Fanatec Announcements: CSW V2 Reviews Out

  • Thread starter Crispy
Mr Latte
As for enjoying my time.
Yes I look forward to showing you a good example of what a proper detailed review is. :)

No real need for that mate. I've questioned his points in the past but the kid has git some determination and resilience to bounce back from snide comments.

AMF just because I've stuck up for you were not engaged or anything ok.

Mr Latte
If anything Ive been stating for ages that the "Sensorless Technology" is somewhat restricted when not used via USB mode. However thats a well known fact that the pedals only work in the full 1024 step mode via PC/USB. So for the console specific gamer and a review perspective then a major advantage of the CSP additional pedal accuracy is possibly lost, err or is it?

The other aspect to consider is that pots can degrade over time. A heavy user may appreciate the hall effect sensors that won't experience mechanical wear. If the CSR Elite Pedals are easy to service it may not be a big issue.

I'm also looking forward to how solid the CSR Elites feel when inverted. In photos there doesn't appear to be anything tying the tops of the pedal modules together, so I'd be concerned about lateral deflection.
No real need for that mate. I've questioned his points in the past but the kid has git some determination and resilience to bounce back from snide comments.

AMF just because I've stuck up for you were not engaged or anything ok.


It wasn't a snide comment.
I don't recall his review of the pedals to be particulary informative or detailed. That is just a personal opinion. From memory and correct me if Im wrong but he didnt even bother looking into tuning options. Well maybe he couldnt be bothered as that doesnt interest him. Nobody stated what he done was a bad job but well lets just say some of us are perhaps a bit more passionate or dedicated.

The other aspect to consider is that pots can degrade over time. A heavy user may appreciate the hall effect sensors that won't experience mechanical wear. If the CSR Elite Pedals are easy to service it may not be a big issue.

I'm also looking forward to how solid the CSR Elites feel when inverted. In photos there doesn't appear to be anything tying the tops of the pedal modules together, so I'd be concerned about lateral deflection.

Well its not time to go into details and I get what your saying, however how many people with several year old G25's do you see on the forums complaining about their pots and wear/tear issues? Chances are you could find more people with Clubsport "Sensor Issues"? I guess wear/tear is sometimes different to reliability and robust design.
Well its not time to go into details and I get what your saying, however how many people with several year old G25's do you see on the forums complaining about their pots and wear/tear issues? Chances are you could find more people with Clubsport "Sensor Issues"? I guess wear/tear is sometimes different to reliability and robust design.

Fair enough. We will see. Fanatec's previous standard pedals had issues, but those were usually issues with the engineering of the potentiometer mounts, not the potentiometers themselves.
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So eagerly awaiting the embargo on reviews is up. More so on the new wheel base than pedals as i have and love my csps.

Mr. Latte, you bring a good point in the potentiometer life bringing up g25 and how many ( lack of ) actual potentiometer issues. With the elites i believe the pots are not attached to the pivot, but rather driven with a toothed arm. Correct? This should further lengthen the life span of them.

12th. Absolutely,the standard pedal issue was within the mounts not the actual pot.

Edit: mr latte, i believe the snide remark was reffering to early issues with amf when he first popped around. Honestly, i cannot understand why the topic of him keeps carrying on. I know you are better than carrying on with the pettiness and leave it be. He knows how you feel, along with how most of us feel. No disrespect, its just a little tired.

Lmfao!! Spaghetti ,Did ya give AMF back the ring?
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As others pointed out.... That was a pointless comment to try and cause an argument.

I was being nice so their was no need.

Anyway enough on the matter and I look forward to seeing all 3 reviews.

And he offered me the ring LOL :P
Yes I look forward to showing you a good example of what a proper detailed review is. :)

Mr Latte
Nobody stated what he done was a bad job but well lets just say some of us are perhaps a bit more passionate or dedicated.

You must think highly of yourself.. :yuck: I hope you drop off this egoist attitude from your future posts.
You must think highly of yourself.. :yuck: I hope you drop off this egoist attitude from your future posts.

Is it a case I think highly of myself or that and you should know by now I don't do things by half measures. I guess Im egotistic for spending several thousand on a cockpit too, or is that just showing a high level of passion and pride in a hobby?

Timppaq I find your lack of faith disturbing, lol.
No offense is taken whatsoever

You can respect my opinion that my position, experience and approch is rather different to his. Thats nothing personal just two completely different people with different circumstances. However I just cant get over him not even buying FM4 to test the wheel on and his lack of true effort. Afterall he's the one trying to promote a website and exactly the reason his review should of been pretty special.

You can judge my review to everyone elses I dont claim to do the best but I will put a lot of effort into it. I think thats fair enough but if Im confident in doing a good report then is that egotistic or self belief in my ability.

Time will tell wont it.

As for amf and his popularity or peoples belief in his reviewing skills/ability compared to others here (not just me). I can only suggest you look at what regulars here voted for him recently. Thats not a personal snide remark either just an observation.
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For the record forza wasn't out when my review was published as far as I remember and I did my best to get an early copy exploring a few avenues including emailing t10 and all UK retailers although I new it was very unlikely that I would get a reply.

And your right I have a long way to go in terms of getting more hardcore racers to like my reviews as I suppose they do seem a bit mainstream for sone people. I will hopefully rectify that in future reviews.

Although i am proud if my first attempt in sone ways
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Is it a case I think highly of myself or that and you should know by now I don't do things by half measures. I guess Im egotistic for spending several thousand on a cockpit too, or is that just showing a high level of passion and pride in a hobby?

Egoistic is the way you sometimes tell about your doings (or doings to come), not the things you do nor the way you do them necessarily.

I respect the work you put into things, don't get me wrong. Just noting what I read/see from here.

Sorry all this same off topic subject.
Sorry all this same off topic subject.

Word of advice, judge me after the review not before it.

Im not going to be looked upon like some smart ass who hasnt a clue and ridicules others just for the sake of it. I feel Ive got a point to prove around here now so thanks for the additional inspiration. :sly:
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Still missing the point. If you see my post as judging, then it's not judging anything more than the current occasional attitude / posting style.

You should also know by now, quite often I enjoy a bit of banter or windup.
That is part of my posting style, like it or not.

Your welcome to discuss the products again whenever you want.
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Not denying you will probably do a decent review mr Latte. Just think your lettiing yourself down by going over old ground regarding the other fella.

Coming across as a panto villain.
I know it's only the webz but I detest what I would call a bullying attitude. Before you call me out on that one there's are lots of definitions of bullying.
I wouldn't standby in the street and watch it and I wouldn't put up with it in work. In fact I get involved in work regarding the underdog.

Maybe just a friendly bit of advice and maybe think about your posting style. I know I like a bit of banter and I've got a pretty thick skin so I don't mind as much.

I don't want to go on but it has been a few weeks now.

Please read #2639 and see who started the can of worms again.
I wasnt rude in my reply, I made a comment with a "tounge in cheek attitude" referring to doing a more complete review.

If you dont like my posting style fine ignore it and Im not asking others to agree with my own personal opinions on amf's review. I am however entitiled to express my own opinions.

If anything Spagetti69 your the one making a BIG issue out of it.
So having a poke at somone now is bullying is it, gees.

Now lets drop it and move on...
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Any ETA on the review? My shopping cart at Fanatec is starting the collect dust and is really in need of checkout.
Sorry Noobs, nothing yet on when reviews can be released..

I already have done over 20 hours testing though and made a list of things to put in the report.
What was wrong with this...??

Theirs nothing specifically wrong with what you said.
My reply to that was clear as I wasnt fully sure what you were referring to me previously saying. What did I say was misleading exactly?

Besides its water under the bridge, the point is why bring it up. If anything others have been making an issue out of it and that its a crime to now propose my intentions of a more detailed review.
Sorry Noobs, nothing yet on when reviews can be released..

I already have done over 20 hours testing though and made a list of things to put in the report.

Are reviews of the pedals on embargo too? I thought it was just the CSR Elite wheel on blackout?
Well the "inversion" kit hasnt yet been covered or is available yet. I purposely only showed the pedals in a way they have been shown before.

The options the inversion kit brings with the new design have yet to be announced or shown.
Looking forward to the reviews of CSW, although my G25 is still holding up quite well a new wheel might come in picture later this winter (once I get my pc updated & hands on iRacing. :) )

Somehow CSW & CSP's has started to grow interest in me, I've heard just too much good of the pedals. If the wheel lives up to same standards it just might be the best choice. Kind of love the idea of GT rim & Formula rim as well. 👍
Yeah the CSW will be extra special but I think when it comes to order time many are going to get the realisation that 800 Euro is a lot of money to put down on a wheel and set of pedals.

Really is aimed at the sim enthausiast.
Some of course will want the best and be willing to sacrafice the X360 support of the Elite and get all the other benefits the CSW brings to the PC Sim racer.
English is not my native language, so i might not have read everything correctly or missed something in this topic.

1. Is the CSR elite currently in beta testing?
2. If the answer is yes, how long since you have the wheel ?
3. Are there any (big) problems with the wheel, which could delay the production?

I'm realy thinking about selling my CSR wheel and buying an CSR Elite (for xbox only)

For the PC i wil buy the CSW (probably early next year)
Yeah the CSW will be extra special but I think when it comes to order time many are going to get the realisation that 800 Euro is a lot of money to put down on a wheel and set of pedals.

Really is aimed at the sim enthausiast.
Some of course will want the best and be willing to sacrafice the X360 support of the Elite and get all the other benefits the CSW brings to the PC Sim racer.

You mean 600??