Fanatec Gran Turismo DD Extreme Wheel

  • Thread starter super_gt
455 was very stable for most people not having other issues, or with the WQR from 457 and seemed to have the best FFB. I’m on 464 w no issues as my base seems to have tolerance for any update so far. FFB is mostly the same. Eventually I want fixes for PBME so will need to update someday anyway

My settings:

SEN auto
FFB 60 - use 100 w FOR at 60 for GR1 oscillation - make a 2nd setup for ease of switching
FUL 50 - default not used yet
NDP 28
NIN off
FEI 100
FOR 100
SPR 100
DPR 100
BLI 80
SHO on
MPS auto

In game Torque 5 sens 8
Hey all, no issues, but information sharing in case anyone's interested. BTW, huge help from this thread on knowing what's been happening with DD+.

Purchased DD+ thru Black Friday deal. Ordered Friday and received it Tuesday (ships from Dallas).

Checked S/N on shipping box / retail box / base unit = they're all the same S/N, so working with a new unit, and the shipping box clearly marked CS DD+ US.

Here are out-of-box FW versions on the unit. I don't plan to update these FW unless I am forced(pun) to.
  • Base:
  • QR:
I've logged only few hours but so far no issues. Listening for Coilwhine or disconnects, so far so good.
Using below setting:
  • FFB 65
  • NDP 5
  • NFR 3
  • NIN off
  • INT 2
  • FEI/FOR = 100
  • SPR = off

Coming from DD Pro 8NM, only playing GT7. First impression (still very early) = not a noticeable jump from DD Pro other than more force. Nice to have, but not a significant jump, Yet (still early, need to test various cars).

Question = is it recommended to unplug the power brick when not in use? plug / un-plug in daily basis, or keep it plugged in 24/7. I assume plugged, but not sure what's good hygiene for these base power bricks. For my DD Pro, always had it plugged in, only unplugged during heavy thunderstorms. Thanks for you feedback in advance!
I've yet to see FANATEC recommend one way or the other, if you should leave the power brick plugged in 24/7 or not. Personally, I disconnect mine from the surge protector behind my TV entertainment center because I slide my rig from one room to the family room when anyone wants to drive. So for me, unplugging is a necessary thing. With that said, I've had no issues doing it. I did it with my old CSW 2.0, GT DD Pro and now the CS DD+. If I were to have a dedicated spot for the RIG with it's own TV/Monitor, leaving it plugged in should be no issue. I would however plug it into a quality surge protector.