Fanatec CSL Elite Racing Wheel Thread- officially licensed for PS4

  • Thread starter PzR Slim
Yup this should works I had mine recently replaced just make sure get the 2.0 and more reliable brand.
Thanks. I was looking on Amazon and the one in the link had a 5/5 star rating hence I shortlisted that one in link.
Is there another one that you can suggest if you think may be better?
As quick as advertised. I had the F1 Esports now the F1 V2 (near straight swap cost wise for me fortunately) and have the McLaren which now comes with the quick release adaptor as well as the original as part of the wheel package. All work perfectly and you can swap wheels in less than 10 seconds.

nice! Was looking at the McLaren as well... If I buy the quick release adapter by itself, will it attach and work on the rim that came with the csl elite?
Can you be more specific exactly which steering wheel came with your wheel base?
I'm not sure what's it's called. It's just the standard 30cm round rim that comes with the csl PS4 elite set... Wasn't sure if it could be equipped with the quick release attachment, wouldn't need another round wheel then, just a formula rim. I'm wanting both a round wheel and formula type wheel to have the quick release, so I can change them over easier.
I'm not sure what's it's called. It's just the standard 30cm round rim that comes with the csl PS4 elite set...
The ClubSport Quick Release Adapter can not be mounted on this steering wheel

without modification that is not cheap and will void the warranty.
I also had the Problem that my Base randomly shut down.
Turned out to be a faulty Powerbrick.
Cables were fine.
When you say "Powerbrick" is that what they call the "Power Supply Unit" (cable/adapter that plugs from the wall to the wheelbase)?
And if so, how do you replace that seeing they don't sell that on the Fanatec website? I find it very strange they don't sell those things in case they need replacing especially when they say use genuine parts.
.....But anyway, if need be how do I replace?....what power supply unit do I look for?
The ClubSport Quick Release Adapter can not be mounted on this steering wheel

without modification that is not cheap and will void the warranty.
Thanks for that mate! I appreciate you letting me know... What round fanatec wheel would you recommend that has quick release? I've heard that the BMW gt2 wheel might be too heavy for the csl elite, might stop you feeling alot of ffb and so forth. That was the rim I had my eye on until I heard that.
Thanks for that mate! I appreciate you letting me know... What round fanatec wheel would you recommend that has quick release? I've heard that the BMW gt2 wheel might be too heavy for the csl elite, might stop you feeling alot of ffb and so forth. That was the rim I had my eye on until I heard that.
I only have experience with CSL Elite P1 steering wheel, so it is better to ask some other person for recommendations.:)
Sorry for my bad writing. :)

I meant the Power supply unit.
Thought Powerbrick is the same meaning.

I had the Problem that my csl elite base randomly did just turn off.

I thought it was a cable or plug in connection.
But turns out, it was the power supply unit.
Guys @Fanatec send me a new one, and no more problems since then.

Here in Germany there often are some 4 sale @ebay. Around 15-30€...
CSL Elite PS4 unit arrived last week. Had some time at the weekend to modify my sim rig so it now fits...

On the wheelbase, the light is only Red, it doesn't go Purple.. Is this normal? It works fine on the PS4 (no light) and PC (red light).

Apart from that, it is soooo much better than the G29. A lot quieter, smoother, more detail and just feels better.
Having issues tracking down the screw size for the static shifters.
I've fabricated an android cell phone holder to bolt under the base rev lights and run dashpanel.

What size bolts are these?
Screenshot (11).png
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CSL Elite PS4 unit arrived last week. Had some time at the weekend to modify my sim rig so it now fits...

On the wheelbase, the light is only Red, it doesn't go Purple.. Is this normal? It works fine on the PS4 (no light) and PC (red light).

Apart from that, it is soooo much better than the G29. A lot quieter, smoother, more detail and just feels better.
As far as I'm aware for PS4 you gotta have the LED (light) on blue.
Does P1 alcantara wheel work with this csl wheelbase+, which they sell alone, with GTSport?

You can map every action of wheel in game to wheel's buttons & joystick?

Thinking to move from TM to Fanatec. Shame McLaren rim isn't on stock until end of year. It has been sold earlier so wondering why preorders are dated so long to future. Is there some changes coming to that wheel or what..
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Does P1 alcantara wheel work with this csl wheelbase+, which they sell alone, with GTSport?

You can map every action of wheel in game to wheel's buttons & joystick?

Thinking to move from TM to Fanatec. Shame MacLaren rim isn't on stock until end of year. It has been sold earlier so wondering why preorders are dated so long to future. Is there some changes coming to that wheel or what..

Yes. I have that setup and it works great.

As quick as advertised. I had the F1 Esports now the F1 V2 (near straight swap cost wise for me fortunately) and have the McLaren which now comes with the quick release adaptor as well as the original as part of the wheel package. All work perfectly and you can swap wheels in less than 10 seconds.

Bye the bye, how do those two F1 wheels compare having owned both? If someone had to pay retail, is the V2 worth the extra splurge over the eSports?
Bye the bye, how do those two F1 wheels compare having owned both? If someone had to pay retail, is the V2 worth the extra splurge over the eSports?

Well I sold the e-sports for £250 and bought the V2 for £320ish and got the F1 2019 Legends offer too for £1 which I was going to buy anyway so the net cost of the swap was very little indeed. So for me it was a no brainer as the V2 has extra functions. The feel/size of the two wheels is identical so that is not a reason. For me the V2 was bought as in order of importance:
1. It adds Xbox compatibility which is a big plus as I primarily race on PS4 and XBOX much less on PC.
2. The display is full OLED rather than three character LED - much easier to read and make adjustments - looks nice too.
3. Extra knobs - not much support for these but they do look great too
4. Did not consider this a plus before purchase but the REV leds look much nicer in use than e-sports. Cosmetic but they do look better.
5. love the colour of the QR and shifters

Well I sold the e-sports for £250 and bought the V2 for £320ish and got the F1 2019 Legends offer too for £1 which I was going to buy anyway so the net cost of the swap was very little indeed. So for me it was a no brainer as the V2 has extra functions. The feel/size of the two wheels is identical so that is not a reason. For me the V2 was bought as in order of importance:
1. It adds Xbox compatibility which is a big plus as I primarily race on PS4 and XBOX much less on PC.
2. The display is full OLED rather than three character LED - much easier to read and make adjustments - looks nice too.
3. Extra knobs - not much support for these but they do look great too
4. Did not consider this a plus before purchase but the REV leds look much nicer in use than e-sports. Cosmetic but they do look better.
5. love the colour of the QR and shifters

Thanks for that mate! Will keep those things in mind...
Hello! In March, sent the steering wheel under warranty for repairs! Replaced the encoder! Today, in the race, the steering wheel again failed and he is again pulled to the right side; he is ready to escape from his hands at any time! I'm tired of this problem already! how long will I still be tormented with this CSL ELITE. Not only that, they installed a touch sensor instead of a hall sensor! so this wheel also rattles while driving, like DFGT I really want to get my money back for the product. Or the second varinat, I’m ready to pay the difference in price so that they would give me the base sport club CSW2.5
I’ll attach links to the video with the problem, they’re old, but the same thing is happening now.
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