Fastest You've Ever Gone in Your Car?

  • Thread starter TAFJonathan

How fast have you gone in your car?

  • 60-80 mph

    Votes: 48 5.2%
  • 80-100 mph

    Votes: 107 11.6%
  • 100-120 mph

    Votes: 254 27.6%
  • 120-140 mph

    Votes: 240 26.1%
  • 140+ mph (WHOA!)

    Votes: 274 29.8%

  • Total voters
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Originally posted by polak2001
I was doing with NOS 170 at the strip.

Originally posted by polak2001
I can do 176MP/H on my integra.
That's with boost.

So, which is it? 170, or 176?
Exactly what do you mean by "boost?" Most people use that term when referring to turbochargers or superchargers. Are you referring to your "NOS" as boost?:confused:

I think you saw the Fast and the Furious too many times, I have a line from that movie as your favorite quote, and you use the term "NOS." It's NITROUS OXIDE! There is NO SUCH THING AS "NOS!" There is a company called N.O.S., short for Nitrous Oxide Systems.
Originally posted by Stealth Viper
Who said he was doing nautical miles per hour? Where did u get kmph?

KiloMetersPerHour- I was just joking.
Maybe he was useing the lines on the road to measure speed. ;)

Or if he had a brake noise, he could have used it to measure his speed by timing the noise. ;)

I've done both, and they work well. :D
We're talking around the same top speed as a current Porsche 911 Carrera. From a small front drive four cylinder coupe? A standard Type R (of the previous model) was 233kmh - given the weight with fuel and driver of around 1250- (curb weight is 1180kg, so by the time you get in there it's 1250kg.

A Carrera is more aerodynamic, so basically you're telling us your integra makes about 230-250kw (minimum) - assuming your car was maxxed out when the speed was taken.

So, you're telling us you're driving a 350+hp (through the FRONT wheels) Honda Integra Type R with gearing to take it to 282 kmh (must be a pig to drive around town).

And you're wondering why people are asking questions?

(apologies to all about the metrics - unless I can divide it by ten, I'm stuffed)
Originally posted by vat_man
We're talking around the same top speed as a current Porsche 911 Carrera. From a small front drive four cylinder coupe? A standard Type R (of the previous model) was 233kmh - given the weight with fuel and driver of around 1250- (curb weight is 1180kg, so by the time you get in there it's 1250kg.

A Carrera is more aerodynamic, so basically you're telling us your integra makes about 230-250kw (minimum) - assuming your car was maxxed out when the speed was taken.

So, you're telling us you're driving a 350+hp (through the FRONT wheels) Honda Integra Type R with gearing to take it to 282 kmh (must be a pig to drive around town).

And you're wondering why people are asking questions?

(apologies to all about the metrics - unless I can divide it by ten, I'm stuffed)
don't worry about metric .....the whole world uses it except for the U.S. and possibly the U.K. ........metric is the way all measurements should be taken Canada we have a mixture of both b/c alot of things here come from the states
Originally posted by Josh

So, you use to work at a "customization" garage for 4 years? What kind of "customization" garage hires people at the age of 14(or even younger, depending on when you use to work there)?:confused:

First of all, My brother is half owner of a customization shop in london and his frined is the other half owner. It's a garage typically where we fix cars and also customize them. I started there at 13 cause all my life I worked with cars so I was there just to help him, then later, I began working there more often, and now I work there part-time.
Originally posted by Josh

So, which is it? 170, or 176?
Exactly what do you mean by "boost?" Most people use that term when referring to turbochargers or superchargers. Are you referring to your "NOS" as boost?:confused:

I think you saw the Fast and the Furious too many times, I have a line from that movie as your favorite quote, and you use the term "NOS." It's NITROUS OXIDE! There is NO SUCH THING AS "NOS!" There is a company called N.O.S., short for Nitrous Oxide Systems.

again, I only saw the movie ONCE!!!!!
I love it and can relate to it except for the truck hijackings. In my cars, I GOT NOS(Company bottle) and I speak of BOOST as Nitrous Oxide because I don't consider Turbo or superchargers as BOOST. I conisder them as a major part of the car that was added, and yes it increases power but when you say "BOOST" it MEANS Nitrous Oxide!!!!!!!
Boost is something that will increase your car speed for a short period of time. You don't call Turbo's and superchargers as BOOST cause they are a typical part of the engine and just increase power to a car, while BOOST gives the car MORE power for a short period of time.
Originally posted by Josh

So, which is it? 170, or 176?
Exactly what do you mean by "boost?" Most people use that term when referring to turbochargers or superchargers. Are you referring to your "NOS" as boost?:confused:

I think you saw the Fast and the Furious too many times, I have a line from that movie as your favorite quote, and you use the term "NOS." It's NITROUS OXIDE! There is NO SUCH THING AS "NOS!" There is a company called N.O.S., short for Nitrous Oxide Systems.

What kind car do you have and how is ot modified if you know so much about customization, engines and Japanese cars????
Maybe you can relate, if you live the life i do.
Originally posted by polak2001

What kind car do you have and how is it modified if you know so much about customization, engines and Japanese cars????

I have the car that's in my avatar and signature. The 2001 Honda S2000. It has ZERO performance mods(until after christmas) unless you consider a K&N cone filter a mod...:lol:

How do I know so much about japanese cars, engines and customizing? Well, I really don't think I know that much, just some basics, but I know what little I do from spending hours on end in car forums, reading & learning as much as possible. Oh yeah, and I have several boxes slap full of car magazines. I probably have over 4,000 car magazines & books.:eek: I get about 2 new ones a week in the mail, and I buy about 4(old ones) from a used book store I go to every weekend.:D
Originally posted by polak2001

First of all, My brother is half owner of a customization shop in london and his frined is the other half owner. It's a garage typically where we fix cars and also customize them. I started there at 13 cause all my life I worked with cars so I was there just to help him, then later, I began working there more often, and now I work there part-time.

Thanks for answering my question...;)
Originally posted by polak2001

again, I only saw the movie ONCE!!!!!
I love it and can relate to it except for the truck hijackings.

Geeze, now I feel like quite a jackass. I've seen it like 6 times, and can't wait till it comes out on DVD...:nervous::D I can also relate to it(the street racing stuff).

And about the whole turbo/supercharger thing...

I wasn't saying that I call a turbo or supercharger boost, I was saying that people use the term BOOST when talking ABOUT turbos and superchargers. BOOST, is another way of saying how many psi your turbo or S/C is running. That's why they have BOOST guages, so you can tell how much psi(boost) your turbo or supercharger is running.

I can see why you call the nitrous oxide "boost" though...;)
Josh, that's a really wicked car.
I seen one at a customization shop with the spider body kit.
It looks amazing.
Is is Si, SiR???

I got a friend from cali that just imported a Honda Civic Type-R from Japan.
I haven't seen it but I got the info on it if anybody wants to know.
I heard it's an amazing car.

Jan 2nd 2002
fast and furious is comming out. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Originally posted by polak2001
Josh, that's a really wicked car.
I seen one at a customization shop with the spider body kit.

Cool:D I've been looking for a body kit that's awesome looking, yet tasteful, but haven't found one yet. Heck, I've only seen one S2000 with other than stock body parts, and all it was were Mugen front bumbers, and Mugen rear bumpers.

Originally posted by polak2001
Is is Si, SiR???

Well, I've never heard of an S2000 Si or SiR...:confused: I've heard of Civic Si's. I raced a kid in a purpleish blue prelude once and he had a badge that said SiR, but I think he bought it from AutoZone because they sell the same badges there...:confused:

Originally posted by polak2001
I got a friend from cali that just imported a Honda Civic Type-R from Japan.
I haven't seen it but I got the info on it if anybody wants to know.
I heard it's an amazing car.

I'd like to know any info if you don't mind. You can PM it to me if you'd like.:D Man, since you guys are able to import/export vehicles so easily, I might just have to have one of you go get a new Skyline from Japan for me...:D:lol:

Originally posted by polak2001
Jan 2nd 2002
fast and furious is comming out. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Sweet!:D That's not too long away...:eek::cool:
Originally posted by Josh

Cool:D I've been looking for a body kit that's awesome looking, yet tasteful, but haven't found one yet. Heck, I've only seen one S2000 with other than stock body parts, and all it was were Mugen front bumbers, and Mugen rear bumpers.

Well, I've never heard of an S2000 Si or SiR...:confused: I've heard of Civic Si's. I raced a kid in a purpleish blue prelude once and he had a badge that said SiR, but I think he bought it from AutoZone because they sell the same badges there...:confused:

I'd like to know any info if you don't mind. You can PM it to me if you'd like.:D Man, since you guys are able to import/export vehicles so easily, I might just have to have one of you go get a new Skyline from Japan for me...:D:lol:

Sweet!:D That's not too long away...:eek::cool:

Importing a car from Japanese is extremely hard. Cars can't be imported into canada anymore, cause my dad wanted to import my grandma's Renault Laguna, and that car would me mine, but my bro had to go and live in the states for about 3 years to get the integra, then had to change the car to meet the american standards and then had to change small things again to meet canadian standards. I would love to import a skyline but they are illegal in canada, but if you want to import something, talk to me.

My friends Civic-R is:
Engine: B16B 98SpecR Doch VTEC

Displacement: 1595 CC
Horse power: 190 @ 8500 RPM
Torqure: ?

There is more info but I just gotto get it from him, cause he didn't speak clearly so I couldn't understand him. but I'll get the rest of the info 4 u.
About the Prelude Type-R that you saw, from my knowlege of any Type-R car, all type-R's come in white, with stock white rims. you can paint your car a diff color but the TRUE Japanese color for a Type-R is White.
Instrument cluster? :lol:

Funniest thing I ever heard man...nice try making amends with me on here and ICQ.

The fact stands that you used inappropriate language and insulted an admin straight out. I have yet to hear and apology for that.

Oh, and again you claim the impossible. Anyone want to chime in and let this guy know what kind of power is necessary to run 170mph 'at the strip'?
Well I dont have my trusty drag race formulas anymore but here goes.
A 2700lb car with a ladder bar rear suspension, full cage and tube frame (very stiff) with a 2 speed power glide transmission, a trans brake launch system and a 4:56 to 1 gear ratio all connected to a 433ci big block chevrolet with fully ported Dart Merlin heads, tunnel ram intake manifold and a roller cam shaft producing over 600 N/A horsepower, along with a Fogger port injected nitros system as well as a dual plate nitros system combined to produce over 900hp when used ran 150mph in a quarter mile. Most of the cars I know of today running 170mph are making from 1100 to 1350hp and weigh anywhere from 2900lbs to 3400lbs. My $0.02
Originally posted by 426 HEMI
BTW, the 150mph was on DOT legal street tires.

Yup, well that and your other post make it interesting - my simple notes were based on an absolute top speed, not a terminal speed at the end of a quarter mile...
Originally posted by AltF8
Instrument cluster? :lol:

Funniest thing I ever heard man...nice try making amends with me on here and ICQ.

The fact stands that you used inappropriate language and insulted an admin straight out. I have yet to hear and apology for that.

Oh, and again you claim the impossible. Anyone want to chime in and let this guy know what kind of power is necessary to run 170mph 'at the strip'?

Chill out B1TCH!!!!!!!!

Originally posted by polak2001

Chill out B1TCH!!!!!!!!


Take it easy son, I don't know what the heck that blurb at the end means, but I'm getting a hankering for something with hot peppers. :eek: :D
Tell ya what, I'll meet you on a Friday this summer at Sparta or on a JP day and then we'll see. In the mean time relaaaaaaaaaaaax, its supose to be fun.
Originally posted by 426 HEMI

Take it easy son, I don't know what the heck that blurb at the end means, but I'm getting a hankering for something with hot peppers. :eek: :D
Tell ya what, I'll meet you on a Friday this summer at Sparta or on a JP day and then we'll see. In the mean time relaaaaaaaaaaaax, its supose to be fun.

Ok, then that's great
I'll do that to prove it.
Instrument cluster?

Funniest thing I ever heard man...

Did you really say this? You don't know what an insturment cluster is?!

Let me explain:
You know that inset in your dash, where you have a speedo and a tach? You also have a fuel gauge, oil gauge, battery gauge, and in your case, turbo boost gauge. You know what you call that? AN INSTURMENT CLUSTER!!!

You don't know much about cars do you?

and I speak of BOOST as Nitrous Oxide because I don't consider Turbo or superchargers as BOOST. I conisder them as a major part of the car that was added, and yes it increases power but when you say "BOOST" it MEANS Nitrous Oxide!!!!!!!

Sorry to point this out, but boost is from Turbos and Superchargers. You ever heard of turbo boost? Boost gauge?

You need to get your terms right. Everyone thinks that the pressure from turbos and superchargers is boost, ecept you. Who do you think is right, thousands of people around the world, or just you?

Turbo boost lasts longer than NOS, because you never have to refill a bottle.
Originally posted by MazKid

Did you really say this? You don't know what an insturment cluster is?!

Let me explain:
You know that inset in your dash, where you have a speedo and a tach? You also have a fuel gauge, oil gauge, battery gauge, and in your case, turbo boost gauge. You know what you call that? AN INSTURMENT CLUSTER!!!

You don't know much about cars do you?

Sorry to point this out, but boost is from Turbos and Superchargers. You ever heard of turbo boost? Boost gauge?

You need to get your terms right. Everyone thinks that the pressure from turbos and superchargers is boost, ecept you. Who do you think is right, thousands of people around the world, or just you?

Turbo boost lasts longer than NOS, because you never have to refill a bottle.

There are no bottles in a supercharger?? You don't have to fill anyting up for turbo or super. And "BOOST" is known to many PPL as NITROUS OXIDE cause it gives your car a "BOOST" when u activate it.
You can call trubos and superchargers that too but lots of ppl that I know and that are at car shows speak of "Boost" as NOS.
How old r u mazkid??
Originally posted by polak2001

There are no bottles in a supercharger?? You don't have to fill anyting up for turbo or super. And "BOOST" is known to many PPL as NITROUS OXIDE cause it gives your car a "BOOST" when u activate it.
You can call trubos and superchargers that too but lots of ppl that I know and that are at car shows speak of "Boost" as NOS.
How old r u mazkid??

:odd: My $0.02 I believe, and correct me if I'm wrong, boost is the accepted term in reference to LBS per square inch of pressure being forced into the induction system, via mechanical forced induction. The term boost for nitros oxide, is not as far as I can remember, a term we used often. I've called it the spray, :eek: the gas :eek: and the fogger :eek: ( a model name from NOS). This does not say that boost is not an acceptable term, just not one I've used or heard of that often. Although, I have been away from racing for 10 years now, so maybe the lingo has changed a bit. :eek:
There are no bottles in a supercharger??
Are you asking me? No there's not.

And the car shows I go to, are the new car shows, where there's no one selling NOS, and I would never have NOS on my car. I'm not into the whole Rice racer idea, and I would rather have my engine last longer than beat some twit in an Integra.

And turbo and super chargers are always there, and you don't have to push some button, you just hit the gas like you would anyway.

170 in an Integra, in GT3 yea, but in real life? Give me a break.
OH yea, I'm 15, go make your jokes, but I still know more than you.
How old are you, 4+13, you're 17-18, and your diving at 170MPH, yea, I beleive you. Let me get into my 323 and it can go 230, so shut up!

Hemi-you're totally right. In turbos, PSI is used, but it's the same as what you said.
Originally posted by polak2001

There are no bottles in a supercharger?? You don't have to fill anyting up for turbo or super. And "BOOST" is known to many PPL as NITROUS OXIDE cause it gives your car a "BOOST" when u activate it.
You can call trubos and superchargers that too but lots of ppl that I know and that are at car shows speak of "Boost" as NOS.
How old r u mazkid??

Are you an undercover agent trying to expose who is hijacking trucks filled with imported japanese a/v equipment? And have you fallen in love with the daughter of the mastermind behind the hijackings, so you are unwilling to admit that he is guilty? And do you street race in urban streets packed with cops and witnesses?

Or did you just really like the movie...:lol:?
Originally posted by polak2001

Chill out B1TCH!!!!!!!!

what about spear dali or something like that
Originally posted by MazKid

Did you really say this? You don't know what an insturment cluster is?!

You don't know much about cars do you?

Altf8 was saying that polak blaming the instrument cluster was the funniest thing he has ever heard of. Trust me, Altf8 knows very well what an instrument cluster is. And Alt probably knows a LOT more about cars than you'd think...:D
I still can't beleive the way polak2001 is talking to Altf8(one of our forum's ADMINISTRATORS). I know if it was me he was talkin' to like that he'd be on the list of banned members...

Polak2001, consider yourself lucky that one of us hasn't banned you(yet)
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