Fanatec CSW/CSR Elite Modders Thread *UPDATE February 2014*

  • Thread starter eKretz
She's adorable mate, glad to hear her brother is helping out, I wish my older two would help out more! I know it's off topic but here is my little one last weekend, we asked Ry (the older one) to keep an eye on him for us while we spoke to the dealer about the car we were buying and this was his version of looking after him - wedging him in to the corner of his seat while he played his video game!
That's really lame yegor. I'm sad that Fanatec have let you down like that. At least if you go that way, the modded wheel will hold up for a very very long time and the Bühler motors are available if you want to buy replacements.
Ahh... it's not about letting me down, but more of how they operate. I imagine how many bought CSR Elite and most probably everyone is plagued by the faulty, half-baked product, and the company that produced those is comfortably stays numb.

I'm yet to have a trouble-free session of racing -- there is always something wrong with their products: either the CSPs don't function properly or the wheel malfunctions.

I sent a lengthy reply, let's see what they have to say. Meanwhile can't wait to get the new, MK7 R and hit the track in real life after a long break :)
I can't believe in this. My wheel's warranty expired about 1.5 years ago and they don't have replacement parts? It's unbelievable.

So, it shows either CSR Elite and CSW use different motors or there is still no intent to offer spare parts for CSW too although Thomas have stated otherwise.

That's really lame yegor. I'm sad that Fanatec have let you down like that.

Logitech is probably the biggest company that produces wheels. Very many years ago, a motor in my G25 went out a month or two after warranty ended. I asked them whether it is possible to get a replacement (I wanted to buy one from them). I told them my warranty just ended. They said they can still proceed with replacing it. After month and a half exchanging letters (they were very slow to response, one answer per week or so), they said sorry they can't replace my motor because wheel is out of warranty even though they knew it from the start and said they can still proceed with it. So even the big boys don't do anything but say sorry, eventhough wheel was still in production and they said it is no problem for them and so on.
So, it shows either CSR Elite and CSW use different motors or there is still no intent to offer spare parts for CSW too although Thomas have stated otherwise.

If we have learned anything from Fanatec over the years it is that anything Thomas says is subject to change at any moment with little to no warning. So just because Thomas stated spare parts would be made available and even though Thomas reassured everyone here months later that parts would be available, doesn't mean parts will be available. Several people have tried to purchase motors (some of us still under warranty) and don't believe anyone has been successful so far.

At the end of the day new stock motor blocks is just a band aid fix anyway. They are junk motors for sim wheels and there is no way around that. eKertz has a great mod here and you can kick him a couple pennies to mod it for you (complete or partial) or he has all the info available for you to source parts and mod the wheel yourself. So it seems you really only have 2 choices, either mod in some better motors or scrap the piece of 🤬.
So it seems you really only have 2 choices, either mod in some better motors or scrap the piece of 🤬.

Well, if my motors go at some point, I would probably collect money for upcoming Accuforce wheel or make one of those DIY direct drive wheels (no offence to eKretz's excellent job, but if I would want to improve I would rather take next big step). My current motors are now over two years old but still OK. That is a good thing with Fanatec that if you decide to use some different wheel you can still use your Fanatec pedals, shifter and handbrake (although personally don't own latter 2 as of yet but are in my list) and don't lose out much.

So just because Thomas stated spare parts would be made available and even though Thomas reassured everyone here months later that parts would be available, doesn't mean parts will be available.

Well they are basically available but not the way you would hope. That is what their maintenance and repair service is for (atleast in Europe), although for more experienced guys a waste of money.
Fanatec's response below. Well, I call it BS, but whatever :)
I am very sorry! I have made a mistake. I did not see that you have a CSR Elite Wheel. I thought it was a nomal CSR Wheel.

We sure do have the Motor for the CSR Elite wheel as a spare part. It can be purchased for $ 35,- plus delivery cost.
Enclosed i send you the manual how to replace the motor.

It also would be possible, to send the Wheel to our workshop for the replacement of the motor. That would cost $ 63,- plus delivery cost and spare part.
The really annoying part of the reply is that there is no instructions of how to purchase.
Pfft... Do you think I have another choice? Check Fanatec's response below :)

I can't believe in this. My wheel's warranty expired about 1.5 years ago and they don't have replacement parts? It's unbelievable.

I am glad we have Eric :):)

Yeah I hear you and agree that´s really sad to hear from Fanatec, Thomas & co have never been a top notch company when it comes to quality of electronics + customer support imho, with that being said if you go with this mod you will not regret it my friend. Besides like Eric already said Buhler´s are available so if one should break down on you for whatever the reason later on you can still get new ones.

The metal parts in Fanatec´s CSW/Elite/CSP products and the quality feel to it is quite good though imo, so when you eliminate that weakest link you get a really nice wheel that will probably last for a long time as long as cooled properly.
Good news for Elite/CSW owner, 35$ is reasonable.
Bad news for CSR owner, but on the other hand they seem to have much less trouble with their motors.
It would be better if the motors would last longer, but at least Fanatec is not letting their customer down as was previously understood.
Good news for Elite/CSW owner, 35$ is reasonable.
Bad news for CSR owner, but on the other hand they seem to have much less trouble with their motors.
It would be better if the motors would last longer, but at least Fanatec is not letting their customer down as was previously understood.
Considering the content of the letter I replied with, I don't think it would've been a smart choice by them to let down :)
Ok so they messed up then?

I would still choose the Buhler path instead but that´s just me :gtpflag:

And me, and plenty of other guys! As the saying goes: Fool me once shame on you... Fool me twice...

And I would feel pretty foolish buying a bunch of stock replacement motors if they kept burning out.

I completely agree guys. Now I can't decide if I should buy the stock motors, replace and sell my Elite then buy CSW and mode with Eric's set.
As the saying goes: Fool me once shame on you... Fool me twice...

How am I ever meant to learn the rest of that damn saying!!?.....

@yegor Unfortunately you've already missed the best time to sell, as people are probably moving past their Xbox 360 stage. I suppose it mainly comes down to rim options, and CSW owners have an embarrassment of riches in that department these days.
Good news for Elite/CSW owner, 35$ is reasonable.
Bad news for CSR owner, but on the other hand they seem to have much less trouble with their motors.
It would be better if the motors would last longer, but at least Fanatec is not letting their customer down as was previously understood.

If I needed motors for my poor old porche wheel (technically the same as the standard csr) I would just buy the block for the csr elite/csw, then I'd have 2 motors, they are exactly the same motor, you just have to mount the position sensor on the back of the motor and that is pretty simple.

@eKretz i haven't had a chance to fish scale the single motor, still need to clean up the belts and pulleys to eliminate the slippage (been a bit lazy lately) as soon as I get around to it I'll post in here with the results. Don't stress about the graph either man, theres no rush
If I needed motors for my poor old porche wheel (technically the same as the standard csr) I would just buy the block for the csr elite/csw, then I'd have 2 motors, they are exactly the same motor, you just have to mount the position sensor on the back of the motor and that is pretty simple.

That's what I thought, but the Porsche wheels apparently use RS-550xxxxxxxx, and the CSW/Elite RS-555xxxxxxxxx.
I can confirm 100% they use exactly the same motor, I used one of my csr elite motors in my Porsche wheel when one of the motors burned out in my elite

Edit: unless of course they changed them at some point, but that seems highly unlikely
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Fanatec's response below. Well, I call it BS, but whatever :)

The really annoying part of the reply is that there is no instructions of how to purchase.

in my experience to buy the parts from them you have to do it through email and paypal
Yes, Elite, CSW and older Fanatec wheels use identical motors. The only difference is what is mounted on the motors (Older wheels have motor-mounted encoders, as Blue said).

I have successfully been able to buy a few parts through the same service rep that took care of my warranty work for stock motors back when I went through warranty a few times (2012?) I just emailed the same email address and kept pestering him until he got back to me.
in my experience to buy the parts from them you have to do it through email and paypal
I see.

How much are CSR Elite selling for? I'd like to pick one up sometime but don't see many for sale.
They are very rare and I believe appreciated in price, mainly, I think, because it's the best Xbox wheel. The last time I saw one on eBay was listed at around $1100, but didn't check back to see how much it was sold for.
I completely agree guys. Now I can't decide if I should buy the stock motors, replace and sell my Elite then buy CSW and mode with Eric's set.

In the end of the day that is your choice my friend but from a economical stand point if it was me in your situation I would go down the mod path of your already existing wheel, can even re-paint the intake/exhaust end plates if you want it to look more like CSW?

Then again the CSW is real easy to use if you often swapping wheels on the go, Formula wheel is available for CSR Elite though just not as easy to swap do to no quick connection on wheel. Should you go the CSW way and try to sell your Elite that might be a bit more comfy (if you get it sold for what you want?) but is it worth it economically, only you yourself can answer that.
Don´t forget the fact that you will destroy your warranty when mounting Buhler´s either way so should you buy a new CSW it will be without warranty just like your old Elite, have to weight positives and negatives against each other before taking a decision unless of course you have way more money then I do in which case perhaps economy side of it all is of no issue for you?

Whether you go with the wheel you already own or sell + buy a CSW you have the right idea, I have been using the Buhler mod for weeks now and should have become used to it by now but somehow I still get that big silly smile all over my face every time I start up equipment and sit down in the rig. Just cannot help it and I´m the type who usually get used to things fast but it´s simply addictive it really is and therefor worth every penny.
Sometimes I think about where I would have been at this point should I not have found this forum, probably disappointed with Fanatec and would have felt somewhat screwed yet now I have that silly smile on my face instead and know that I have access to help whenever I need it which is invaluable.
This was while running the single motor? May be that it draws a bit too much amperage. Check the drive MOSFETs first, then if those are good have a look at the switching transistors near them (they are marked J3Y and 2TY).