Fanatec Announcements: CSW V2 Reviews Out

  • Thread starter Crispy
You can if you want to sure. Hey amf7 do you have a youtube I can embed? Try embedding one of your reviews. If it works, give me the direct link
Placed my top 3 picks.

Good luck to all.
Anyone how I didn't pick it's not personal, I feel you would all do a great job.
Redmalloc, am I tripping I have no 'sales pitch' for you :nervous:

Oops, wrote it up for the Fanatec registration but forgot to post it here.

As a mature adult with a background in mechanical engineering and industrial testing I feel I have an adequate background to be a beta tester. Although I have never written a sim racing gear review I have written lab reports, program documentation and grant proposals that have been well received. I can write real gud if need be. I don't get bored easily.

I have the GT3rs v2 and DFGT to compare the wheel with. My setup is a Obutto cockpit + 100" projection screen + serious home-built speaker system (Manger As far as production and documentation go, I have a HD video camera, Manfrotto tripod and Nikon D700.

As far as platforms go I can test on the PC and PS3 in iRacing, Dirt3 and GT5 since there are my current focus. If needed I can also do testing on Xbox FM4.

I've raced in a GT5 league for most of the year and have been competitive at time with some great drivers. I focus on clean driving over wins and I'll take good physics over flash any day.

I do not get involved in board dramas and have no need for approval that isn't deserved though good work and good deeds. However contrary opinions are not something I am shy about and having no trouble considering the merits of other arguments.

Thank you for your consideration.
Thanks I just updated the poll just now 👍

Participation for this poll has been really great in my opinion thanks a lot everyone
Also thank you and Thomas for making this possible and organizing it all. ;)

Now... I am off to play some GT5 as i've been neglecting it somewhat and I wanna get all the cars in the current online shop. Being pennyless at the moment means I have to drive a bit :P
Sorry man I tried to wait to make sure I got everyone cause once the poll goes up it's not possible to edit it or anything :indiff:

AWESOME! I got his video added now.

Is it possible to add me to the op? And add a note saying if you want to vote for me to leave it in a post? I would greatly appreciate it. Or possibly PM a mod?
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Regards the CSR ELITE pedals.

Can someone measure the distance on the pedals between the top/bottom holes for the bolts.

1) Do they match the CSP hole positions/distance
2) Will other motorsport pedals attach to them

Sorry this is something Ive not read anyone comment on yet.
CSP = 2 centimeter distance

I wondered about that as well before I bought the CSP's. Never bought any for my car though, so I don't really know what the normal distance is on those.
So I asked Thomas (Fanatec) about beta testing for the CSR Elite. He had an interesting idea whereas we gather 10 volunteers that would like to write a review. The community will then vote who they feel would be the best person to do the review.

What do you guys think? Do we have any volunteers? I'd of course like to nominate myself :sly:

After we get the volunteers I'll go create the poll

I thought the volunteers needed to apply at the Fanatec site, not here. Seems weird.. :boggled: Is this separate thing from the general applying process for the beta of the wheels? Just asking.. 👍
It's indeed a special thing that was arranged by Thomas and Sandboxgod. At first he only had one wheel available, but it seems we ended up with 3 wheels in de end that were available. :)
Come on guys someone is bound to know or have tried seeing if:

CSR Elite Pedals:

1) Can swap over with CSP pedals (allowing a user to introduce the colours)
2) Have different pre drilled holes like the T500RS that matches some pedals like Sparco
I may be way off but i seem to remember thomas stating that standard aftermarket car pedals will work eith the csr:e . Again i may be way off. This thread has been de-railed so many times.
Im a bit gobsmaked that the forums hasn't yet had a single review on the CSR Elite Pedals showing a full detailed comparison to the CSP. What a bummer not any good photos or anything. We seen very little of these up close and in detail so I dont know about others but Ive been itching to see more of them.

With my own CSP being a bit worse for wear (1st ever batch set) and in pieces (previous mod idea). I have just ordered a new set of pedals to do full justice for a complete low down on both CSR / CSP. Im determind to spend the money to do this properly.

The reason for this, will be aparent later but many potential buyers will be faced with a dilema I believe in what pedals are perhaps their best option. It will only get more complicated when the CSR Elite arrives because of peoples potential budget limits and Fanatec's modular ordering options.

Super Deluxe, Latte report will be forth coming with those nice marshmellow bits and chocolate flavouring!!!
(presentation and details are important)

It's time I showed my worth around here again too. :)
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Agreed. I hazard to guess more people are opting for the csp especially now with the free tuning kit essentially making them the same price.

Cant wait to read your report. Although shouldnt you be buildning and not buying more gear ;)
Agreed. I hazard to guess more people are opting for the csp especially now with the free tuning kit essentially making them the same price.

Cant wait to read your report. Although shouldnt you be buildning and not buying more gear ;)

I feel I have something to prove, enough with the talk, time for action..... :sly:
Words are cheap buying new CSP to prove your point/passion is £238 delivered, lol.

Besides I will soon be barking at the moon...
Agreed. I hazard to guess more people are opting for the csp especially now with the free tuning kit essentially making them the same price.

Cant wait to read your report. Although shouldnt you be buildning and not buying more gear ;)

The question is when/if a tuning kit or colour options will arive for the CSR Elite pedals.
Now theirs a thought eh?
Haha Latte has been spurned into action! Yeah its kind of weird we haven't heard much detail about them yet. The free tuning kit that comes with the CSPs won me over. But I have the feeling the inversion kit for the CSP Elite will be very sweet 👍
IMO reviews without photos is pure lazy and a lack of vision (pun). :)
This isnt 1999 or like the days of old with 56k or 1MP cameras.

Like a beautiful women you want to see her, not have her described to you by somone.
Seeing her combined with a person telling you how she performs is much more tantalising. :nervous:
The total was 263.90 euro fully inclusive of charges and delivery.

Its okay ISR say we all pay the same really (lol) err idots.
No we just accept things as they are in the UK.

* N.Ireland where my coffee is brewed is not mainland UK so shipping may be extra.
I cant remember the onscreen breakdown on charges my receipt doesnt have that.