Fanatec Announcements: CSW V2 Reviews Out

  • Thread starter Crispy

Who all signed your rim(s)? I was just at Martinsville and got James Buescher on the BMW. Kyle Larson & Clint Bowyer on the F1. BMW was becoming too heavy to walk around with all day LOL.

I plan on getting more next year :)



Oh... No one special...

Just Sir Sterling Moss, Kazunori Yamauchi, Ken Block and Bill Caswell.

Also, the video is unlisted so Fanatec can rest easy.
Nice Pasko :) I plan on getting Juan's at the indy race at Pocono next year at the drivers signing event they hold. And maybe a few more Nascar guys at Martsinville since I get Hot & Press passes there.

Also, any word on additional rims for the CSW, or is silence still golden?
It's official......the CSR-Elite is no more. It's now listed as a discontinued product on Fanatec's support page.

It's official......the CSR-Elite is no more. It's now listed as a discontinued product on Fanatec's support page.


I've checked all of their websites, but every discontinued products page in every language is empty.
That said, the CSR Elite is nowhere to be found on the Fanatec site anymore. At least not the product pages.

However, when you go to their support page and click in the left list of discontinued products; the CSR Elite will show up in that list of products on the right.

So yes, folks... as the Hawk says "it's official".

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Has anyone else had problems connecting CSP V1 to Win8.1 PC? My computer makes this annoying conncting/disconnecting sound every 3 seconds. Doesn't matter if I'm using my PC or laptop. Both have Win8.1 64bit and both act the same. I can connect wheel, external HDD or whatever else and everything works perfectly bar the pedals. Isn't Win8.1 supported yet somehow or is my pedals board usb port acting up?

EDIT: Seems windows driver problem. If I have driver window open, everything works, no disconnects. As soon as I close driver window, it starts connecting/disconnecting.
So I was planning on buying the CSW with BMW GT2 wheel, but reading the reports of motor failure coming back around again has lead me to second guess that decision... Is it still worth it?
So I was planning on buying the CSW with BMW GT2 wheel, but reading the reports of motor failure coming back around again has lead me to second guess that decision... Is it still worth it?

I believe it is.
I've had more than my fair share of problems, but I wouldn't have any other wheel.
I've had the DFGT, T500RS and an Elite, the CSW is by far the best , with the best rims in my opinion.
Fanatec have always been quick to help when there was an issue.
Finally got my CSS on Tuesday. Had to rework the shifter mount of my Obutto which required moving the seat rail mount as far up as it would go and then cutting off the plate and stalk from the long L shaped pipe it was welded to. The stock Obutto shift mount was not gonna work.....sat way too high for my preference and had too much flex as the CSS is WAY more robust than the TH8 it replaced.

So I get it all hooked up, calibrated and try it with Forza. Elation quickly turns to disappointment as the shifter would not select correct gears once 5th was other words it wouldn't come out of 5th during a normal 5-4-3-2-1 gear down unless you went all the way back to the left for 1st or 2nd. It would also incorrectly select 5th when grabbing 3rd often. I figured I messed up during calibration. Redid the calibration numerous times with no improvement so obviously something was wrong with the shifter.

The gear selection process is done by 2 microswitches and a Hall effect sensor combo. The sensor appears to monitor the side to side location of the pivot shaft the stick is mounted on so it knows when the stick is to the left, middle or right. The micros witches are triggered by a switch covers R-1-3-5-7.......the other covers 2-4-6. I assumed that since it was getting "stuck" in 5th I assumed the Hall effect sensor was likely dirty as anyone who owns CSP pedals can attest the throttle on the those can act squirrelly if the sensor gets dirty from dust, lint, etc. I used a PC compressed air can to blow the sensor clean, buttoned it back up to give it another go.

Thankfully all is well with the shifter after doing that fix and I've been enjoying quite a bit.



It's vastly superior to my TH8 in terms of build quality which I got to inspect first hand when I opened it up. It's a clever piece of engineering the way the shifter block was designed and machined (it's CNC'd from a block of aluminum it appears) The pivot shafts are all mounted on sealed ball bearings (4 total) and there is very little use of plastic materials other words it's very solidly built. Even the switch plate for sequential mode is quite clever but kept to a minimum of complex parts to increase reliability. As far as reliability is concerned the only thing I can see wearing out or causing issues down the road is the microswitches but given the construction of everything else it should last a long time. I think most who get one will be shocked at just how large and heavy this thing feels when you get it out of it's large box.

I'll never be one to dump on the TH8.....I used mine for over a year and it's been great and I enjoyed it quite a lot but it's low price is reflective of its cheap internal construction and make no's built cheaply in terms of its internals. Compared to the CSS it feels like a lightweight toy......the CSS is quite a bit more satisfying to row through the gears and is a lot closer to feeling "real". When I bought my TH8 a year ago I paid around $150 CDN for it with tax and shipping. The CSS cost me quite a bit more at $270 CDN after shipping and duty. Expensive yes but after owning it for several days it's worth it to me. It's also worth noting to that for us Fanatec wheel users the TH8 vs CSS question is a hands down win for the CSS as the price advantage the TH8 enjoys gets largely wiped out with having to buy a $90 BasherBoards SFA1 adapter to make it work. The only items I had to buy to install my shifter were four M6 bolts to secure it to my rig. It came with all the cables required to connect it to any Fanatec wheel and the main cable was long enough to fit my setup and tuck away to be out of sight.

Do I recommend the CSS?'s the best H gate shifter currently on the market IMHO.



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I believe it is.
I've had more than my fair share of problems, but I wouldn't have any other wheel.
I've had the DFGT, T500RS and an Elite, the CSW is by far the best , with the best rims in my opinion.
Fanatec have always been quick to help when there was an issue.

Unless you are into putting an aftermarket wheel on your base, than a T500 would easily be better. Just grab a hub from DSD and buy your favourite wheel with 6 bolt Momo pattern, screw it together and enjoy.

The CSW has been constructed in such a way that using aftermarket wheels is not easily possible. Plus personally I find that new rims are released slower than I would have initially hoped they would.

That said if you are still into GT5 and soon into GT6, having the ability to use the far superior CSPv2 pedals and CSS makes the CSW still the better choice... if you are happy with the current selection of available wheels for the CSW for now.
The T500 pedals are not as good feel wise, and from what you can read on the CSS it is better than the TH8.
Unless you are into putting an aftermarket wheel on your base, than a T500 would easily be better. Just grab a hub from DSD and buy your favourite wheel with 6 bolt Momo pattern, screw it together and enjoy.

The CSW has been constructed in such a way that using aftermarket wheels is not easily possible. Plus personally I find that new rims are released slower than I would have initially hoped they would.

That said if you are still into GT5 and soon into GT6, having the ability to use the far superior CSPv2 pedals and CSS makes the CSW still the better choice... if you are happy with the current selection of available wheels for the CSW for now.
The T500 pedals are not as good feel wise, and from what you can read on the CSS it is better than the TH8.

The only thing that I could say was better about the T500 was the reliability. The rims are nowhere near the same quality. Also the toothed belt is nowhere near as smooth.
Why are you down on the CSW? As I remember it was only a few months ago you got a production model and were singing its praises mate :lol:
The biggest reason I lean away from the T500RS is because to me, pedals matter more than the wheel and I play console (Gran Turismo) more than PC sims (I do not have $ for a good rig yet). The only way for me to use the CSPv2 with Gran Turismo is the CSW. The T500RS pedals are absolute crap compared to the CSPv2s.

In addition, I just do not like the feel of the T500RS. There is something special about the CSWs power delivery that the T500RS just cannot match.
The only thing that I could say was better about the T500 was the reliability. The rims are nowhere near the same quality. Also the toothed belt is nowhere near as smooth.
Why are you down on the CSW? As I remember it was only a few months ago you got a production model and were singing its praises mate :lol:

Down on the CSW? In what way?
I am just stating the facts that the one wheel doesn't support aftermarket wheels (due to the base shutting down upon detection or lost signal with the wheel electronics), and that the other wheel does support it.
About the new wheel, I can't smell how reliable it would be ahead of time, mate.

Since when can't I decide what to use? Besides, I am switching as it has better feedback in pCARS and I wanted to know if a certain bug, that I as voluntary alpha tester already reported to Armin months ago, was or wasn't the cause of some FFB oddities. Which was partially the case.
The bug will be looked after when Armin gets back to firmware work.
So until that time at least I will stick with the T500 as my main wheel. But will grab the CSW for Fanatec testing purposes and comparisons in pCARS.

Good things come to those who wait, and I am sure Fanatec is working hard to please us and improve their drivers and firmware, as well as continue to improve their hardware where they can.

If you wish me to talk 'bad' about the T500, Mark.

The pedals suck.
The fan is small and noisy.
The heatsink is too big to be of any decent use at all.
This results in the motor performance diminishing further than the ones of the CSW when they heat up, compared to each their respective response and torque curves when cold.
The table clamp is only designed so you can't pull the wheel off of the table, but you can still lift the wheel.
This causes the table clamps to snap at either the left or right leg.
The quick release is actually a slow release because you need tools to undo it.
In some cases the steering axle has a little wiggle in it, and this can only be resolved by pushing some wedges in between the belt pulley and the steering axle.
The switches of the fixed shifter paddles and the paddles in the F1 rim have already proven to wear out quickly. Resulting in John Bodin and Basherboards having to come to the rescue.
The belts indeed are causing the cogging feel, not the motor, and thus destroys the FFB feel to some extend.
The 4 screws holding the quick release PS/2 connector in place tend to go loose on some wheels, and need to be retightened every once in a while.

I could go on, Mark. But I hope you see that just because I voice my sometimes negative opinion on one wheel, I can do it about the other just as easily. Every product out there will just have some weakness as costs will be cut somewhere at some point. Plus the fact that you can't make products too reliable as nobody would than buy any new products from you again for as long as they are still satisfied about the old products. It's simply business done the way it is done today, and I am not going to blame Fanatec or any other manufacturer for doing so even when I rather have a reliable item that lasts 10 years.

The notion that every negative opinion posted on the web is considered as bashing is just ridiculous. If I would go on and on negatively about (for example) Fanatec and even when when they fix something would immediately find something new to nag about until the annoyance of others. Yeah, than I would be a basher alright.

We all know Fanatec keeps an eye on this thread and voice our opinions because of it, and we do that because we want to enjoy their products more than before whilst hoping that they will listen and improve.

I am sorry for this response, mate, but that last sentence the way you put it just rubbed me in the wrong way. I hope it is clear how I view this all now?
I could go on, Mark. But I hope you see that just because I voice my sometimes negative opinion on one wheel, I can do it about the

I am sorry for this response, mate, but that last sentence the way you put it just rubbed me in the wrong way. I hope it is clear how I view this all now?

Well said.
Down on the CSW? In what way?
I am just stating the facts that the one wheel doesn't support aftermarket wheels (due to the base shutting down upon detection or lost signal with the wheel electronics), and that the other wheel does support it.
About the new wheel, I can't smell how reliable it would be ahead of time, mate.

Since when can't I decide what to use? Besides, I am switching as it has better feedback in pCARS and I wanted to know if a certain bug, that I as voluntary alpha tester already reported to Armin months ago, was or wasn't the cause of some FFB oddities. Which was partially the case.
The bug will be looked after when Armin gets back to firmware work.
So until that time at least I will stick with the T500 as my main wheel. But will grab the CSW for Fanatec testing purposes and comparisons in pCARS.

Good things come to those who wait, and I am sure Fanatec is working hard to please us and improve their drivers and firmware, as well as continue to improve their hardware where they can.

If you wish me to talk 'bad' about the T500, Mark.

The pedals suck.
The fan is small and noisy.
The heatsink is too big to be of any decent use at all.
This results in the motor performance diminishing further than the ones of the CSW when they heat up, compared to each their respective response and torque curves when cold.
The table clamp is only designed so you can't pull the wheel off of the table, but you can still lift the wheel.
This causes the table clamps to snap at either the left or right leg.
The quick release is actually a slow release because you need tools to undo it.
In some cases the steering axle has a little wiggle in it, and this can only be resolved by pushing some wedges in between the belt pulley and the steering axle.
The switches of the fixed shifter paddles and the paddles in the F1 rim have already proven to wear out quickly. Resulting in John Bodin and Basherboards having to come to the rescue.
The belts indeed are causing the cogging feel, not the motor, and thus destroys the FFB feel to some extend.
The 4 screws holding the quick release PS/2 connector in place tend to go loose on some wheels, and need to be retightened every once in a while.

I could go on, Mark. But I hope you see that just because I voice my sometimes negative opinion on one wheel, I can do it about the other just as easily. Every product out there will just have some weakness as costs will be cut somewhere at some point. Plus the fact that you can't make products too reliable as nobody would than buy any new products from you again for as long as they are still satisfied about the old products. It's simply business done the way it is done today, and I am not going to blame Fanatec or any other manufacturer for doing so even when I rather have a reliable item that lasts 10 years.

The notion that every negative opinion posted on the web is considered as bashing is just ridiculous. If I would go on and on negatively about (for example) Fanatec and even when when they fix something would immediately find something new to nag about until the annoyance of others. Yeah, than I would be a basher alright.

We all know Fanatec keeps an eye on this thread and voice our opinions because of it, and we do that because we want to enjoy their products more than before whilst hoping that they will listen and improve.

I am sorry for this response, mate, but that last sentence the way you put it just rubbed me in the wrong way. I hope it is clear how I view this all now?

I really think you took that the wrong way Christiaan, and if I've offended you I'm sorry!
I only wondered had something happened to your CSW as you weren't using it and I maybe took you up wrong in your first post.
So thanks for the informative response. I never called you a basher or even implied it mate.
To be honest I'm shocked you'd think I would "attack" you, for lack of a better word.
I really think you took that the wrong way Christiaan, and if I've offended you I'm sorry!
I only wondered had something happened to your CSW as you weren't using it and I maybe took you up wrong in your first post.
So thanks for the informative response. I never called you a basher or even implied it mate.
To be honest I'm shocked you'd think I would "attack" you, for lack of a better word.

My apologies as well, mate. For reading that wrong as if I would backstab and bash your favourite wheel manufacturer or something, as well as doubting you.
The sentence just seem to read that when I would be given something I would sing praises, but than later do a 180. Or at least that was how I read it.

But sorry. :)
I wanted to buy a ClubSport wheel since it's announcement. With Assetto Corsa out and GT6 coming next month I think it's time to buy a new wheel - currently I have a GT3 RS V1. But I saw the topic about custom motors for the CS wheel and I started to have second thoughts about it. How reliable is the wheel right now?
I wanted to buy a ClubSport wheel since it's announcement. With Assetto Corsa out and GT6 coming next month I think it's time to buy a new wheel - currently I have a GT3 RS V1. But I saw the topic about custom motors for the CS wheel and I started to have second thoughts about it. How reliable is the wheel right now?
From what I've heard, it has gotten better. If it's anything to go by, I have a CSR Elite and have had it for quite a while with no problems. Reliability is hit or miss I guess...

Just don't make the CSW sold out cause I want one too! :lol:
Just because people on the internet voice their problems does not mean the majority of users have problems.

I would say my case is a bit unlucky. Good news is Fanatec CS is very friendly. Sure you've got to email them and follow up with a phone call, but if you do that and follow their instructions, they will solve any issue you have.
Thanks Crispy and paskowitz.

I know that paskowitz, but when I saw the motor topic I was really afraid because people wanting to exchange the stock motor for after market ones is a very strange and unusual thing. I'm a Fanatec fan but I want a product that works perfectly not just for months but for years.
Well, I am speaking for myself but in my opinion do not suit the application. I personally think that the sleeve bearings do generate too much drag when the belts are properly tensioned. This increase in drag makes it easier for the motors to reach their stall torque limits.
This means that the coils will heat up more and that they and thus the motors get damaged over time.
It is the same with other magnet driven devices like speakers. When the speaker is bottoming out (over excursion) it basically momentarily stands still at either in or outward positions. At those moments the coil starts to heat up and with extended use under those conditions will get damaged slowly over time.

So personally I am looking for a motor that has dual ball bearings (front and rear of the motor casing to full support the axle) and if possible a higher stall torque.
If I could get something like dual T500 motors in the CSW I think I will be doing a happy dance, with some sore arms and shoulders that is after some thorough testing workout.

If you want my short very subjective opinion on if the motors will last you 3 years with just the use of the default FFB output strength (FF 100, FOR 100, SPR 100 and DPR 100). Well, I do personally not have that confidence in the motors. In my opinion the CSW should come with better motors, even if it is again at a higher price for the base. Cause it is a great base with great peripherals to accompany it... the CSPv2, CSS and 2 really nice looking and feeling steering wheels.

Personally I might be money hogging to get enough of it to buy a Leo Bodnar SimSteering wheel, or basically just one hell of an industry motor. I doubt that one will fail on me soon if I'd buy it. ;)
It can get hot though, so maybe I should get an airco unit first. :lol:
Anyway, that is not something that will be on the shopping list anytime soon. Good thing I am single though, as I doubt many partners would like anyone spending that much on a 'toy'. :dopey:
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I hope thrustmaster and Fanatec continue to improve their products despite everything is going downhill on Xbox front.

Having talked to some people of both companies either via e-mail/private messages or via the phone, I believe that both companies are very passionate about what they do and will strive to provide us lucky bastards in this niche sim land the best they can for the prices you have to give for them.
Sure, some things seem expensive but just keep in mind that in the end these people also started a company in the past to improve their private life a bit at the end of the road. And some of these hardware vendors have to also please their shareholders unfortunately. Which are people who want to see profits as well.
Also keep in mind that the American way of profiteering is more focused on the short term profit, while Europeans do not fear to look at the long term in some cases. Which also has an impact on product quality and pricing at the end of the day.

That said, it is again my point of view and opinion. So take it as you wish, as long as you remember that I don't try to offend any party on how they do business. That is if someone feels that they are being addressed or something of course.

It does suck about the CSR Elite and the whole Xbox One story though. I wonder why the CSR Elite was discontinued as they could have produced models for another half year to a year at least. Not all people sell their trusty 360s immediately and some still wish to enjoy FM4 at the end of the day.
The things I did to my CSR-E made it phenomenally better and cooler running. Some of those mods are shown (videos too) in the mod thread. Everything is still working great. The way I am using the stock motors makes ball bearings barely better than plain. This is proven by the low drag forces and quicker track behavior.

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