Fanatec Podium Direct Drive Wheel Bases Thread

  • Thread starter super_gt
I am really, really excited about all the new Podium products,
You are free to interpret the power disparity to be of no concern of yours but that doesn't stop others from feeling otherwise. If we all based our purchasing decisions on the unmeasurable metric of what is 'plenty' or what 'ought to be enough', then nobody will push the limits of what is possible with sim hardware.

At this price point, I want to be able to play on the platforms that I want with the wheel that I want. I don't think that it is too much of an ask.

As for PS4 limitations and licensing, I highly doubt that. If it were the case, then @DomB_Fanatec should just come out and tell us the truth. @Fanatec...'s communication is very wishy-washy at this point. There is no transparency.

Just get a Podium DD2 and a Drivehub, when they've updated the compatability. This "mine is bigger than yours" mentality is reserved for PC users, because they're usually willing to spend more cash on their equipment. Afterall, you usually buy a console because it offers better value, which is what Fanatec is trying to do with the Podium PS4. Be thankful to Fanatec for launching such a fantastic and expensive product into this niche market, instead of flaming them for not giving you everything you could ever dream of.
I am really, really excited about all the new Podium products,

Just get a Podium DD2 and a Drivehub, when they've updated the compatability. This "mine is bigger than yours" mentality is reserved for PC users, because they're usually willing to spend more cash on their equipment. Afterall, you usually buy a console because it offers better value, which is what Fanatec is trying to do with the Podium PS4. Be thankful to Fanatec for launching such a fantastic and expensive product into this niche market, instead of flaming them for not giving you everything you could ever dream of.
I play on PS4 and PC. It is wrong to want a plug and play high end DD solution that meets my power requirements and has cross-platform? Part of going with Fanatec is not having to resort of third-party accessories of varying quality and reliability.

As for your @Krassi-esque attempts at obfuscating valid criticism and degrading my comments by suggesting that I 'need to stop flaming' and 'ought to be thankful', I suggest that you stop putting words into my mouth and twisting my arguments.
Let’s be honest, most people who have run both the small and large Mige motors say the large is more enjoyable. The small is probably enough but I don’t know many who say they want to swap to the smaller motor. I would assume this to be similar, though who knows. I mean, if the DD1 was more than enough there would be zero reason for a DD2. They think some people will enjoy the benefits (and be ok with the drawbacks) of a larger, more powerful motor. There is no reason to think people who have a PS4 wouldn’t be in that group as well. I can see them thinking the market base isn’t big enough to make another SKU but that’s a total guess.
It seems that you are deliberately trying obfuscate valid criticism of Fanatec by intentionally denigrating my comments and putting words into my mouth. If you naively think that my comments seek to 'hurt' Fanatec, then you need only look in the mirror.

Unfortunately, my original point has been lost on you: What some deem sufficient might not be the same for others.

You continue to be funny: haha and what is your current setup? It must be at least OSW 30 Nm if 20 Nm is unsufficient and for you and the power is N1 in the list.
You continue to be funny: haha and what is your current setup? It must be at least OSW 30 Nm if 20 Nm is unsufficient and for you and the power is N1 in the list.
Pre-built Small Mige at max settings that is proving to be a total pain. Very messy setup with components and cables everywhere, control settings constantly resetting, difficult to affordably modify w/o electrical and machining expertise, uneasy feeling that you are racing with a homemade bomb that could explode, etc.

I want more power (Large Mige level) but I'm unwilling to go the DIY route again. Accuforce owner's iRacing forum behaviour makes me not want to give him my business. Bodnar/Pro-Sim pricing is insane. Fanatec is my last hope.

I booked a session at a local pro driver training facility where I got to experience the uber-high end Pro-Sim gear. There is no way I can justify spending that much for the gear but regardless, I experienced 'a higher power' and I want some form of it in my home simracing setup.
Pre-built Small Mige at max settings that is proving to be a total pain. Very messy setup with components and cables everywhere, control settings constantly resetting, difficult to affordably modify w/o electrical and machining expertise, uneasy feeling that you are racing with a homemade bomb that could explode, etc.

I want more power (Large Mige level) but I'm unwilling to go the DIY route again. Accuforce owner's iRacing forum behaviour makes me not want to give him my business. Bodnar/Pro-Sim pricing is insane. Fanatec is my last hope.

I booked a session at a local pro driver training facility where I got to experience the uber-high end Pro-Sim gear. There is no way I can justify spending that much for the gear but regardless, I experienced 'a higher power' and I want some form of it in my home simracing setup.

I think that Sony have very solid rules for safety etc. and even having 20 Nm motor in PS4 wheel is a miracle. When company sell official licensed product for consoles - safety is very important. For example on the T500RS you have white sticker on top for +16 warning...So, I am sure even if Fanatec wants - Sony will block this, because is dangerous. Now maybe you will ask - Why DD2 is Xbox compatible. Whell, there is made like optional possibility and the license and compatibility is in the rims, so there is a bit tricky and possible.
So amateur hour at Fanatec continues. Fanatec have made the great decision to let us spend the voucher we can choose instead of the F1 2019 Rim on any products apart form bundles and we can spend it now. This is brilliant and a really great gesture. But they go and let themselves down again. We each got an email to tell us this fantastic news and at the bottom of the email is a unique voucher code we can use to buy what we want to the value of the F1 2019 rim. Only problem is, it's not a unique code! Looks like they have inadvertently given us all the exact same generic code that doesn't work!

You couldn't make it up. They are stumbling from one mistake to the next on a daily basis at the moment. I can't believe it fills most with a great deal of confidence.
I'm sorry that you're not able to use the code at the moment PzR Slim. We are aware of the issue, and it is being addressed. To be clear: the voucher code is unique to each region, and is assigned to specific webshop accounts. It is NOT a generic code for anyone to use. It has already been assigned to the accounts of those who paid for pre-orders before our delay announcement. [Update: the problem is solved, please try it again. If you are continuing to have issues, please try deleting cookies and cache from your browser before logging back in.]

You are free to interpret the power disparity to be of no concern of yours but that doesn't stop others from feeling otherwise. If we all based our purchasing decisions on the unmeasurable metric of what is 'plenty' or what 'ought to be enough', then nobody will push the limits of what is possible with sim hardware.

At this price point, I want to be able to play on the platforms that I want with the wheel that I want. I don't think that it is too much of an ask.

As for PS4 limitations and licensing, I highly doubt that. If it were the case, then @DomB_Fanatec should just come out and tell us the truth. @Fanatec...'s communication is very wishy-washy at this point. There is no transparency.
It has always been planned that the Podium Racing Wheel F1 would use the DD1 motor. Since then, we decided to drop the DD1 motor, and use a torque-limited DD2 motor in all DD1 models, including the Podium Racing Wheel F1. This torque limited DD2 motor is significantly more powerful than the DD1 that was originally designed for the Podium Racing Wheel F1, so we are giving you extra value there. By the time this decision was made, it was not possible to adjust our license agreement with Sony for this product. The fact that Xbox One users have access to the DD2 is simply the nature of our ecosystem; the DD2 is not Xbox One licensed, it just works on Xbox One when used with an Xbox One-licensed steering wheel. Xbox One users can use the Podium Racing Wheel F1 as well if they attach an appropriate Xbox One-licensed steering wheel.
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Guys.. the motor will hardly matter when none of the games actually support the wheel on PS4 anyway. Then if they ever do support it, it still wont matter because y'all will still spend 90% of your play time worrying about whether you have the best settings and posting on forums about it.
Guys.. the motor will hardly matter when none of the games actually support the wheel on PS4 anyway. Then if they ever do support it, it still wont matter because y'all will still spend 90% of your play time worrying about whether you have the best settings and posting on forums about it.
The Podium Racing Wheel F1 already works on the same PS4 games that support the CSL Elite for PS4. Its advanced inputs (such as the multi-position switches and rotary encoders) require additional support from developers using our SDK.
Its advanced inputs (such as the multi-position switches and rotary encoders) require additional support from developers using our SDK.

Yes. Exactly. Completely optional support since Sony licensing means absolutely nothing except that you paid them a lot of money for a logo.
The wheel is also PC compatible.
I know. But if you're buying because you have a PC and ps4, it is still going to be a possible issue.
I already adressed this in my reply to Fanatec. But the short summary is, that the Playstation 5 and GT7 is just around the corner and the new Podium wheel is only licensed for PS4. Which currently means a lifespan of maybe 2 years at best, before your 1500 euro wheelbase becomes a Podium DD1 for 50% higher price.
This is why I wouldn't buy this wheel yet, no matter how much I want it.
I know. But if you're buying because you have a PC and ps4, it is still going to be a possible issue.
This is why I wouldn't buy this wheel yet, no matter how much I want it.

Why? It will work with more than any other DD out there. I think you’re better off buying what you’ll enjoy today and selling it for a loss down the road than always waiting for something perfect. This isn’t the wheel for me (I went Accuforce due to frustration with Fanatec) but if PS4 support now is what matters, the Podium is the option to pick. If PS5 doesn’t work, then I’d sell and buy what does (if anything). Waiting for the next game and the next system will always leave you waiting. Even if you lose $300-$400 in value when you sell, it’s no worse than buying a non-DD option and getting next to nothing for it used when the PS5 version drops (if a new version is even needed).
This is incorrect. Sony licensing means we can offer a direct drive system for the PS4. Our other direct drive wheel bases do not work on the PS4.

Right, they allow you to sell a wheel for their system and then provide no standard API for the inputs that the development studios are required to support. So then you just pray that the individual game development studios will decide to support your wheel's features. Wheel users are already only a small fraction of players and $1500 wheel users an even smaller fraction yet. I'm sure it will be at the top of everyone's priorities. So you bought a logo and no guarantee that your stuff will ever actually be supported by anyone as far as I can tell.

To be clear (and I said the same thing in the CSL Elite thread way back when it came out), I don't blame Fanatec or any of the other peripheral manufacturers for any of this so please don't take this personally as an individual or as a face of Fanatec. I think Sony has a very dumb system for this stuff. It makes very little sense to me that they lock down the ecosystem when they aren't providing any kind of consistent experience for those who do pay to get in.

I bought a CSL Elite when it released in the US (and clubsport v3 pedals and the shifter.. about $1100 all together) , right before GT Sport released. It was like what, 5 or 6 months before the wheel was finally supported by the game? It kind of worked alright on and off in Project Cars 2 during that time but I was pretty over it by the time GT Sport finally added it. I have only ever used it for a few hours because it's not worth my time.

You gotta do your thing and sell as many of these as you can, and that's fine. I just think people should think long and hard before rushing to order things like this unless they know they are cool with a bunch of fancy looking buttons that don't actually work.
I play on PS4 and PC. It is wrong to want a plug and play high end DD solution that meets my power requirements and has cross-platform? Part of going with Fanatec is not having to resort of third-party accessories of varying quality and reliability.

As for your @Krassi-esque attempts at obfuscating valid criticism and degrading my comments by suggesting that I 'need to stop flaming' and 'ought to be thankful', I suggest that you stop putting words into my mouth and twisting my arguments.

I think you are going a bit nuclear here. My point is that your specific usecase is a minority within a minority, wich is why I don't think it makes business sense for Fanatec to launch an even more powerful and expensive Podium base for PS4, in the same way that Bentley doesn't make a Bentayga V12 Diesel to make a few people happy.
You gotta do your thing and sell as many of these as you can, and that's fine. I just think people should think long and hard before rushing to order things like this unless they know they are cool with a bunch of fancy looking buttons that don't actually work.

When hasn't this been the case on consoles? both consoles limit inputs from 3rd party controllers so hopefully one day this changes.
The Podium Racing Wheel F1 already works on the same PS4 games that support the CSL Elite for PS4. Its advanced inputs (such as the multi-position switches and rotary encoders) require additional support from developers using our SDK.

The wheel may turn and the gear levers may respond - but until the "Fanatec Podium Racing Wheel" comes up in Gran Turismo Sport's controller selections, then its not really supported. My Elite Wheel comes up, but my Clubsport Porsche wheel - which cost the same as the Elite wheelbase , the Elite wheel and the pedal combination - the Clubsport Porsche wheel is not recognised by GT Sport.

So I have no horn, no lights flicker, and I cannot change any of the settings. Your CS Porsche wheel is beautiful and I am faster with it than with the Elite wheel, by some margin too - but I cannot easily adjust more than one parameter while racing. The Elite wheel can be adjusted because GT Sport recognises the Elite wheel in its Controller input selections. And there, you can designate which button etc does what on the Elite wheel. You just cannot do that with the CS Porsche wheel because its not recognised. Its just not there to select.

The Porsche wheel has been on sale for quite a long time too. Several times too I have not refueled while in the pits because the only way I can "OK" the fuel filling parameter is by pushing the right hand stalk inwards - but if it is slightly off centre, another parameter is selected and I don't refuel. Its cost me several races and heaps of frustration. When you come into the pits, you have to select tyre type, and then select to refuel or not. The controller wand is the only way to do that - so you have to do it very slowly - both times - to ensure you hit the centre of the toggle switch. This typically adds 0.4 seconds - which can easily mean two places in the race. That is costly and very annoying.

So please don't claim that your F1 wheel is supported because if it is not on GT Sport's "Controller Input" selections, then GT Sport is simply not supporting it. So too the Porsche wheel - its not properly supported by GT Sport despite it being on the market for a considerable time.
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I can't help but wonder if history will repeat itself with Fanatec on the Podium for PS4 and it will have a short life span like the CSR Elite before being phased out for a new piece of kit for the next generation of consoles?

Some similarities are there: a new high end wheel and accessories that offers compatibility with all current gen consoles and PC, released towards the end of the generation...
Russia is a great place to visit and btw comunism makes people to think (dream) only for capitalism!:)
My country has nothing to do with my ideology. If You didn't know Russia is a capitalist country for almost 30 years.. but unfortunately I don't have any dreams about it yet =P
“There is thy gold, worse poison to men's souls,
Doing more murder in this loathsome world,
Than these poor compounds that thou mayst not sell.”

(c) William Shakespeare

I contacted Fanatec yesterday about my situation because I had been unable to preorder. Ordered my DD1 and also received a voucher. :) So it’s possible! Merry Christmas!
Didn’t they say the vouchers are only loaded onto accounts that qualified (ie preordered in time) and that even if the code was out in the public it wouldn’t work if you weren’t on the preorder? I’m not 100% sure, that was what I thought I read here or somewhere else.
What, if any measurements are Fanatec taking to prevent abuse of the Podium voucher codes?
If I understand Doms reply to me correctly each region has it's own code and it will only work for you if Fanatec enable it to work on your account.
I pre orderd a Podium Racing wheel for PS4. Will this also be useable when the next gen consoles(PS5 and so on) will come out???
Unfortunately I am not able to discuss next-generation consoles at this time.

The wheel may turn and the gear levers may respond - but until the "Fanatec Podium Racing Wheel" comes up in Gran Turismo Sport's controller selections, then its not really supported. My Elite Wheel comes up, but my Clubsport Porsche wheel - which cost the same as the Elite wheelbase , the Elite wheel and the pedal combination - the Clubsport Porsche wheel is not recognised by GT Sport.

So I have no horn, no lights flicker, and I cannot change any of the settings. Your CS Porsche wheel is beautiful and I am faster with it than with the Elite wheel, by some margin too - but I cannot easily adjust more than one parameter while racing. The Elite wheel can be adjusted because GT Sport recognises the Elite wheel in its Controller input selections. And there, you can designate which button etc does what on the Elite wheel. You just cannot do that with the CS Porsche wheel because its not recognised. Its just not there to select.

The Porsche wheel has been on sale for quite a long time too. Several times too I have not refueled while in the pits because the only way I can "OK" the fuel filling parameter is by pushing the right hand stalk inwards - but if it is slightly off centre, another parameter is selected and I don't refuel. Its cost me several races and heaps of frustration. When you come into the pits, you have to select tyre type, and then select to refuel or not. The controller wand is the only way to do that - so you have to do it very slowly - both times - to ensure you hit the centre of the toggle switch. This typically adds 0.4 seconds - which can easily mean two places in the race. That is costly and very annoying.

So please don't claim that your F1 wheel is supported because if it is not on GT Sport's "Controller Input" selections, then GT Sport is simply not supporting it. So too the Porsche wheel - its not properly supported by GT Sport despite it being on the market for a considerable time.
I just tested the 918 wheel for you Melbourne Park, and I can't find anything unusual about the way it works on GT Sport. The inputs are exactly the same as the 'standard' P1 wheel from the CSL Elite Racing Wheel for PS4. Due to the different physical layout of the buttons, some inputs are in different positions, but they are all there. In fact, there is even an additional input: the analogue stick works for looking around the cockpit, which is not possible on the standard wheel, which certainly counters your suggestion that the 918 wheel is 'not recognised'.

In terms of selecting 'OK' in the pit stops, you can either hit the centre button of the FunkySwitch, or you can hit the button that is hardcoded to 'X'. Using the 'X' button rather than the centre FunkySwitch button is probably the better choice for a pit stop. The PS4 button layout is shown in the Quick Guide that comes with the wheel (also available in PDF on our site). You should be able to reassign buttons in just the same way as the P1 wheel. It seems the only thing you're missing is a graphical representation of the Porsche wheel in the game, but I can't think of any game that has this feature.

What, if any measurements are Fanatec taking to prevent abuse of the Podium voucher codes?
The codes are only assigned to specific accounts who have placed pre-orders. It is not possible to use these codes on any other account.
Why? It will work with more than any other DD out there. I think you’re better off buying what you’ll enjoy today and selling it for a loss down the road than always waiting for something perfect. .
That's great, but it has nothing to do with waiting for something perfect. Apart from the blue making the F1 rim look toyish, there's no issue I have with the product. Except for the fact that my 1500 notes may possibly get me a wheel that won't work on the next playstation in two years time and I would not want to piss about trying to sell it. If that was the scenario which unfolded I think I couldn't justify supporting the console platform any longer.