Fanatec Announcements: CSW V2 Reviews Out

  • Thread starter Crispy
I think some of you are missing the point of being a beta tester. I dont think Thomas wants a review from you he wants you to test and report issues to him. In fact most betas your not aloud to disscus it with others. Just some friendly advice. Now you kids play nice.

Please read the following if you want to know the expectations from Fanatec:
So now we can get to the topic of this thread? The new wheels and such themselves.

I anyone is willing to go back a few pages I made a post wondering about the possibility of having a steering column shifter on the CSW. The kind you see in old (American) cars. Maybe it would be a nice idea together with a classic wheel.
I dunno I am just throwing some brain farts out there to start a normal discussion again.

Three on the tree! My first car was a 63 chevy with this style manual.

Hey 12thgear. Thank you for the nod some pages ago.
It would be cool having an American old style rim but I doubt many would buy it tbh
I know. I just wondered if the shifter was possible as a decent one would need a lot of space. It would certainly differentiate the CSW. But yeah, it will be more of a gadget/gimmick.
I know. I just wondered if the shifter was possible as a decent one would need a lot of space. It would certainly differentiate the CSW. But yeah, it will be more of a gadget/gimmick.
Nailed it... It would get used for 5mbs theb people would realise its impractical
My bad Ive never been a part of a beta that you could discuss it on a public fourm. I guess Thomas has his reasons though.

No problem. It's not usual either I think, cause most companies issue limitations in such a way that you can't do anything else then be more of a promotor and sales representative for the product. Which in my opinion wouldn't do good to any reviewer who wants to be as objective as possible and expressing his opinion of the product, rather then the marketing team of the company the product reviewed is from.
So yeah, I am glad Thomas leaves so much slack for us. Else I might have passed and did a review free of constraints after I bought one.

Anyhow, if you want to talk about reviewing policy let's continue to do that in PM as this is really not the place. ;)
Okay here is the list of confirmed testers we have for the poll:

1) crispychicken
2) logiforce
3) amf7
4) hampus
5) Mr. Latte (I believe he has T500rs, GT2+CSP, and a wicked setup plus a long history here at the forums)
6) sonac (I'm assuming you're reviewing right unless you already received units, PM sent to confirm)
7) 12th gear
8) sandboxgod

We could use 2 more before I create the poll. I think we have an excellent list so far. Competition will be stiff :dopey:

Anyway guys continue to post in this thread or PM me so I can get you added. When I create the thread, I will make sure to add your "pitch" to the thread title to make sure everything is fair. Plus you can add more reasons why you should be picked.

My small pitch---

I've been a T500RS owner for quite awhile and have given my impressions on it in multiple threads. I have also just ordered the fabulous clubsport brakes and looking forward to giving my thoughts on it shortly (will be comparing it against the T500RS pedals in LogiForce's brilliant thread). I would like to checkout the CSR Elite to do a detailed comparison between it and the T500RS. Plus I wish to help test the product and help find any issues. I have an xbox / ps3 / PC. So I will be testing on all 3 platforms. Games: Forza, GT5, iRacing, rFactor, Shift 2, C.A.R.S., etc.
Ok I''ll update my pitch lol now i'm on a laptop.

Even though I am off on holiday tomorrow can you please make sure my name goes down. And if I win whilst away could you tell Thomas that Darin has my details.

And I thought LAtte said no?? Oh well
Latte would certainly be a great contributor provided he's willing to take some time away from Project R.
That project gets bigger by the day lol... once it is finished it will be cool but by then I imagine setups that big will be normal lol
Only one guy for me on that list. No disrespect to the others there all good guys.

SONAC for the win. Puts a lot of his time to Fanatec.

AGP pulls no punches either. Oh and me of course lol.
Okay here is the list of confirmed testers we have for the poll:

1) crispychicken
2) logiforce
3) amf7
4) hampus
5) Mr. Latte (I believe he has T500rs, GT2+CSP, and a wicked setup plus a long history here at the forums)
6) sonac (I'm assuming you're reviewing right unless you already received units, PM sent to confirm)
7) 12th gear
8) sandboxgod

We could use 2 more before I create the poll. I think we have an excellent list so far. Competition will be stiff :dopey:

Anyway guys continue to post in this thread or PM me so I can get you added. When I create the thread, I will make sure to add your "pitch" to the thread title to make sure everything is fair. Plus you can add more reasons why you should be picked.

My small pitch---

I've been a T500RS owner for quite awhile and have given my impressions on it in multiple threads. I have also just ordered the fabulous clubsport brakes and looking forward to giving my thoughts on it shortly (will be comparing it against the T500RS pedals in LogiForce's brilliant thread). I would like to checkout the CSR Elite to do a detailed comparison between it and the T500RS. Plus I wish to help test the product and help find any issues. I have an xbox / ps3 / PC. So I will be testing on all 3 platforms. Games: Forza, GT5, iRacing, rFactor, Shift 2, C.A.R.S., etc.

Thanks but you can remove me ;)

I have owned alot of wheels (currently T500/CSP´s) and only race the best FFB games on the market and feel i´m good in noticing details etc.
But i just wrote that as a joke as i´m 110% sure i won´t beta test a CSW.

Doesn´t matter though as i will buy one as soon as they release it together with the Beemer rim and give out a review of it all together with pictures and such.
I'd love to be a beta tester and have the software and hardware to do it pretty well but I am not sure the demands of my work would allow me to do it justice.

Edited to add: A three-on-the-tree shifter would be super fun but the development cost for the 10 people in the world who would actually buy it. I am sure the custom SIM racing gear people might take it on... but it would not be cheap.

Also while three manual shift gears was weird enough on the real thing, imaging a 7 speed column shifter lol
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I should clarify, Thomas just PMed awhile ago. He will select the 3 top rated winners! :dopey:

I agree Sonac will be tough competition but so will the others. I'm very scared :scared:

ok so I'll toss redmalloc into Hampus slot then sounds like lol

Only one guy for me on that list. No disrespect to the others there all good guys.

SONAC for the win. Puts a lot of his time to Fanatec.

AGP pulls no punches either. Oh and me of course lol.

edit - Can you clarify that you will be interested as well?

Don't forget guys Thomas will extend the option to purchase at 50% plus you will have all the advantages of an early tester.
I should clarify, Thomas just PMed awhile ago. He will select the 3 top rated winners! :dopey:

I agree Sonac will be tough competition but so will the others. I'm very scared :scared:

ok so I'll toss redmalloc into Hampus slot then sounds like lol

edit - Can you clarify that you will be interested as well?

Don't forget guys Thomas will extend the option to purchase at 50% plus you will have all the advantages of an early tester.

Did he mentioned CSW Betatest, CSR E Betatest or Betatest in general for Fanatec?
I'm already a Betatester of the CSW so when the top 3 will test the CSR E or fanatec products in general then I want to do this also.. :D

BUT it should not be the main target to get the 50 % discount.. I think to solve issues is the main target of a betatester...
Correct simracer... I got offered a 50% discount for kit which surprised me and was not something I wad bothered about whilst reviewing the wheel.

And who pics sandboxgod??

Thomas or is it a forum vote?
The GTP community will pick. So it will be as fair as it can get. I'm going to put up a poll and put up all of the 'contestants'. I'm going to wait another day or so til we have a full 10 testers. Thomas says he will pick the top 3 with the most votes.

edit- so to be clear it's both to answer your question
Only one guy for me on that list. No disrespect to the others there all good guys.

SONAC for the win. Puts a lot of his time to Fanatec.

AGP pulls no punches either. Oh and me of course lol.

Yes, I agreed and to be fair I didnt ask to be put on the list and placed my vote for Sonac. He may find my support strange as really we havnt had much personal chit chat in the past. I feel it very unfair on Sonac who contributes a lot hasn't got the chance.

Also this talk of beta testing the CSR. Maybe im confused but didnt people that got the CSR wheels get sent a fully finished Retail product and only a few days prior to first batches shipping to customers?

It was different with the PWTS as myself and some others got those wheels not even in the proper boxes several weeks before the retail units were released. The firmware also wasnt the same as what shipped with the retail versions.

I will say this, my own report on the Elite (given the chance) will take some beating and I would certainly accept a challenge from anyone here to out do what I have planned. Not because I think I am better or anything but because I know what I have planned and on a personal level want to do. Not only to provide an indepth report for others but to discover for myself the burning desires I have had since June in getting my hands on one. Presentation would be my stong point as will the photos and making the wheel look super desirable.

If it takes putting my name on a list or is demed required then go ahead I have no problems losing a popularity contest. Then again its not about that its about who thinks what people are the best people to do the job with the level of commitment and effort that will provide the best coverage and report.
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I thought the Csr testing was done a.while before release but I can't say for certain. I somewhat doubt however that was the case.

Anyway are you putting yourself forward for this as that would make 10
I think the type of units that get shipped out differs per testing period and product. Older testers like Darin (who are more experienced with testing Fanatec products) would be in more early on testing probably, then testers that recently were added to the list. But that's just guess work.

As I read here ( ) the testing units will be a beta models.

6. Step 1: Test the product
You will receive a BETA version
of the product.

*shrugs* We'll see what we get. I'm sure it'll be drooling good stuff. Funny Note: Don't drool over the equipment, or else you'll have to pay for it no matter what. lol
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My guess is with the option to buy the test wheel you will probably just be testing firmware. Thats about all they could fix on those wheels.
Okay here is the list I have so far for CSR Elite Beta testing

1) crispychicken
2) logiforce
3) amf7
4) redmalloc
5) sonac
6) 12th gear
7) sandboxgod
Good luck to all you guys....

I hope the reviews/reports are to a high standard. A lot is at stake here not to mention you guys living upto the competitive reviews that should come forward from this.
Thanks Latte :) although I no I wont be in your top 3..

Anyway this is me signing off for the week cya

I am not taking part as a contestant. I will take my chances already having applied as a beta tester previously.

You had a wheel so dont be greedy, lol.
Enjoy your hols.

We wont always agree but that doesnt mean we cant if we try...