Fanatec is making me sad.

lol, I've often thought of going round to see Eutechnyx to ask for a job! We didn't get a release of NASCAR The Game over here so I've never played it but have seen people have been unhappy with it. I did play Ferrari Challenge and Supercar Challenge and those games did hint at great things but I guess it's a hard industry to really be successful in.

As for long term reliability I have had a PWTS since day 1 and it's still going strong now but I do appreciate there are plenty of people who haven't had the experience I have.

I would actually love to see you get a job there. Maybe things will turn around then. And yes, there games were/are ALL terrible. Look up their titles and success, or lack their of......

I wish I have had the same experience you have with Fanatec. I am willing to stick around because their gear have improved my abilities dramatically when they work, of course. I am simply waiting for the CSW @ this point. I am going to get the madcatz ffb wheel for the 360 purposes. Other than the pedals, I hear the wheel itself, is half decent actually for being MadCatz..... I was thinking of the TM458, but I NEED FFB.
+1 (apologies I still have not worked out how to get multiple quotes in one post. I'm on a an android phone, but to be honest not sure if I even know how to do it on a pc)

When you decide to quote a message you always see the message between a code called QUOTE which is in between brackets. Just copy that entirely including the code for quotation and then go to the already made message and edit that message. Then simply copy the text into that message and write your answer to the quote below like normal. Etc...

Thanks for the heads up :-)

Click on the speechbubble of all the posts (but last) you want to multiquote and click on the quote button of the last post you wish to quote. No need to copy paste at all.
Click on the speechbubble of all the posts (but last) you want to multiquote and click on the quote button of the last post you wish to quote. No need to copy paste at all.

Ah I see. It also works in the apps. I always wondered why I saw a white square next to the buttons. thanks, I finally looked a bit further then I did initially because of your explanation.
I would actually love to see you get a job there. Maybe things will turn around then. And yes, there games were/are ALL terrible. Look up their titles and success, or lack their of......

I wish I have had the same experience you have with Fanatec. I am willing to stick around because their gear have improved my abilities dramatically when they work, of course. I am simply waiting for the CSW @ this point. I am going to get the madcatz ffb wheel for the 360 purposes. Other than the pedals, I hear the wheel itself, is half decent actually for being MadCatz..... I was thinking of the TM458, but I NEED FFB.

Click on the speechbubble of all the posts (but last) you want to multiquote and click on the quote button of the last post you wish to quote. No need to copy paste at all.

Ah I see. It also works in the apps. I always wondered why I saw a white square next to the buttons. thanks, I finally looked a bit further then I did initially because of your explanation.

Just testing.
Wow, some good did come out of this thread. I didnt know that eiher ;)

Bigsilver, thanks for updating the OP.
Wow, some good did come out of this thread. I didnt know that eiher ;)

Bigsilver, thanks for updating the OP.

Yeah at least there are happy things in this thread of sadness now. Let's hope everything gets solved before Christmas.
On a side note I am achieving great success and satisfaction with the precision of the setup as long as it is working properly.

What I did last night.

Not shown: me pouring over telemetry with a cup of coffee, reading documentation on rake angles and bump/rebound, and the 54 laps I did that sucked. Ah, the joys of sim gaming.
On a side note I am achieving great success and satisfaction with the precision of the setup as long as it is working properly.

What I did last night.

Not shown: me pouring over telemetry with a cup of coffee, reading documentation on rake angles and bump/rebound, and the 54 laps I did that sucked. Ah, the joys of sim gaming.

Nice lap. What are you using to capture your video? Fraps? dxtoxy? WeGame? I've recently been messing with all three. I think that dxtory will be the winner. It's seemingly got the least affect on my frame rates.
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dxtory seems to be the clear winner. great quality and far & away the least affect on frame rates. I imagine that it's helped immensly by being able to access more than one processor core. (Fraps only uses one.) I run Battlefield 3 on the highest settings. Fraps makes it basically unplayable, with framerates down in the 20s. With dxtory, I've never seen them below 60. Skyrim, while still playable, has similar framerate disparity results. I've only messed with WeGame a limited amount and haven't done any real performance comparisons with it yet. From what I've seen though, the quality level from it isn't up to par with the other two. It does make smaller files, but that's due to the level of compression (which results in the lower quality.)
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I'm sorry, my bad guys. When I was first linked to it, it was misspelled in the email, and now I've got the wrong spelling stuck in my head. :)
I'm going to test dxtory today as well, will update shortly. I make a lot of sim gaming youtube videos as you might have guessed if you've seen my channel, so if its better than fraps I am of course very interested.

edit: lol the dxtory guy wants 50 bucks for a personal use license. You can imagine my reaction to that! :D
Initial tests are BAD. Can't cap @ 60 fps in rFactor (neither can fraps though) but dxtory can't even cap @ 30 fps without lag (which fraps does easily). I'll mess with some settings but this isn't looking good so far.

2500k @ 4ghz, 16gb DDR3, GTX 480 OC, SSD, etc.

edit: Doug what settings are you using to cap? Are you capping uncompressed?

edit2: Any method of capping Ive tried including compressed or uncom, raw or avi output, force cpu processor or gpu, any number of threads, sound or no sound, etc. All results are garbage. Constant fluctuating framerate and a ridiculous number of frame drops. This program sucks for me. Can't even get acceptable output once.

edit3: Yeah, it's got to have some kind of serious problem. I just checked fraps and its working fine. No drops @ 30fps. Tried dxtory in another machine, same result. Very odd.
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45 minutes and about 40 separate attempts and I never once recorded a single 5 second clip of video that had a steady framerate. This was with every setting imaginable tested in the program itself. dxtory is a terrible program in my book. If it works properly for some people that's great, but I'm sticking to fraps unless someone has a "magic bullet" cure that will make it perform as some have claimed. Otherwise this program is useless.
Sorry you're not have any luck with it. Your experience with dxtory sounds like mine with fraps. :)

I haven't had any chance to use dxtory in iRacing yet (sorry, I don't run rFactor, so can't test in that.) What capping I've done has been in Battlefield 3 & Skyrim (both of which honestly I'd expect to stress the system far more than a racing sim will). I'm usually capping at 720p with 2 audio streams (game sound and my mic), writing to two SATA drives on a Win 7 64-bit system powered by a AMD Phenom II X4 running at 3.4 GHz with 8GB RAM and a single GTX 560 Ti. With all graphics maxed in the games, I never really see anything in-game under the 60 refresh rate of my monitor and cap at a solid 30.

I just picked up a G25 that I'm gonna pass on to a friend. Gotta check it out to make sure it's fully functional, so I should be doing some testing tomorrow. I'll see what kinda results I get with iRacing.
I gave up the program has some kind of serious problem, I couldn't get any reasonable results on any PC I tried it on. All games had seriously bad results or, at best, results not even as good as FRAPS.
Super thread necro but I wanted to post an update.

I am very gentle with my gaming hardware and so thankfully the CSR is still (mostly) working. One of the FFB motors died I think, because the FFB is weaker now than it used to be and it is taking longer and longer for the FFB to "warm up". This started just past the 1 year warranty window, unfortunately. Except for that I don't have any other major problems with it. Newer firmware solved the crippling bugs, so except for the declining FFB, cheap plastic look, and weak plastic construction I generally still like the CSR. I griptaped the wheel with gel bike grip tape and except for occasional dusting I've done nothing else with it except race.

I haven't adjusted the pedals since I found a layout that worked... because I can't without doing even more damage to the poor design. They really need to be removed from the housing and custom mounted in a simpit, because Fanatec's housing design is terrible.

Would I buy the CSR again? No. Will I buy Fanatec again? Maybe. There's so little competition... :indiff:
Super thread necro but I wanted to post an update.

I am very gentle with my gaming hardware and so thankfully the CSR is still (mostly) working. One of the FFB motors died I think, because the FFB is weaker now than it used to be and it is taking longer and longer for the FFB to "warm up". This started just past the 1 year warranty window, unfortunately. Except for that I don't have any other major problems with it. Newer firmware solved the crippling bugs, so except for the declining FFB, cheap plastic look, and weak plastic construction I generally still like the CSR. I griptaped the wheel with gel bike grip tape and except for occasional dusting I've done nothing else with it except race.

I haven't adjusted the pedals since I found a layout that worked... because I can't without doing even more damage to the poor design. They really need to be removed from the housing and custom mounted in a simpit, because Fanatec's housing design is terrible.

Would I buy the CSR again? No. Will I buy Fanatec again? Maybe. There's so little competition... :indiff:

Chances are that you bought when there was a two year warranty in place. You might want to check that. Also, I am fairly sure that the CSR would have two rumble motors (like those in Playstation controllers) and only one actual ffb motor.
Yes the CSR has 1 FFB motor. The CSR Elite has 2 FFB motors.

If the feedback is reduced now on a CSR I would wonder about first the settings in the game and on the wheel. The firmware used and the state of the belt and then the motor. I would also check the power supply.