Hi All.
After a motor kit replacement at Fanatec, my CSW base developed a bad case of FFB fade.
Hurry up with your Motorkit Replacement, eKretz. 👍
I first tried to reverse the Fan, but that didn't eliminate the problem. It made it better, tho. Could drive 5 min longer before FFB fade step 2.
When I took the motor assembly out, I first noticed that the temp sensor was placed behind the bottom motor.
When I removed the bolt the hold the Cooling fins in place, Most of the simply dropped off cause of bad fit and almost no thermal paste
When I removed the metal sleeves on the motors, there where no thermal paste on them.
Thermal paste on the sleeves, fins adjusted for better fit and Thermal paste on.
Temp sensor relocated between the motors. Extra 80 mm fan mounted on left side to improve airflow. In on left out on right side.
Haven't had a FFB fade yet. Ran iRacing for 2h yesterday, with the BMW wheel and For set to 150. 👍
Not sure it even does FFB fade step 1 anymore.
Shocking to discover how badly and cheap the motor assembly are on such a expensive wheel. German engineering! Yeah right.