So eagerly awaiting the embargo on reviews is up. More so on the new wheel base than pedals as i have and love my csps.
Mr. Latte, you bring a good point in the potentiometer life bringing up g25 and how many ( lack of ) actual potentiometer issues. With the elites i believe the pots are not attached to the pivot, but rather driven with a toothed arm. Correct? This should further lengthen the life span of them.
12th. Absolutely,the standard pedal issue was within the mounts not the actual pot.
Edit: mr latte, i believe the snide remark was reffering to early issues with amf when he first popped around. Honestly, i cannot understand why the topic of him keeps carrying on. I know you are better than carrying on with the pettiness and leave it be. He knows how you feel, along with how most of us feel. No disrespect, its just a little tired.
Lmfao!! Spaghetti ,Did ya give AMF back the ring?