Fanatec CSW/CSR Elite Modders Thread *UPDATE February 2014*

  • Thread starter eKretz
You are so right guys, I´ll second what you say! :gtpflag:

I just hope Eric as well as other modders give the V2 a go as well, have no doubt it can be done but once done I would like to see a different cooling solution for a potentially modded V2? I suspect it should be a bit easier cause of that single brush less DC motor, obviously I´m thinking about the water jackets discussed earlier in this very thread.
I have come to enjoy driving with headphones (do to air noise @ eKretz V1 Buhler mod) which is great but still like the possibility to just run my surround system every now and then as well.

Cannot afford the V2 atm and honestly see no reason to buy it when already owning the Buhler mod setup although I would consider start saving up should we see such a mod for V2.

...or just have patience and wait a lot will happen on this front within the upcoming years I suspect, such as DD wheels etc.
Haha, I often wonder the same thing. Mine is just audible as far as the air noise. Derickh found that if you seal the gap from extending the rear cover out it helps some with the air noise also after I gave him some weather-stripping to try out for that purpose. My pump I can't even hear but it's in a little sound deadening box I made.

As for the mod egg basket I'm pretty sure you guys won't be disappointed, as so far every single person using a modded Bühler wheel has liked it a lot. Having not one negative review so far is pretty awesome, I'm very proud of that fact. The only comment I get from time to time is from people that wish they didn't have to use the air pump, which I understand, but when you have a brushed motor running within an inch of its life, you're kind of stuck with it if you want to keep them reliably running and if you want to avoid a lot of power fade due to excessive heat. The exception of course is if you want to run lower FFB, in which case you can get away without it. Bit for me anyway, I want POWAH! :lol:
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My air pump noise is no problem mainly because I race with headphones. Even so it is somewhat annoying between sessions when not using the headphones. But I can't imagine its much of an issue with loudspeakers at any but very low volume levels.

As has been said here the pump setup has two sources of noise. The low frequency vibration of the pump itself and the high frequency hiss of air escaping the motors inside the base. It helps some to seal the air gap above the back cover with something. I used black electrical tape. The pump sits on a carpeted floor under the wood pedal box.

Actually I find the whole external cooling system kinda cool (no pun intended) like all the stuff you see in a race car. The air pump is like the noise from a race car fuel pump that is hardly audible with your helmet on with radio ear plugs and a screaming race engine.

Just to be clear I don't wear a helmet when sim racing. :)
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@MartyU is indeed right you got both the mechanical pump noise (that to me is no problem) as well as the hissing from air escaping those Buhlers, that is indeed the real problem for me anyway. Well honestly it feels kinda wrong to call it a problem cause it´s not exactly a decisive factor whether to get a Buhler mod or not (in case anyone wonder), I have to be honest and say that my pump is actually one of the quieter air pumps of this caliber I´v ever heard it´s the hissing sound that get to me and that is approximately the same for all of us.

@Nick Moxley, it´s hard to say cause we all experience noise differently as well as using different pumps, can use different volume setting (if not using head phones I mean) etc etc.. I for example can live in a apartment with mostly families and seniors as neighbors so I simply cannot run at high volume settings on my AC receiver at home so head phones is my solution to the problem. Ok sure I could run at decent volume daytime but I play in front of a big screen using a projector so often drive later in the evening when the image quality become so much better with no light leakage.

My pump was never really intended for the ordinary commercial business per se it´s very simple but incredibly sturdy built pump mostly in thick metal with no fancy plastic covers etc (like pond pumps and so on), according to Techno Takatsuki it´s made for industrial use and often installed in hospitals, scientific use, chemical instruments etc.

Although honestly I bought it cause it was cheap hehehe, that is the truth I did not expect it to be as quiet and sturdy built as it is so that was a pleasant surprise once it arrived. I kid you not I actually believe a car can run over this thing at low speed without destroying it lol. :lol:



If I remember correctly I think it was some UK div of Charles Austen pumps who sold me this on Ebay? Cannot promise that but they are called aerationpumps on Ebay though and they do have some big office in the UK.
Here I found it after looking around and it seams as if they still have this pump cheaper then ever:

I can basically promise you guys, you will NOT find a better pump for this kinda money this is truly cheap so glad I found this again so I could post it here and tip you guys off. Do not understand why they sell this so cheap when I bought mine a few years ago they said they were selling them out, perhaps they still have stock with no intention to refill it and that explains the price?
Either way I run my CSW at FFB 70 atm and this pump is more then capable at keeping the Buhler´s cold and nice. Pump´s spec is 15l/m but since these Buhler´s offer no real resistance the pump can handle up to 25l/m which is about the same as for most diaphragm pumps @ 15w.

Here you go guys:

I know I know, this is not the "brag about my darn good pump forums" lol, sorry about that I will say no more of this or it will start to look silly. :banghead: :lol:. However I am glad I got this piece of cooling device for very little money and felt I need to share this in case anyone of you want a new pump as well, after all this one seam cheaper then the other one guys often recommend in this thread and I can personally guarantee that it´s of very solid quality + enough for the Buhlers. Perhaps a perfect match for Buhler modded CSW? In case anyone interested and wanna know the outlets are 8mm in diameter.
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In case anyone is wondering also, the specs on that look like it would work OK for cooling, it's a bit on the low end for me since I run my wheel maxed out all the time but if you aren't running FF100 it will work great. Just take note that it's a 230V pump so U.S. guys will have a hard time using it.
Yeah, I think you'll find that's either going to add too much extra cost or beyond the capabilities of a lot of guys, but certainly a transformer could be used, although I think it would be better to just buy a 120V pump in the first place for most guys.
Good points Eric, it is 230v/50.

Also I tried even higher FFB settings then 70 and wheels still seam cool although that is at 24v on PSU so yeah cannoy speak for over that. Have not tried running 100% for any long period though so cannot speak for that either? I run at 70 now for long periods @ 24v and all good.
Thought I'd stop racing all together, but now Fanatec announced that there will be steering rims to the v2 base that will make it Xbox One compatible.

Everytime I think I'll get out, they suck me back in! :dunce:

I have to drop out of the Motor upgrade, so here's the deal.

I'd made the initial payment of $170, but I want out.
You can get my spot by paying me $120 save $50.

When the money is available on my Paypal account I'll let Eric know who has my spot.

PM me for questions.

Yeah I would choose another pump as well if I lived in the US or other place utilizing 110v/60 system, don´t think it´s worth it messing around tampering with volts etc unless of coarse you like me already have a Variac at home then it´s no problem but suspect most people do not sit on variac´s cause they are somewhat expensive and not something you buy for no good reason? ..or so I suspect anyway?

Something you might wanna consider buying though is this:


I just did cause it was somewhat cheap and I do like my F1, codies might not be for all but then again I have still to this day not found a perfect sim, look hard and long enough and there is something to nag about in them all some are just better them others imho.
I have still to this day not found a perfect sim, look hard and long enough and there is something to nag about in them all some are just better them others imho.

the perfect SIM will never be because we are looking for something different in our SIM experience, every developer goes after a main goal and sacrifice other.
Like for AC, it is the feeling of driving, if feeling of driving is the most important, then AC might feel perfect, as it does for me, I have not enough time as it is to enjoy all that AC as to offer me.

On the other hand if what you are looking for in a SIM is to replicate (simulate) as best as possible ( today) a F1 season, then AC will not cut it.
If it is best graphic ever or sheer amount of car, etc... then it will be something else.
And for those who want it all, then they have to play them all.:gtpflag:
But my perfect SIM and your perfect SIM will always be different.
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Thought I'd stop racing all together, but now Fanatec announced that there will be steering rims to the v2 base that will make it Xbox One compatible.

Everytime I think I'll get out, they suck me back in! :dunce:

I have to drop out of the Motor upgrade, so here's the deal.

I'd made the initial payment of $170, but I want out.
You can get my spot by paying me $120 save $50.

When the money is available on my Paypal account I'll let Eric know who has my spot.

PM me for questions.


Done and Done, Thanks ATOM66,

Now to find a Pump and PS for a decent price.
Hehe yeah Cote a man can dream right? :lol: In the future, in the future it´s just a question of time hehe..

@Nick Moxley congrats brother that´s a smart move, where are you located? If in EU click the link in my comment above this one, however if in for ex the US you need another pump.
Hehe yeah Cote a man can dream right? :lol: In the future, in the future it´s just a question of time hehe..

@Nick Moxley congrats brother that´s a smart move, where are you located? If in EU click the link in my comment above this one, however if in for ex the US you need another pump.

Canuck land, so No go on your pump. :(
I have to return the loaned CSPs I am using. So, does anyone know if Todd cannon plans are available, or whether I should just build my own into the new rig (I have my own garage, so have a few pedal boxes lying about). Or should I just buy clubsports, seeing as I'm very familiar with them now, having sorted the brake pedal feel and stripped and cleaned em twice.
Todd cannon, is that not the guy who did some beautiful pedals but later ripped people off and stole their money?

I am not keeping up really so could be wrong or maybe he came through in the end after all, like I said I don´t really keep up so could be wrong? Either way I would love to have a solid set of pedals like the CST but could only afford the CSP and I´m happy with them, yes the quality of components like the shock absorber (V2), load cell and to a certain degree even the PCB (especially connectors on PCB) is not the best imho. But the good news is that if these components break you can buy parts and make your own very cheap, like for example the load cell + connectors to hook up to CSPv2 PCB which is available on Ebay and you get 4 load cells for $7-8.

For now I´m very happy with the CSPv2´s, was a huge step up from the G27 pedals I used before that. It can always get better but I doubt it will get much better for that kinda money?
That's the guy! A bit of looking online and people loved his design, I wondered if they were still floating round anywhere?
The more I think about it the more I think buying CSPs makes sense!
Next pedal related question,
Does anyone have some thin soled racing boots they can recommend? Heel and toeing is hurting my poor little feet!!!
Yeah they are indeed a nice set of pedals no doubt about it, have not seen/tried them myself but they do look like quality stuff for sure. :)

Sorry my friend have no real experience with racing shoes so hard to say really, I´m sure someone else have though and can guide you just need to wait for response from some other member in here? I did found this review though that could perhaps help on what to look for:

Have only been in a very few race cars and powerful road cars in my hole life included a wrc specced rally car etc..
The only real competition of "racing" I have done myself personally really is in motocross and I suspect you are not exactly looking for motocross boots here? :lol: ..well other then sim racing of coarse which we all do and some probably more then me as well as better then me cause I do consider myself a proper amateur or perhaps I don´t have what it takes to be really fast? It´s fun either way though and that´s why I´m into this. When I do sim race I use the CSPv2 like mentioned earlier but honesty I never race in shoes at all, in fact I mostly race bare foot hehe I kid you not, also that is the only way I can feel that abs motor going off on the CSP cause it´s quite weak to tell you the truth.

We do have mr Col Rogers here in forums though and he do currently own a race specced BMW, perhaps he could be4 of better assistance to you? Don´t hurt to ask him right, besides we might have more experienced guys on here that I do not know of yet?
I use bowling shoes. The toes are slippery so allow ease of pedal accuracy and the heel is grippy to prevent my feet from sliding around a lot, plus they are like $50 instead of hundreds.

That's the guy! A bit of looking online and people loved his design, I wondered if they were still floating round anywhere?
The more I think about it the more I think buying CSPs makes sense!
Next pedal related question,
Does anyone have some thin soled racing boots they can recommend? Heel and toeing is hurting my poor little feet!!! . They provide great pedal feedback and feel great!
Hahaha good call GeeForceP, you are indeed correct although I´m not sure about toughness the underside of my feet are very hard. I kid you not and have no idea why that is, perhaps the shoes I use have done this? Well well enough of my feet already I´m sure people don´t wish to read about some old stinky feet in a sim forum lol. :crazy:

Good tip by the rest of you guys, I knew some of you had more experience then me about this topic and perhaps more to come still?
I need a CSW V1 circuit board. Emailed Fanatec and waiting on a response. The ribbon cable to the wheel connector was shorting because the insulation wore through. I damaged the board trying to unglue the connector. A super tech friend tried to repair it but no go. One conductor is broken at one of the chips.

Anyone have a board they're willing to let go of? PM me with a price.

I'm not inclined to send the wheel base to Fanatec for repair because it has the Buhler motor mod. Guess I could put the old motor block back in if I have to and let them wonder why there are holes in the back cover.

As for the ribbon cable, it wasn't actually cut through so much a cracked and abraded from flexing. The edge of the opening in the back of the steering column is actually beautifully rounded and polished. If Fanatec won't provide the improved ribbon cable I guess its time to do the slip ring upgrade. But I'm screwed without a board.