Fast Food

  • Thread starter JohnBM01


21 years!
United States
Houston, Texas, USA
Here is a more unique topic apart from my mostly critical Opinion topics. What is/are your opinion(s) on fast food? Yeah, this means Taco Bell, McDonalds (one of my favorites), Burger King, and such. If you consider pizza one, then include that as well.
I effing hate Mcdonalds and KFC. Both have made me extremely sick. Take KFC for example. I ate a extra crispy thigh, some potatoes, a biscut, and a coke. 3 hours later, I vomited it all up and was puking bile and stomack acid for the rest of the night.

And I havent had either for about 1 1/2 years.

As for favroites, I choose... Burger King, Taco bell, Sabarro, etc.
^ wow, sorry for your bad experience with KFC. I have had two bad experiences with BigMacs (but i didnt' get sick). Not to mention that McD's food is just horrible. If it wasn't for happy meals, they'd be out of business. THEIR FRIES SUCK!!! yeah i said it! what's up?!?!?!

Burger King is my favourite. Wendy's is good but overpriced, and their fries suck as well, but not as bad as McD's. Pizza is fast food to me. Unless served in a "gourmet" style sit-down restaruant(sp?). KFC isn't that bad. I like their mashed potatos and gravy. I just don't eat their often. Taco Bell rocks. But i do wish we had some competition for them around here.
I don't like fast food. If given the option, I would rather make EasyMac than fast food. The only fast food I don't mind is Subway, but even that's pretty pricey. I would much rather eat at a semi-formal restaurant than have BK, McD, and the like.
I like fast foods about three times a month. As for favorites: Culvers, Taco Johns, and Wendy's. If I have too much, I can literally feel the greese in my body. I work out a lot, and it's mainly aerobic, so my body can't tolerate too much at one time.
I'm not eating much more fast food after reading fast food nation. And I'm not even into the part about what is actually in the food yet! But the way all the major fast food chains destroy family farms, poorly treat poor workers and teenagers who work for them, is enough incentive for me to not eat at these places.
I effing hate Mcdonalds and KFC. Both have made me extremely sick. Take KFC for example. I ate a extra crispy thigh, some potatoes, a biscut, and a coke. 3 hours later, I vomited it all up and was puking bile and stomack acid for the rest of the night.
I've had a similar experience with Popyes. They shouldn't even be calling their food chicken, it's nothing more than large, expensive greaseballs

I avoid fast food as much as possible. In situations when I HAVE to eat it, I'll try for Pizza Pizza, Harveys (veggie burger), Subway (turkey subs), or Quiznos
Everybody in here who likes fast food should read "Fast Food Nation" by Eric Schlosser. It will change your mind, and make you sick to the stomach.

I really only like Wendy's. McD's fries SUCK!!!!!!! (so do their burgers) What do michael jackson and McD's burgers have in common? 40 yr old meat in between 8 yr old buns.
McDonalds has got to be the worst crap ever put on a bun. they really have poor quality and it surprises the hell out of me that people continue to eat there. Wendy's is just as bad. At least McDonalds has decent fries. Whataburger has to be the best quality fast food and a good amount for the price that ive seen. I also like chick-fil-a but theyre more expensive than they should be. though i try not to make too big of a habit on fast food.
McDonalds makes me sick, Wendy's has my favorite chicken and fries, and Burger King has the best Burgers. I like Subway (I even work in one) but I think Quiznos and Jimmy John's has better subs.
I love fast food! Only because I am allowed too. Meaning, I am skinny, and I stay skinny. I could eat nothing but fast food and still not gain much weight. Matter of fact, that was once my exact diet. I worked at Burger King for 2 1/2 years, and ate nothing but their food. Whopper Jr when I got there, a few chicken tenders during the night, throw some fries in there, and of course top it off with a BK Broiler at closing time. Loved it.

I have only recently started to gain a little weight, and thats because I have had a desk job for over 3 years now. In the time period I have probably put on 20 pounds. So fast food, is a ok for me.

If we are sharring vomitting stories, let me make a suggestion: Never eat Hooters wings and ride a motorcycle. Just don't do it. If you do, you will wake up like me at 2am, tasting them coming up. Not good.
Chris Hendriks
i dont see how mcdonalds can be so popular, there food is disgusting :yuck: The only fast food i eat is wendys,subway,and a few different pizza places.
Honestly, you're Canadian! I thought Canadians were supposed to know the english language better than us Yanks!
McDonalds is still in business for one reason and one reason only, HappyMeals. They cater specifically to kids, if it wasn't for kids, they would be out of business. Yeah, sure in recent years they have started marketing towards adults, and i guess they are having some success. But their burgers are worth what you pay. There is a reason you can get a cheeseburger for 59cents. Their food is grotesque. The BigMacs suck! I've had two bad experiences with them. I may eat there for breakfast if i have to.

BurgerKing Rocks!!! Oh the days of the 99c Whopper....mmmmmm The best burger ever put on the Market was BK's Western Whopper OMFG was that a good Burger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and their fries are the best! 👍

Wendys is good too, but i think maybe a little to expensive. But that doesn't stop me from getting a #4, the Big Bacon Classic. My major gripe with Wendys is that their fries BLOW! limp, soft and undesirable.

Subway is good, but there are definately better sub places out there. Heck, Publix (a supermarket for you Yankees and people west of the Mississippi)makes better subs.

OH, let's not forget Rally's/Checkers! The BigBueford is pretty darn good! mmmmm...Cheese Paper mmmmmm

PS. Taco Bell has some pretty yummy items, however, i would like a competing restaurant to show up. They have no competition around here. I'm sure there is something better out there.
I effing hate Mcdonalds and KFC. Both have made me extremely sick. Take KFC for example. I ate a extra crispy thigh, some potatoes, a biscut, and a coke. 3 hours later, I vomited it all up and was puking bile and stomack acid for the rest of the night.

Funnily, the last twice I've eaten anything at all from KFC I've been spewing up to the four corners of the Earth - and the last one was only a chip (fry. Whatever)!
Looks like this thread will have two pages with this reply.

Ah, Chick-fil-a. That's some good fast food chicken if you don't feel like getting a box or bucket of chicken. I'm a fan of Chick-fil-a. So good call, Anaconda. Then later this year, I'll probably see who makes it to the Chick-fil-a Peach Bowl in NCAA Football.

Any more fast food talk? Or even opinions on fast food in general?

If the taste and health concerns aren't bad enough by paying for this sheit you are condemning teenagers everywhere to a crappy job with worse pay.
Teenagers aren't condemned to anything. Stop believing everything you read.

Oh, and never eat Burger King. They do awful, horrible things to their food in all restaraunts as far as I know. I've known four or five people, all in different places, who worked at BK and told me horror stories about things people working there have done to food.

On a side note, anyone who likes Wendy's officially invalidates their opinion on fast food - Wendy's sucks the nut. And McDonald's fries own you all.
I can't tell the difference between McDonalds and Wendy's. I can't see how some of hate one, but love the other. :confused:

Yesterday, I had some of those frozen White Castle cheeseburgers for a late night meal, and today, I'm sick as a dog. Bleah :yuck: !
Free fast food is better than having to pay for the **** if its free eat it..if you have to pay...think of your clogging arteries.
I'll sometimes go out and eat fast food because it sounds good and I didn't bring lunch to work that day or the number of Cup O' Noodles was getting to me. Taco Bell, Wendys, Burger King and Good Times are my favorites. Taco Bell gets the cheap award, Wendys just has wonderful Spicey Chicken Fillets, Burger King has good fries and is somewhat cheap, Good Times has awsome burgers and the best fries, but expensive.

There is a sub shop around here called Jimmy Johns (there is also Fat Jacks which is the EXACT same thing) which makes awsome subs. They're a bit on the expensive side but they eleventy-billion times better than Subway.
I'll agree with Ghost C on McDonald's fries. They do own. If that's not the way to say it, I'm still a little shaky with GTP jargon.
I'll agree with Ghost C on McDonald's fries. They do own. If that's not the way to say it, I'm still a little shaky with GTP jargon.

You're supposed to say "they are the forshizzle that wets my nizzle"