Fanatec Announcements: CSW V2 Reviews Out

  • Thread starter Crispy
1 Sonac
2 Sonac
3 Sonac.

Something like that?

Only kidding.

HAHAHA spagetti, I was thinking the SAME thing lol. I'm just happy to be in the mix. Have always wanted to do reviews. I take my time with things like this. To make sure not only am I getting my point across, but to be neutral to the situation, and give a good, fair review. For not only myself, but for the mass consumer.

Like Sonac.......
Dumb question but this poll is for Elite or CSW?

I'm up for either. Actually would love to test, and maybe purchase both eventually (so I can maybe even try to hack them together and video the process like I did w/ the last generation! That is if it's possible and I find the guts to do it again, lol...) But to answer your question, from my understanding this poll will be for the Elite.
I dont see it getting to nasty. I know Ill be happy to even get one vote, as I wont vote for myself (unless only maybe we can vote 3 times ).
If voting seems fishy, it is fairly easy to weed out the fraud votes by looking at a users post history.
Anyway, No mud will be slung by me. :)
Eh, Latte, to me, this is for the opportunity to review and have some fun with something i truly enjoy. If I do not get selected, it is what it is..............
Just hold a simple poll. Everyone gets one vote for who they like the most to review one. Then just pick the top 3 with most votes.
At least I think that's the easiest and most honest way.
Yeah guys I was only teasing really not being serious.
Imagining that some scounderal was going to go and create several accounts just to vote themselves in, lol. It's fantasy and would be kinda obvious.
So you mean like yourself maks?
I just hope for you guys the whole thing doesnt get nasty or dirty.

im a sept 09'

I think this does help keep things from getting nasty. I personally don't want to see new posters 'registering' out of nowhere to pump up votes. This happens all the time.
im a sept 09'

Yes I was aware, hee hee...

I think this does help keep things from getting nasty. I personally don't want to see new posters 'registering' out of nowhere to pump up votes. This happens all the time.

Well even T10 in the past with FM3 used the "Vote Our Game Best" to win a free DLC car.
Maybe was that CHE guy behind that one...

Im dying to see more of the wheel and to finally find out particulary if/how it compares to the T500RS in precision and power. Of course it will outperform the CSR but by how much? Will their be some other surprise?

Comparing this to DFGT or something like a G25 or G27 is pointless imo and I hope reviews by the guys lucky here that are chosen dont waste time on that. The CSR is already an upgrade over those never mind the CSR Elite.
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No worries :) Just saw your post after i made mine. If anything we are further deterring the silly little strategy.

I must say I will be giving extra points to those non-bias review candidates who happen to own a T500rs. (My vote is biased lol). I think its important for those of us playing around in that price range. Precision and power are certainly my top 3 or 4 concerns.
I agree, Latte. The Logitech wheels are getting too old already to even compare to the new generation. As far as I see it, the age of gear driven wheels is pretty much over.

One thing I am particularly curious about and would definitely compare as a T500 RS owner is the precision. H.E.A.R.T technology vs Steering Column mounted code wheel. It will be interesting to see which steers more precise. As I've opened the T500 RS I noticed that the magnet censors are mounted to the steering column as well for as far as I could see. It wasn't on the motor at least.
True indeed, even GT5 felt so precise to me immediately upon first playing of the T500RS wheel. Its power in GT5 for me still wasnt mega strong. Id of liked more again however I have an old habbit of using max FFB on consoles anyways. I can see reviews raising the old chesnut in FM4 Vs GT5.

These are games that sell hardware at the end of the day but what wheel combination and game is going to offer the most entertaining, satisfying, enjoyment and interaction?

Exciting times and really if the Elite is as we have been lead to believe the T500RS may be all but defeated.

(cue dramatic music)
Dramatic music?!

Here is the music for the up march of the new Fanatec line up. Be afraid!!!

I was thinking more Jaws theme, but, that works LOL.

OR, the theme music to Days of Thunder...Hans Zimmer was/IS the man.
So we going to stick with each person gets one vote then right? I hope all the votes don't just go to one guy and the rest only gets 1 vote which cause the need for a tie breaker lol

edit- also I was thinking to make the poll setup so all votes are 'public'. This way we can see who voted for who. Lastly, there will of course be a time limit on it. I need to see what options are available but it only needs to be for a few days

I am going to paste everyone's pitch into the 'original post' along with their videos properly linked.

EDIT2 - Making the thread now. It's going take a little while though to get everyone's info in here...
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Sandboxgod- I still feel a lot of us don't necessarily want to vote for ourselves without also giving consideration to the others who we feel are most qualified. So wouldn't it be best (as Sonac and I felt) that each voter list their top 3, since there are 3 wheels available? Otherwise like you said, someone may win "2nd or 3rd" place with only a couple of votes. And there really is no 2nd and 3rd place, just 3 available wheels for testing here...
@AGP5000: Now maybe one of use testers for the CSW could make a intro video for the CSW featuring Thomas with the CSW and Formula wheel as Micheal Knight in a Knight Rider style intro of some sorts. hahaha

I can already see it... just for the fun of it (of course with different voice over):

@mikemav: I thought we would all be such adults to not vote for ourselves but who we thought would be best capable besides ourselves. In other words, that voting for yourself is excluded.
Sandboxgod- I still feel a lot of us don't necessarily want to vote for ourselves without also giving consideration to the others who we feel are most qualified. So wouldn't it be best (as Sonac and I felt) that each voter list their top 3, since there are 3 wheels available? Otherwise like you said, someone may win "2nd or 3rd" place with only a couple of votes. And there really is no 2nd and 3rd place, just 3 available wheels for testing here...

If you allow 3 votes you should REQUIRE all 3 picks or invalidate the vote. Otherwise the voting will really be skewed. Sorry if this is obvious.

So all in agreement everyone just posts their top 3 picks I'm bout almost done creating the thread?

edit- I can just make a graph or something and post that in the OP. I think I can make one eaisly in microsoft Excel
Right I'm getting confused... Does one of.our votes have to include ourselves and do we vote for 1-3 or even more/? Hopefully the vote will be up soon as I fly early tomorrow. Currently in an airport hotel
@AGP5000: Now maybe one of use testers for the CSW could make a intro video for the CSW featuring Thomas with the CSW and Formula wheel as Micheal Knight in a Knight Rider style intro of some sorts. hahaha

I was thinking more of starting with the lights turning on in the production factory in China, and ending the epic symphony with someone winning the daytona 500 on iRacing, and running down pit road like tom cruise and robert duvall. BUT, I like where you are going with it.............

Of course, all with the Theme from days of thunder by hans zimmer.

Total Epicness:
@mikemav: I thought we would all be such adults to not vote for ourselves but who we thought would be best capable besides ourselves. In other words, that voting for yourself is excluded.

Gotcha, I hadn't read that before in this thread so I assumed that was the best way for people to handle it (not vote for yourself if it's only one vote per person) but I wasn't sure everyone was on the same page. Anyway either that or vote for three works so long is its clear, thx!
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