gave to people you copied their reviews for your own site. Did you credit those people, did you ask them? Did you by chance blag a Fanatec wheel for review based on owning a review website?

That is my beef with you amf you are not the same as other members so dont play the victim. Their is also the fact that still now several weeks later regarding a PM I did send you. You remember the one dont you, about you possibly telling lies once owning a Fanatec GT2? You still never did send proof of ever purchasing one so tell me why again I should respect you if you (it seems) purposly lied to people on these forums and never ommited that you were, when given the chance?

I will uphold my own opinion based on your own actions here. As for ignore lists they are a little childish however I will remove you from my friends list that you requested to be on if you wish.

I have nothing to hide...

All of this could be done Via PM???

Banter is something I have with friends and actually makes people laugh. None of your posts have been slightly humorous IMO 👎

I credit all reviews on my sight that are not my own and even made a point at the top of my CSR review to say it is my own. 👍

I cannot prove that I owned a GT2. It was 2nd hand so I don't have evidence but you have my word which most gentleman would accept. 👍 and If I dd have proof why would I send it to you??

And my actions on this forum include being part of a couple of racing leagues. Contributing to discussions and defending myself from you. 👍
Oh so you took some advice then to credit people back? Thats a start isnt it. 👍 You never stated the GT2 was 2nd hand that's convienent. Where's your posts on forums of getting one? I didnt think their were that many floating around particulary 2nd hand with the shortages earlier in the year. Your story is still a hard story to swallow, like it or not and combined with at the time your website not crediting people then yes I had little reason to value your opinion as trustworthy. My attitude isnt without reasons. Lets say Im sensitive to such from personal experiences in the past is all.

You wouldnt have to defend yourself if your actions were like a normal member. Sometimes it appears you have an agenda in using GTP for promoting your own website. Im sure Im not the only one to notice that and recently almost every other question/comment posted on this section of GTP is one of yours.

Out of knowwhere youve become a very dedicated poster, perhaps too dedicated at times. :sly:

That brings an end to this chapter then...
So now we can get to the topic of this thread? The new wheels and such themselves.

I anyone is willing to go back a few pages I made a post wondering about the possibility of having a steering column shifter on the CSW. The kind you see in old (American) cars. Maybe it would be a nice idea together with a classic wheel.
I dunno I am just throwing some brain farts out there to start a normal discussion again.
Interesting brainfart. :) I very much doubt that they would try to develop another (and very niched) shifter, especially with too much product development already.
That said...with the mounting options Clubsport shifter will offer, it should not be very difficult to mount it horizontally and use it like a classic shifter? Of course it all depends on how it works/moves. We have yet to find out, if it would be suitable for this :)
I think some of you are missing the point of being a beta tester. I dont think Thomas wants a review from you he wants you to test and report issues to him. In fact most betas your not aloud to disscus it with others. Just some friendly advice. Now you kids play nice.
I think some of you are missing the point of being a beta tester. I dont think Thomas wants a review from you he wants you to test and report issues to him. In fact most betas your not aloud to disscus it with others. Just some friendly advice. Now you kids play nice.

Right on the money.

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