Fanatec CSW/CSR Elite Modders Thread *UPDATE February 2014*

  • Thread starter eKretz
It started lose center after a few laps the wheel would be 90 degrees off I would re'adjust the wheel and right back again in a few laps if I didn't hit any curbs but if you hit a curb it would be immediate' I tried to tighten the belts from the out side but now it doesn't even show up as a controller on my pc but does seem to turn on I give up and luck I had preorderd a v1 and got the upgrade to the v2 so hopefully I will get that soon but I do want this wheel for my grandson but after doing some reading I think I have some motors out on the unit and would just like to see if I can get it over hauled so to speak.
lol the g27 is great for what it is but after using my CSR E lite I am spoiled
My CSW had the same issue. At first they sent me a new code wheel sensor, but it didn't help, so they said to try checking the code wheel itself for dirt. I noticed that some of the paint had chipped off the wheel and had to get a replacement wheel base. Its a pretty tuff part to replace.
My CSW would do that sometimes. I took the wheel apart and cleaned wheel sensor and disk. Fixed the issue for me. There was a finger print on the wheel disk. No idea how that got there... lol
It was probably made in China, lol. :lol: I'm referring to the fingerprint, of course...

Repositioning the sensor and/or cleaning it or the optical wheel do the trick occasionally if there's no damage. The trouble is when the sensor fails due to a bad LED or photosensor. Then you need new parts.
You can repaint the lines also, I've done a few recently after experimenting to find a good way to do it.

I have never had a problem with centering after going through three CSR-E's (due to motor failures) Is this paint on the code wheel or the sensor something I need to be worried about long term?
I have never had a problem with centering after going through three CSR-E's (due to motor failures) Is this paint on the code wheel or the sensor something I need to be worried about long term?

No, in my experience the paint isn't a problem unless someone scratches the optical wheel. This is usually pretty evident from fairly early if it's the case from the factory, since the wheel will start losing location with only a little dust getting into the base. If you scratch it while working inside, obviously it could be a problem. Most cases though are either failures in the components or dirt/dust causing misreads.
So how do I get Fanatec support to let me send it back in when I talk to them via email they want a video which is not possible now makes me wonder if I want a new Fanatec wheel
I guess send them a video of the wheel off center and tell them it won't stay centered. Maybe you could make a video and have it centered and crash into a wall so it's off center after the crash? Didn't you say it goes off if you hit something?
Problem now is that my computer does not even show the wheel it has stopped even showing up as a controller so I have no way of reproducing the problem to show it on a video guess I could allway's sell it for parts or scrap aluminum

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Well then send them a video that shows you plugging in the USB and nothing happening on the computer.

If they won't help you I could fix it for you, but I would push for the free repair if you have warranty.
So I finally opened the power supply I ordered a long time ago when it was linked here for cheap on eBay. I have...absolutely no idea what to do with it. As excited I am about this mod, I am also completely terrified about going through with it.
No worries, I will guide you through it. And don't feel bad, you won't be the first to need it! Next step is to decide if you want to use some parts (cables) from your old stock power supply or get new cabling. If you want to use the stuff from your old power supply, just cut the cable with the part that plugs into your base off right next to the old power supply, then strip the insulation and get some crimp terminals on the wires. The center wire is + and the outside sheathing wire is - so that's where you attach them to the screw terminals on the power supply.

The 120V cable you can do the same process, but I recommend using a grounded cable if you can get one. They are usually color coded as follows: The black wire from the power cable will go to the power supply's 'L' terminal, white to the 'N' terminal, and green to the ground terminal. If there's no color code on the cable, the wire that plugs in to the larger plug blade slot is the 'N' or neutral wire. The smaller plug/outlet blade slot is the 'L' or Live/Hot terminal.
Woot! Found a seat for someday in the future when I have time to make a full racing seat rig:

$40 on Craigslist with the slider brackets!

I also have some videos I'm going to be posting as soon as they upload. Certain people have made quite a fuss over the amount of free wheeling friction in the CSW V1, and many reviewers commented on the improvement there in the V2. Henk even posted a short video showing the free spin - how far the wheel would rotate with an unpowered spin of the wheel. I'm here to tell you that you can do just about as well with your Bühler wheel, and have the video to prove it. I also have another video that shows my wheel running from one stop to the other, bouncing off and spinning back the other way a bit, just like someone who posted similar video in the past. You will discover that it's easy to fake such a video, and that's why I kept asking for details/pics to see if it was faked, but never got any proof. You guys can decide for yourselves.

Hopefully this will put the scandalous rumors of my wheel/mod being "high drag" to rest once and for all.
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Looks like a comfy seat Eric, I´m sure you will appreciate the racing even more once you have your rig completed.

I have not really noticed any "high drag" after Buhler mod after correct belt tension but that´s just me, also I don´t do a lot of drifting and such mostly F1 where it not as important I assume but not sure though?
Playing around with the belt tension after tip from Eric did it for me, turned out I had way to much tension after first installing the mod cause the power of the Buhlers just kept the belt (the one closest to the wheel/front of CSW) just kept slipping when I forced it beyond the soft stop.
My bad did not realize that don´t happen in game so used wrong criteria when doing the belt tension haha.., you learn every day it seams.
Hey Eric, I really want you to be able to keep the V2 after testing is over, do not wish to see you send that bad boy back to Fanatec so I took my own little initiative here and though why not open up some volunteer donation thingy?

Sorry to say I´m not exactly rich quite far from it don´t even have a job atm but then again I´m not greedy at all and as long as I´m happy and can make sure everyone around me is happy too and no one starving money means little to me I have to say. Just paper with a made up value printed on it, I cannot contribute a lot that´s true but I did do a small donation of $10 to your Paypal account just now and kinda hope others who feel you helped them out would consider doing the same if they can and want to that is? It´s not a lot but you never know perhaps you manage to get a small pot and could add some yourself + maybe Fanatec give you a good deal, you just never know but I really hope you can keep the wheel cause I know you not afraid to test out new mods on it that we could potentially benefit from like we did with the V1.

Anyways just an idea that´s all, if it does´t happen see the $10 as some type of "I am thankful" kinda donation!
I know you put a lot of time into this and do not benefit economically from what you do so I´m just really thankful and hope we can keep benefiting from your work even in the future. Also I like to say that you always answer pm´s about questions related to Fanatec gear and always give me valuable tips and information so yeah thanks again.
Hey Eric, I really want you to be able to keep the V2 after testing is over, do not wish to see you send that bad boy back to Fanatec so I took my own little initiative here and though why not open up some volunteer donation thingy?

i'm not really sure it's wise to keep v2 beta unit, because i found this quote on the blog site fanatec. :rolleyes:

"On the other side we have asked the testers not to report about any issues or things which might have been changed in the final product. For example we changed the motor and made the inner construction more sturdy and changed the heat resistance which will rediuce the Curie effect on the magnets. And we are still working on the final firmware."

you can find the whole article here.
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Hopefully Eric doesn't acquire enough v2 parts from some more needed "modding" to build his own. Though the v2 seems to be a more robust unit. Fingers crossed.

And after his great review of the v2 Eric should be putting his hand up to be one of the testers for the accuforce wheel.
Thanks bruzski appreciate the info.

..on the other hand Eric likes to mod so perhaps he would swap the motor or do some other stuff anyway, I could not tell you honestly he have to answer that himself really.

I hope he get one either way whether it´s beta or proper release, not that I have some weird thingy going on wanting him go get all kinds of freebees hehehe. I have to admit did it to show my appreciation mostly but also I do believe we will benefit from him having one so in a way I´m also a bit selfish I guess, well selfish and selfish more like a we all could benefit kinda solution. :lol:
..on the other hand Eric likes to mod so perhaps he would swap the motor or do some other stuff anyway, I could not tell you honestly he have to answer that himself really.

I have to admit did it to show my appreciation mostly but also I do believe we will benefit from him having one so in a way I´m also a bit selfish I guess, well selfish and selfish more like a we all could benefit kinda solution. :lol:

I am sure Eric has measured, photographed and taken heaps of input/output data from the wheel to know where to start improving it to his liking, it's in his nature thankfully for us. :) But at a guess he likes his modded v1 and his next upgrade or mod could be a direct drive version of some sort, just at a guess.
Jimmy, I don't even know what to say bud. I truly did not expect anyone to do something like that. Very nice of you. There isn't really any word on whether beta testers will get a chance to purchase the V2 wheel at a lower price as either a beta or a retail replacement. I was notified about the internal changes and motor change in the process of discussing a few things with the beta tester contact at Fanatec, but not sure if they are super critical or not.
So while all this V2 news is about progress of our Buhler mods shipping out? I'm so ready to enjoy Assetto Corsa once again. Sorry if you've already addressed this. It I've been busy with an a new project myself speaking on big boy toys...Vintage IMSA BMW 325IS built by TC KLINE and raced by Randy Pobst. And Yes I have a chub...
So while all this V2 news is about progress of our Buhler mods shipping out? I'm so ready to enjoy Assetto Corsa once again. Sorry if you've already addressed this. It I've been busy with an a new project myself speaking on big boy toys...Vintage IMSA BMW 325IS built by TC KLINE and raced by Randy Pobst. And Yes I have a chub...

Yup, been covered, but that's OK. I need to remake a few parts because the ones I had made up fit the old model motor and the new one has different bolt hole pattern/size. So all my parts stock is no good. Working on getting them remade ASAP - not much left to do, but I can only get in to do them when I'm in good enough shape with my back and when the machines I need are open. I'm thinking the first five will probably ship in about 1-2 weeks, then the rest will be right behind them.

Awesome car, BTW, did you buy it? I'm jealous! That's a sweet machine.
Hopefully Eric doesn't acquire enough v2 parts from some more needed "modding" to build his own. Though the v2 seems to be a more robust unit. Fingers crossed.

And after his great review of the v2 Eric should be putting his hand up to be one of the testers for the accuforce wheel.

I would love to test one of those, I saw on iRacing that Berney said they would be taking applications for testers, maybe I'll try applying.
Yup, been covered, but that's OK. I need to remake a few parts because the ones I had made up fit the old model motor and the new one has different bolt hole pattern/size. So all my parts stock is no good. Working on getting them remade ASAP - not much left to do, but I can only get in to do them when I'm in good enough shape with my back and when the machines I need are open. I'm thinking the first five will probably ship in about 1-2 weeks, then the rest will be right behind them.

Awesome car, BTW, did you buy it? I'm jealous! That's a sweet machine.
I was lucky enough to have been 1st in line to buy this 1 owner gem and thankfully was in a position to. It's in awesome original condition with fresh build on motor and new M3 LSD. It's last race was at Sebring in 2012 after a complete refreshing and new fuel cell as I was also fortunate enough to get its SCCA log book.
I'm in the process of doing a few minor things (cleaning, painting roll cage) to get it back in like new condition.
Here are few vids of it racing in IMSA IS series and one with me doing my first startup and cruise around the block (neighbors love me)

IMSA West Palm Beach (Randy Pobst driving) :

IMSA Topeka (my good friend Ron driving - whom I purchased car from ):

Me enjoying a fully built M20 by Russ Collins Engineering for first time :
Haha, that car is begging you to run it to 9000 RPM bro! Listen to that poor baby coughing and hacking at low RPM. Don't you love her? Give her what she wants!
Haha, that car is begging you to run it to 9000 RPM bro! Listen to that poor baby coughing and hacking at low RPM. Don't you love her? Give her what she wants!
When that vid was shot she had a bad Throttle Position And Mass Air Flow Sensors...she purrs steady now the new ones are installed. Although she still growls at idle due to the big cams :) :) :)
Needless to say I'm in love!
In the process of changing all fluids, belts, etc. and ordering new parts for myself really then she hits the track end of this month!

Here are some of my new goodies to give to her.
