Fanatec Announcements: CSW V2 Reviews Out

  • Thread starter Crispy
Okay, I'll ask my name be put on the list for consideration as well. I don't post a ton here as lately I've been playing more on the PC (I'm a C.A.R.S tester/member now, and big fan of rFactor as well), or playing the surprisingly good Forza 4 with my GT2. Though I suspect GT5 will get a lot of time again soon (when the DLC is finally released here in the States...)

I've purchased all the previous Fanatec wheels except for the CSR. I also used to have a G25 and Momo wheel prior to this, and still have the basic Microsoft official FFB wheel as well. I applied on Thomas' blog as well, but had my eyes on the CSW when it comes out personally, though my affinity for the FFB of Forza would lead me to want to test the CSR Elite as well. Maybe that will be my sweet spot and I'll finally settle on one.

Anyway, I have a PS3, multiple 360s and Nvidia 3D Vision PC setup to test with. I prefer to make videos, though written reviews and posts are good too and I'd plan to do both ideally. You may have seen either my series of videos where I had an idea for a wheel similar what the GT2 became before it was available, so I hacked together a Turbo S and a GT3RS and explained a lot about how they were constructed in the process of showing my mod. I also made a video intro for my next project, a WIP of triple-screen 3D racing rig with real-life sized images using 3 cheap DLP projectors. My vids are on my YouTube channel here:
Together this series of videos I made have almost 50,000 views. Thanks to all who have checked them out.

Hope I get a chance to test out this next gen of products! Thanks for your consideration.

Anyway, I'd love to do something similar with the CSR Elite. Who knows, maybe if I ever get a CSW too I might try to make and document a similar "frankenwheel" combining the best of both (if it's even possible.)
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Hi mikimav, oh this is going to hot up. :)

I tell ya, people entering this better be damn confident in their ability and what they can offer.
Bring out the bigggg gunssss...

Offtiopic mikemav did you ever get GT5 to work in 3x 3D? I was asking in my own cockpit thread today with considering going with triple 3D projection also. Are your PJs HDMI 1.4 ready for PS3 3D though?
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My goodness you guys have too much WIN :scared:

Nice vid mikemav I'm watching one now. Has a lot of hits too GJ 👍

Okay here is the list I have so far for CSR Elite Beta testing

1) crispychicken
2) logiforce
3) amf7
4) redmalloc
5) sonac
6) 12th gear
7) sandboxgod
8) Spagetti69
9) mikemav
I would like to thank 12th gear for putting my name out there earlier.
Although I dont think i would fully qualify as I only own a ps3 and gt5 right now. Couple that with limited time due to an 8 year old daughter,40+ hour work week and my legal battle with the US ( see thread in opinions and current events ) my gaming time is limited. Although I would be able to give 8 hours of solid gameplay and testing every week while doing my overnight shift on the desk.
In reality, i could probably put in about 14-16 hours a week testing.
I know I could give valuable input on the wheel as I am a gear junky in every hobby i get into.
A few of my modded paintball marker parts made it to production runs of existing products and i helped beta a major manufacturers troubleshooting and tuning website for a new product they were releasing. I had the product early, but it was a finished retail product that got shipped to me for the website purposes. Sorry i cannot link the site as the product is no longer produced or supported by the company. ( this was in 02 )

If you want to add me to the list, obviously I am fine with that ;) , feel free. Not that I expect any votes ;)

But if I do get in you can be sure to get a detailed unbiased account of my attempts to make this wheel scream uncle.

Edit: tough to say which of these three i would have to not vote for to vote for me.
Logiforce, sonac and mav. Hmmmmmm :)
Hey Mr Latte. ^^^about the triple screen- No, not yet, been in a bit of a financial crunch like most of the US so it's not in the budget right now to buy two more PS3s and copies of GT5, though I'm dying to see if it'll work.

I'm lately more interested in finding the time to finish the triple screen build since I have gotten into FM4 (username MR Morbeto on XBL if anyone wants to look me up sometime- I'm not that fast but sure have fun keeping it as realistic as I can!)

So though sadly that game doesn't support 3D (hint...patch Turn 10, please!), it'll at least give me motivation to finish the cockpit w/ 3 screens and move the LG passive 3D display I've been using elsewhere, since between my son and I we have 3 Xbox 360s already. So tell you what: when I do get that done, I'll borrow or rent two more GT5/PS3 packages just to see if it'll work triple-screen 3D and let everyone know..

Edit- oh Latte I hadn't seen your cockpit thread until now. Your excellent triple-screen guide I came upon from your signature but didn't know about your Project R- now I have 41 pages of reading tonight I guess! ;-)
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So though sadly that game doesn't support 3D (hint...patch Turn 10, please!), it'll at least give me motivation to finish the cockpit w/ 3 screens and move the LG passive 3D display I've been using elsewhere, since between my son and I we have 3 Xbox 360s already. So tell you what: when I do get that done, I'll borrow or rent two more GT5/PS3 packages just to see if it'll work triple-screen 3D and let everyone know..

Drop me a PM when you're looking to do this and maybe we can coordinate. I could bring one PS3 with a copy of GT5. You'll need to track down a third. I'd like to see triple 3D GT5 in action.
Sweet that will make 10. I'm going to wait til tomorrow to put up the poll

Only bad thing is I won't get my clubsport pedals til like Wednesday or so. So for now I'll just put up a different review in the t500rs megathread

Okay here is the list I have so far for CSR Elite Beta testing

1) crispychicken
2) logiforce
3) amf7
4) redmalloc
5) sonac
6) 12th gear
7) sandboxgod
8) Sphagetti69
9) mikemav
10) Caz
Drop me a PM when you're looking to do this and maybe we can coordinate. I could bring one PS3 with a copy of GT5. You'll need to track down a third. I'd like to see triple 3D GT5 in action.

Cool, sounds like a plan, thx! I know a guy down the street (actually 10 year old friend of my sons, ha!) who is addicted to GT5 and would trade anything for some time w/ my sim toys, so I think we got our 3rd...Now I just need a small army to help me finish the build, lol!
Thanks, I enjoyed making them. Next time though- table-top tripod FTW!

Haha, indeed! I noticed you had some issues when I watched them last week. It was sure fun to see the guts of these wheels though. With the CSR E and CSW we can look without having to open those up luckily.
It was sure a hell of a project though, specially getting that clue to give into your demands on the delicate connectors.

Nice videos anyways. And useful for showing people where in the guts of the beast the problems they might have are coming from as well.
So when I make the poll tomorrow people with videos will have an advantage because I'm going to link them in the top post. So if you have any, make sure I know about them. Everyone's 'sales pitch' will be placed in the original post.

note- Most of us probably won't have a video so don't sweat it too much if you don't have any
Wooops, that slipped my mind. Thanks Caz!

May the best three have the honor of taking the time to enjoy something most people will be drooling over for a while. :P
Best three huh? I have quite a few people that I would like to get it, well to tell the truth I want everyone, but a few people I really want to get it.

Good luck to everyone! I'd love to test this wheel, but I know it'll be a one in, well to say it plainly it won't happen! :lol:
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Thanks to everyone for the support, it comes as a huge surprise for me, because I never had much direct contact with GTP members :)
I think there are meny very capable people on the list that have experience and have been following the news about these new wheels so closely, that they already know the CSR Elite in and out and know what is expected from it. I am certain that most of the people on the list would do a great job, stiff competition!
Of course I would love to test it myself, so here is my presentation:
I am 23 years old, run Fanatec wheel fansite and it is probably fair to say that I spent way too much of my life sitting in front of a PC monitor. I owned a wheel since force feedback was introduced to gamers (Logitech Wingman formula force - I think this first Logitech FF wheel was actually belt driven), but I only became more serious about sim racing a few years a go, when I bought a Logitech G25 and installed rFactor. After that I bought most of hardcore simulations (iRacing, Netkar Pro, rFactor...) on the PC and some on consoles (GT5 on PS3; Dirt 3, Forza 3, Forza 4 on X360). I did not put hundreds of hours in any of them separately, but I very much enjoy racing in all of them, comparing them and observing how the wheel behaves in each one. I am somebody who enjoys sim racing and trying all the games and hardware a lot, but for now I do not take part in any racing series.
In the past I made video reviews of Fanatec’s GT3 RS, GT2 and Clubsport pedals, Logitech’s G27, SR Hardware SLI-M mounting system for Fanatec wheels and of the Speedmaster V2.0 cockpit. Besides that I posted a video that shows how to open Fanatec wheels and for the Speedmaster cockpit I also wrote a text based review. That is what I would do for the CSR Elite, if I got the opportunity. I would make a video and a written review.
I realized that video reviews are great to give the viewer a good idea about how the product looks from all angles and present it in a way that you never could in a written review, but written review is very important to describe certain aspects of the product in more detail. That way someone, who is interested in buying, can take a bit more of his time and read absolutely everything that comes to reviewer’s mind during testing.
I think I am good at spotting problems for the testing part and I would try to make the review better than all my previous ones. I can also take good photos for the written review and try to keep my video image quality for the video review high.
I could test it on all the platforms with a variety of titles and compare it to previous Fanatec wheels and to a G25 (G27 was borrowed just for the review, so I do not have it). It is a shame that I do not have the Thrustmaster T500 RS, which seems to be a great wheel to compare to the CSR Elite.

BTW: mikemav, your Youtube videos are really great, I recommended watching them to a bunch of people.
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Thinking about it I would respectfully decline the Beta offer Sandbox thank you very much.

Sorry for any confusion.
Although I feel qualified to give a good impression. I have no real way of providing videos etc.

Near future I am expecting surgery too. Which could throw a spanner in the works.

Plenty of good people here who I would trust for advice.

Good luck to all.
Ok back down to nine again. Last spot up for grabs :dopey:

edit: note, providing a video isn't a requirement of course. In the end the community shall decide who is the best candidates based on their own personal criteria.
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BTW: mikemav, your Youtube videos are really great, I recommended watching them to a bunch of people.

Thanks bud! Love your website too. I subscribe to all updates there via RSS and post from time to time as well. I have been meaning to join the FM4 car club over there too. Someone else had already gotten me into another club (the Reapers I think, lol?) but I may switch over since I'd love to fly the F-Wheel flag!
May I throw my name into the ring mates?

Also: Johannes from support is sending me a new code-wheel sensor for my wheel. I have to take the damn thing apart, literally piece by piece(GT2) to replace it. Should be an interesting procedure......... My wheel is not recognizing its turning axis properly. Some turns, it turns on point, some, it lacks. I can make it work for ovals OK, road courses, not so much.........

All this for a itty bity little chip lol. I would rather do it myself to 1. learn how to work on these fine peices of sim racing gear, 2. not have to send it in and wait (being honest :P) BUT, I know I will take my time and get it done right!
Ok. Now please make a poll to decide whoc should test the wheel. The conditions are similar to our other wheel tests.

The most popular 3 will get a chance to test the wheel. They can either keep it with a discount of 50% or send it back after the test.
Im going to rewrite my pitch when I go on lunch break in a couple of hours. I didnt intend to write my last on ;) the post i wrote last night was really just to thank 12thgear for the nod and kind of kept going. Once I am on a real computer I can write something a little better than that one.

OT: logiforce, i will be working on my csp stuff for you this week. I think I have most if my fathers lawsuit stuff rewritten and organized for him to easier get to the info he needs during interviews.

Does anybody have 4 extra hours a day and 3 more days of the week they can sell me?

Edit: Thomas treed me. Guess i better come up with an instant illness to run home and get typing. Lol
Quick question- Will people only be voting to select one choice, or will each person voting in the poll get to pick their top 3? I don't know if the forums have the tools to set up a poll where you can make more then one selection, but that would be nice, as I'm sure it'll be tough for people to narrow it down to just one choice. For example I'd like to be able to throw my support to two others besides myself who I think would be great candidates. Actually everyone on the list I'm sure would do a great job.
Make sure you've got the lawsuit properly sorted before you pay any attention to me though. I would want you all to lose the property and everything on it because of me wanting to invert pedals and stuff. =/
HA, sales pitch. I do it EVERYDAY trying to sell skylights. So, instead of a pitch, here is what I can bring to the table to create a solid review:

I call it like I see it. Very honest, and willing to help out others with issues to the best of MY abilities. Whether it be troubleshooting, USA order issues, or in game driving assists regarding Fanatec.

I have all 3 platforms to base a review off of. GT5(PS3), FM4(360), iRacing(PC). I would plan on doing both a written and video based review utilizing all 3 platforms in the video, to demonstrate the wheels pros and cons for each system/game. I would take about 4-7 days to get a true understanding and feel for the wheel before I would release my review.

It would not be legitimate in my eyes to open the box, plug it in, then 2 hours later make a review and call it a done deal. I would try to base it more like Sonac(He is the reason why I purchased my GT2 in the first place, and rightfully should have a spot in this hands down without needing a vote) That is what a review SHOULD be like to be complete and thorough.

Also, being an avid Nascar/oval racer/fan, I can give more the US an aspect of the wheel. I still enjoy road courses, but would like to integrate a small 1-2 minute aspect of Nascar/ovals into it for the niche on here that enjoy it as much as I.

So, good luck to all others(not Sonac, Thomas, all of us agree he NEEDS one to review) May the best man/mate get the opportunity. I already have a TM 458 italia(xbox360/PC) on order(should have it by 11/1-11/5ish, released 10/31 according to amazon) to review for this site and Sonac's as well.
Quick question- Will people only be voting to select one choice, or will each person voting in the poll get to pick their top 3? I don't know if the forums have the tools to set up a poll where you can make more then one selection, but that would be nice, as I'm sure it'll be tough for people to narrow it down to just one choice. For example I'd like to be able to throw my support to two others besides myself who I think would be great candidates. Actually everyone on the list I'm sure would do a great job.
I absolutely agree with this. Would it be possible? It would be very hard to narrow my vote to only one member :)
1 Sonac
2 Sonac
3 Sonac.

Something like that?

Only kidding.

How far off are these for retail release?
I absolutely agree with this. Would it be possible? It would be very hard to narrow my vote to only one member :)

Yep, that would be best. Maybe if the forum Poll tool doesn't support it then we just list our three choices in this thread. Since there are three spots open I think it's right we each get to vote for our top three.
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