Fanatec CSW/CSR Elite Modders Thread *UPDATE February 2014*

  • Thread starter eKretz
i am not a long time user but from day one after seeing some adverts i am hooked on Fanatec products and had never experienced any problems with my csr elite, clubsport pedals v2, css shifter and my csw base with bmw gt rim:) only silenced my css shifter with isolated material so it sounds much quieter when shifting through the gears :lol:

guess i like the total package fanatec gives :D where can i apply as a beta user ?? haha...:lol:

oooh i forgot, my wife likes it too!! she even sometimes drives in my rig and watch Top Gear on television:D
We also selected Happy customers and a lot of game developers.

Only a fraction of the testers were selected through forums.

Thanks for your loyalty! :-)
Would you consider giving away invites on different community forums such as this one or are you going to do all of the promotions through the blog?
Well I for one am glad to get the votes of confidence from you guys, and glad that you trust that I will tell it to you straight. I think it says something about Fanatec also that they would select me to test their stuff - they clearly WANT to find any problems and aren't unwilling to do what they can to fix them. We only have a couple days before there will be a lot of new viewpoints available on the new wheel.
I was thinking the same thing when I read you got a V2 for testing. Kudos to Fanatec for looking to their critics to improve their products.
That's OK, I won't be posting my comparison of that specific combo - please still do! Especially since mine is a beta wheel and yours will be production.
HoiHman wheel friction video shows a great improvement on the internal friction (compared to my CSR Elite)...
Note that the V2 uses ONE motor (singular), this is a more effective drive arrangement than using two motors/pulleys as has been noted in the past. It makes it easier to combine both low drag and high drive torque. This is on top of using bearings and no brushes in the motor. The V2 has WAY less drag than the V1. If you think about it, the device has more dynamic range because it can more easily reproduce a wider range of signal strengths. From weak forces (helped by the more accurate position sensing and less need for drag correction fudge factor during calibration) to stronger forces (the claimed ~7 TQ max) from the more powerful motor and 7.5 amp power supply. This is beta of course, subject to improvement / revision.


(photo from Fanatec)
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Yeah wow, amazing! Just wait until you hear the back-to-back reviews from Derickh and other people who have actually used both wheels back-to-back and don't have some kind of perverted grudge guys, ignore the clown, nothing to see here. BTW, the belt ratio change has a hell of a lot more to do with the freewheeling friction change, IMO. But whatever, you know everything, so, uh, yeah. :rolleyes:
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Yeah wow, amazing! Just wait until you hear the back-to-back reviews from Derickh and other people who have actually used both wheels back-to-back and don't have some kind of perverted grudge guys, ignore the clown, nothing to see here.

Eric, I've used dual Buhlers, built it long ago. I think you'd be better off going to one drive motor, this is part of how I got my modded V1 down to such low drag figures. It's just easier to get better results, there is no need or reason to go dual. Fanetec had to at the time given the motor they had to use then and the belt drive ratios. I know that you disagree and that is fine. For the lowest drag levels one works better than two.
Sure you did. Pics or it didn't happen. Isn't that how it goes?

Dude, my point is not that it won't possibly work better in terms of friction/drag. It's not that it won't possibly work worse. I'm not arguing that in any way, either way, at all. My point is that you're chasing a unicorn with the drag/friction thing. It doesn't make any difference to my racing speed or control. And I'm tired of your spreading of the fallacy that it makes the wheel so much better and/or faster to reduce the slight amount of almost negligible free wheeling friction. The Buhler motors have so much more power than stock that it wipes that dynamic range gain off the map. Stronger motors are better than lighter freewheeling friction/drag. No contest. The new V2 has gone from a 20'ish:1 belt ratio to a 7.5'ish:1 ratio. That alone knocked off a whole hell of a lot of drag/friction.

I don't know why you continue this crusade when nobody wants to hear it. You do notice that you don't get very many likes when you go on and on about thus stuff, right? And that I get a zillion? I'm not trying to be a dick here, but seriously dude, lay off the crusade and make some contributions if you want to, or just leave it be and move on, you've said your piece more than enough times already.
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PLEASE oh PLEASE DO NOT use Codemaster's as a baseline, their FFB is HORRIBLE, Worst ive felt by far.

I would not go as far as to call it horrible but of course that is only my personal view, I think FFB is pretty ok in F1. Respect your view though and we all different so.. Eric confirmed he will test several games so I´m sure we all will get what we want in the end of the day.

Don't I know it. I came up with the V2 bit in the name. A revolutionary and invaluable contribution.

:lol: Classic, made me laugh a bit and God knows I needed it after being sad a few days now, thanks!

I was thinking the same thing when I read you got a V2 for testing. Kudos to Fanatec for looking to their critics to improve their products.

Very well said, I think that Fanatec listening to critique/ideas for improvement is a great idea!
The way I see it the modders in this thread have given us some stunning improvements but I get it, it´s not for everyone and you do throw out the warranty out the window so seeing Fanatec going this way makes me so glad, thank you Fanatec respect you a lot for this.

Hey Eric, a crazy question but have got to ask it so..

Since V2 use a single brushless DC motor I wonder do you know if we in theory could use a V2 PCM + universal hub/wheel (if you can buy them that is?) to make your own DIY direct drive wheel?
I understand it´s a lot to ask of the equipment just curious if possible to modify PCB for a more powerful servo motor, use stock FW/software and somehow make it work and be used as a base for a simple DIY direct wheel drive project?
I'm sure it could be done easily enough. whether it would be cost effective remains to be seen. Before I would try something like that, I'd surely want to try the other direct drive wheels coming to market and see what they will cost.
Good point Eric, as you notice I´m lacking the skills/info to know if it could be done or not but yeah is it worth it?

Only time will tell I guess, I´m happy with the mod in my V1 at this point but a direct drive wheel is something I would not say no to haha.
Hello all I have a CSR Elite that has stopped working any one know of a shop in the US i can send it to to have repaired I am not very comfortable opening it up and trying to repair it myself
It started lose center after a few laps the wheel would be 90 degrees off I would re'adjust the wheel and right back again in a few laps if I didn't hit any curbs but if you hit a curb it would be immediate' I tried to tighten the belts from the out side but now it doesn't even show up as a controller on my pc but does seem to turn on I give up and luck I had preorderd a v1 and got the upgrade to the v2 so hopefully I will get that soon but I do want this wheel for my grandson but after doing some reading I think I have some motors out on the unit and would just like to see if I can get it over hauled so to speak.
lol the g27 is great for what it is but after using my CSR E lite I am spoiled
Well, you should contact Fanatec, I'm sure that they will do a repair for you. Whether or not you have warranty still may be an issue though. I would be happy to help too if you wanted me to have a look. PM me if you want to discuss it further.