Fanatec CSW/CSR Elite Modders Thread *UPDATE February 2014*

  • Thread starter eKretz
@eKretz I'm not sure if it's just me but I can't the the instructions in the OP to load (the slingfile links). I hate to ask anyone to repeat themselves but I was trying to find the specifics on the type of air pump you recommended.
Hmm, you're the second person to report that. I will check into that, but in the meantime, look for a pump with around 30-40 LPM flow rate.
Derickh and I just concluded a full day of back to back testing of the Bühler modded CSW V1 and the beta CSW V2. Hopefully he will be writing up and posting his thoughts shortly, I think he will make a new separate post and link it here, but not sure.

He spent a good bit of time attempting to beat my best lap time on AC with the Zonda R at Mugello, lol. Almost got me too! We ended up comparing Assetto Corsa, iRacing and Race Room Experience (SimBin). He also brought his BMW rim so we got a chance to directly compare the FFB difference between both rims on both wheels. That also gave me the chance to make another "high-drag" Bühler wheel video, this time with the BMW rim instead of the formula rim. Now if they would only upload properly!
I already miss my CSR Elite... It will be long to wait for a CSW... Look the Grand Prix this morning... I want to driiiiiive !!!

Give me some reviews, it will make the waiting more admissible. :)
I'm itching to see more of his in-depth thoughts too - as well as let him describe for himself how my "high-drag" wheel compares to the V2 - about which all the beta testers are praising the "super-light" freewheeling friction. I think he feels the same as I do, and that is that my Bühler wheel feels just as good as the V2 in that department.
Okay fellas - as promised, here are the vids of the Buhler mod wheel freewheeling.

First up, Formula Rim:

Next, BMW Rim - this goes further as its a bit heavier:

Next, how easy it is to fake super-smooth freewheeling - I present the Space Buttered Formula Rim:

At the risk of all my recent posts sounding like all I do is whine about what I don't know, I can't help but chime in here and say that I don't get what you're demonstrating in these videos. Why is this good? What would be bad? Why is this important?

You can choose to completely ignore this post and not worry about answering any of this. Seriously. I'm not sure I really need to know any of this.

I'm not getting this mod because I'm kept up at night about "freewheeling" and "drag". I am getting this mod because "car games are fun" and I want my wheel to "last a really long time".
It's basically just how much mechanical resistance there is. In a perfect world, there would be next to none, and only the ffb info would generate any significant resistance. In my world, I just don't want there to be any more than what I would find in a real car. "In a perfect world" also relies on a fidelity that ffb probably doesn't have at this point, so as to not require a smoothing effect that the mechanical damper provides.

Others will correct me if I'm wrong on any of that.

Oh, and without me explaining, just believe me that "space butter" is wonderfully hilarious.
At the risk of all my recent posts sounding like all I do is whine about what I don't know, I can't help but chime in here and say that I don't get what you're demonstrating in these videos. Why is this good? What would be bad? Why is this important?

You can choose to completely ignore this post and not worry about answering any of this. Seriously. I'm not sure I really need to know any of this.

I'm not getting this mod because I'm kept up at night about "freewheeling" and "drag". I am getting this mod because "car games are fun" and I want my wheel to "last a really long time".

It's just a demonstration showing that the wheel doesn't turn into some super high drag device due to the addition of the Bühler motors, as a certain someone would have everyone believe. I'm hoping this will put that ridiculous claim to bed once and for all. A stock CSW V1 wheel basically won't freewheel that far, I think they are usually good for only between 180° and 360° max. As you can see in the video, the Bühler wheel will almost spin stop to stop with the formula rim and will spin to the stop and bounce off with the BMW rim. The Space Butter thing is just an inside joke - the same certain someone mentioned above once posted a video just like it, bragging how great his " drag reduction " is/was/whatever. But he wouldn't show the inside of the wheel base and had the whole thing covered with a towel like it was some sort of state secret. :rolleyes:

Easier freewheeling is a good thing in that it should theoretically help you feel the smaller forces better, but in practice I don't really find it makes a whole lot of difference. Especially with the Bühler motors, as they are so much stronger than stock they already magnify the smaller forces quite a bit.
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Guys, a friend just PMed me this link to an Assetto Corsa forum thread regarding setting up the FFB properly in that Sim. It's a good read and will help a lot of you set your wheels up as well as possibly help for feeling the smaller forces, check it out:

Also of note, the awful linearity graph of the CSW owner on page 3. I would bet that he is running firmware 53. Firmware 37 is by far THE most linear of all recent firmware - I suggest running only 37 for everyone with a CSW, and especially for the Bühler mod guys. It really brings the wheel to life on the small/light feedback whether stock or modded. If you prefer, compare the different firmware for yourselves in your favorite Sims. I think you'll agree that 37 is the best.
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Guys, my CSR E won't return to center after self-calibration when it's turned on: it rotates right, then left and stays there. I reflashed the firmware, it worked fine for a couple times then started acting the same way.
I only tested one firmware on the Elite, and I think it was pretty close to 037 on the CSW. I'll look it up and let you know which it was.

Hmm, I didn't record which one it was, but I want to say it was 757. Let me do some more digging and I'll see if I can say for sure. Another thing, to get it as good as possible you really need to get belt tension just so, make sure you take some time with that and get it dialed in well.
Guys, my CSR E won't return to center after self-calibration when it's turned on: it rotates right, then left and stays there. I reflashed the firmware, it worked fine for a couple times then started acting the same way.

Sounds like you have either a dirty or defective position sensor or dirty or scratched optical wheel. If you're out of warranty try cleaning both. Use an air blast for the sensor or perhaps a lint-free cloth and some isopropyl alcohol. Use the lint-free cloth to clean the optical wheel also - IPA should be fine there as well. Some have had success moving the sensor a bit also, you can loosen it's mounting bolt and tweak it a little - just make sure the optical wheel doesn't rub or you will scratch it.

If you have warranty, contact Fanatec and use it.
Guys, my CSR E won't return to center after self-calibration when it's turned on: it rotates right, then left and stays there. I reflashed the firmware, it worked fine for a couple times then started acting the same way.

This will be normal if you have Spring set to OFF, not zero but off does that.
@eKretz 757 is what I am using in my elite, I believe it is the last one.

Looking forward to see some settings for the elite in ACas per the thread on AC support forum,, I am travelling all week and will not be able to test anything before this week need.
This will be normal if you have Spring set to OFF, not zero but off does that.
@eKretz 757 is what I am using in my elite, I believe it is the last one.

Looking forward to see some settings for the elite in ACas per the thread on AC support forum,, I am travelling all week and will not be able to test anything before this week need.

Ahh, I think maybe I was misunderstanding. I thought he was saying the wheel would not complete calibration and was unusable. If this isn't the case, then Cote has you covered.

And yup, it was 757.

"Those reviews might not be 100% objective as some testers have a history (good or bad) with Fanatec and some of them appreciate the opportunity to be the first to enjoy the wheel. And although it has not been announced yet, they also might expect that they can keep the unit and purchase it with a discount."

?? What does this mean guys? I hope Fanatec let em keep or at least buy the wheels a lot cheaper.
I reckon fanatec will offer them to the testers, otherwise what would they do with them?

Just thought I'd show a couple of pics of how I'm running my wheel atm,




As you can see the right side panel won't fit on especially with the fan and electronics mounted in it, also because the pcb has been shifted so far to give the motor some room, the rear cover won't fit either. I used two pieces of alloy with a threaded hole to mount the pcb further back and offset. I actually angled the bracket slightly upward too to make it a bit easier too plug things in.

I added some Velcro to the top of the base and on the back of my phone so I can use it as a dash, really handy for cars that had hard to read or out of view dashes.
And I use the fanatec bag to keep the dust off when I'm not using it

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"Those reviews might not be 100% objective as some testers have a history (good or bad) with Fanatec and some of them appreciate the opportunity to be the first to enjoy the wheel. And although it has not been announced yet, they also might expect that they can keep the unit and purchase it with a discount."

?? What does this mean guys? I hope Fanatec let em keep or at least buy the wheels a lot cheaper.

What an odd thing to say. So basically, if you read something negative, it's probably because the person just doesn't like Fanatec and/or doesn't appreciate the fact that they were chosen as a reviewer??? Makes one wonder if the point is to review the wheel objectively or simply be another marketing channel.

Most reviews are going essentially subjective anyhow not many people will be using objective means to reach conclusions outside their own opinion. Eric is one of the few that seems to be an exception in most of his review.

Unfortunately, it's stuff like the above that turns people like myself off from a product and a company. Hey, that's just me though. :)

Also, Blue... That's pretty awesome to see. Thanks for posting and nice work :)
Nice work Steven! Looks like you did as good a job as possible to try to shoehorn that monster in there. I take it the line coming in the back of the motor is pumping air into the motor to cool it? Looks like one of my fittings. What steering wheel is that? Looks pretty nice.

"Those reviews might not be 100% objective as some testers have a history (good or bad) with Fanatec and some of them appreciate the opportunity to be the first to enjoy the wheel. And although it has not been announced yet, they also might expect that they can keep the unit and purchase it with a discount."

?? What does this mean guys? I hope Fanatec let em keep or at least buy the wheels a lot cheaper.

I think they are saying that some of the reviews may be a little rosy or the opposite because people could possibly be giving biased reviews thinking it may help them keep the wheel or because they may have a beef with Fanatec. In any case, I tried to avoid that, and having the modded V1 which I like even better it wasn't too hard, lol.

One more thing, to my knowledge the people who posted reviews weren't asked to and were under no obligation to do so. In my case I just thought there were a lot of guys clamoring for info and figured my friends would like to read my thoughts on the new wheel vs. the original. I would assume the official reviews will be done on the retail model of the wheel.
That makes sense Eric except that this:

"Those reviews might not be 100% objective as some testers have a history (good or bad) with Fanatec"

Doesn't seem to jive with this:

"some of them appreciate the opportunity to be the first to enjoy the wheel."

I'm probably reading into it too much and/or applying bias based previous comments from Thomas. I should keep my nose out of it.
Yes I would agree that the added sentence wasn't very neutral.

Also don't forget the Germans have issues sometimes with sentence structure in English, since their grammar is often backwards to ours with respect to noun and verb placement, etc.
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I'm sure it was, as I saw that they had a little unpleasant back and forth exchange on the iRacing hardware forum.
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