Fastest You've Ever Gone in Your Car?

  • Thread starter TAFJonathan

How fast have you gone in your car?

  • 60-80 mph

    Votes: 48 5.2%
  • 80-100 mph

    Votes: 107 11.6%
  • 100-120 mph

    Votes: 254 27.6%
  • 120-140 mph

    Votes: 240 26.1%
  • 140+ mph (WHOA!)

    Votes: 274 29.8%

  • Total voters
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129mph on the speedo. It was slowly moving on up but I was too afraid of getting caught. (the factory programmed limiter in the ATX's ECU, of 113mph, seems to have ceased to function :D Also, auto ONLY due to physical limitations)
Originally posted by masonholmes
129mph on the speedo. It was slowly moving on up but I was too afraid of getting caught. (the factory programmed limiter in the ATX's ECU, of 113mph, seems to have ceased to function :D Also, auto ONLY due to physical limitations)

Not necessarily, as factory speedos are notoriously inaccurate in the triple digit range.

Who knows though? Scary speeds!! :D

I've consistently been able to rocket up to 120 on the interstate, but only for a short period of time (to get rid of rude tailgaters).

147 is the 'advertised' top speed of the WRX, but I don't think I'm gonna take it that fast unless I can find a race course.
I did 125 in my new lancer...but it only does 130 on the speedo...bummer....when I get the v-6 it will fly like nobodys buisness

the odemeter reads 564

i need a new avatar...that one is pretty lame now
"Not necessarily, as factory speedos are notoriously inaccurate in the triple digit range."

Yea, I know :) It did, however, used to stop right at 113mph, on the guage. Don't ask me why, but after I messed around under the hood a little bit, (on all three MX3's I've owned), the limiter has always ceased to work?? (messing around meaning, adding an alarm system or the intake I've had on all three of em. the "limiter" never quit just after installation of anything either, it was always about a week or so after) I believe the tested top speed on a US-spec MX3GS is 132mph. Actually, come to think about it, I think my guages are fairly accurate at speed as I've tested them against my friends aftermarket ones. Who know's, I just know it's dang fast :D
I've only had my Z28 up to 105...way too many cops in So-Cal. Someday I'll take it on a trip to Vegas and see just how high it will go. 😈
The car was a sterling british for a honda accord
6 cylender, 3000 cc, 32 valves.
this car was fast, the road to vegas was covered in 2 hours and 57 minutes.
so there you have it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Max speed was 210 KMH ( 131 MPH ) in my own Car.
Whif a Honda CRX 1,6 - 16v

The fastes car , I'm drive, was the Corvette from my father.
But I can't drive to top Speed ! ( I'm to much fearful . )
By ca. 260 KMH ( 162 MPH ) (the car start to skidding .

On a testbed ( By motor adjustment Whifout Nitro ! ) 310 KMH ( 193 MPH )

My father buy the car, by a workman from Yello-Racing.
The build Dragster and Kit Car's here in Germany.

But the car , was the most of the time, to be broken .
The axes-joint's alltimes to turn off .
If the motor hot, the starter can't rotate the motor.
That's to produce a painful impression .

I'm think The USA motors, are the powerfuls't on the World !

So long
i once was going minus 160 u know how that worked we where driving
with a porsche gt3 and we hit the wall and went from 160 to 0 in
the length of an inch
^ They are talking about real life, not video games. The thread topic is how fast have you driven your car in real life.

For me it's around 105mph, could have gone faster but there was quite a bit of traffic. I don't think my little Volvo has much more that in it!
Well since this thread is still going I guess its my turn.
Here are the fastest speeds in various cars ive owned. Fastest at top. I have no reason to lie and never have so if you argue your wasting time. Here goes.
1. 1969 Camaro
-145+ MPH in 6th gear @3,800RPM Plenty more to go but never had the balls to push it further.
-.50 6th gear ratio
-4.11 rear gears
-275/40/18Tire which equals 26.5" OD Tire size.
2. 1996 Firebird Formula
-145 MPH in 6th gear @3,200RPM Struggled to get to 145. Took a while.
-.50 6th gear ratio
-3.42 rear gears
-245/45/17 Tire which equals 25.5" OD Tire size.
3. 1973 Cutlass 135MPH 455engine 28" dia tire
4. 1972 Cutlass 130MPH 350engine 28" dia tire (couldnt go any faster)
5. 1967 Chevy truck 110mph Had 4.56 rear gears and only a 3 speed tranny. (couldnt go any faster)
My CRX's speedo stopped at 220 kmh, and I've had it pegged on more than one occasion, with the car still pulling strong... 220 kmh is 136 mph, I'd estimate around 150-155 as the fastest I've ever gone. And I wouldn't recommend it in a small car like that... :scared:
Just had my 200 quattro up at 140mph. Wasn't there long but the inline 5 sounded phenomenal!

Plan on taking it to 160+ on the autobahn when it's been thouroughly checked and slightly uprated. :)

I also did a kickdown between 60-120 mph in a 200 turbo ... when I lifted off at 120 there was a trail of blue smoke on the outside lane of the motorway (several hundred feet). I got a fright then! Valve stem oil seals sorted that out!
I almost tried not to break my previous record 110mph in my Hyundai Accent with the WRX. But I did. I think I had the Subaru up to 115mph.

So, update from Josh? Any new land speed records set with the Cobra?
When I was on a business trip with my dad in Germany we hit 201 mph in a Turbo GT2 (highly mod). In the states I was in a super charged M3, 4 door with a converted automatic and we hit about 150-155....Way to fast for me! I amost crapped myself.

My GT-R spec V hit 120...I think it goes faster but I'm not doing it.
170km/h (105 mph) in my suzuki swift (not the twin cam version)

and 220km/h (136 mph) in a turbo Mitsubishi sigma (this thing is crazy, and it had some more left in it!! :scared: )
About 300kmh (~188mph) in a Ford Sierra Cosworth on a long downhill. It's not my car, and the guy who has it wants to sell it, but he won't sell it to anyone he knows because he doesn't want them to kill themselves. Last rated at 580bhp with the biggest ****er of a turbo you ever saw. It almost wheelies in 2nd gear at full thrust, and its 4 wheel drive. The best thing is that apart from two small hood grills turbo intakes and the massive brakes it looks like a regular run of the mill Sierra.
175km/h in my mom's '93 accord. I'll never do that again. It struggled like mad to get that high and the car was just too twitchy for me to continue at that speed and remain comfortable driving it.... so I dropped the speed down to 140km/h
1990 Dodge Shadow, w/ exhaust mods 207 km/h

1991 mazda 626 LX, w/ exhaust mods 215 km/h

1979 trans am with 454 installed ( some other mods too, not sure ) 158 mph

1987 NIssan King Cab pick up ( stock ) 172 km/p

1999 Honda Prelude SH 235 km/h
did 250 km/h with my dad in his volvo s60R
don't know how much miles that are i thought 150 or so 💡
edit: Its 156mph :)
Just divide it by 1.6 that equals MPH
To get KM then multiply by 1.6
Easy conversion for everyone. 👍
A whopping 145 km/h (90 mph). Sad thing is my Dakota could have gone 160ish I bet,but it ran out of gear way too soon.
I pushed my old Volvo 264 up to 120 mph once. it took a lot of stretch to get there, and it came up to 195 km/h (that's about 120 mph right?) in a slight downward section. Sadly I overheated it, had to give it new cylinderhead gaskets and treat (word?) the heads so they were flat again. :(

Took my first ever car up to blazingly 85 mph (140 km/h). Opel kadett 1.3 :D
Not exaclty the most intelligent thing I ever did, but went about 250 km/h (156mph), trying to keep up with an S600 (which was impossible over 120mph) on an empty stretch of highway with my T5. Someone I work with told me about what he called the "sweet spot" on his 850 T5 turbo- from 180 to 220 km/h.

Also in the not so clever department, had a passenger ride at over 220 km/h on a small winding road in a 89 911 turbo when I was 15. It was a blast, but my conscience wouldn't allow me to repeat anything like that outside a video game today...

Took my first ever car up to blazingly 85 mph (140 km/h). Opel kadett 1.3 :D
My old Lebaron GTS... the engine noise and the time it took to get there sure made 140 km/h look so fast. That was quite a good security feature in itself, at that time :P
I went 110 mph with my dad in his MINI Cooper S through Vail Pass on I-70. Dang twisty road to go that fast. My took my older brother 120 mph down I-25 (I was SOOO jealous!) My dad could top that car out at about 60 mph when driving up to St. Mary's Glacier. The road up there is a super twisty two-lane with tons of bumps. We took up the whole road and were often surprised by oncoming cars that almost demolished us. It was very fun.

My dad also hit 101 mph in our fully loaded Grand Caravan!! :dopey:
In standard American the digital speedo on the '86 stops counting after 85 mph. In metric it stops counting after 199 kph so I really don't know how fast I've gone. I've gone something like 175-ish MPH in my friend's LT1 Camaro Z28 though.
175km/h in my mom's '93 accord. I'll never do that again. It struggled like mad to get that high and the car was just too twitchy for me to continue at that speed and remain comfortable driving it.... so I dropped the speed down to 140km/h

yeah thats why i stopped at 170km/h... it was far too twitchy, im glad it was a smooth road though. :) i rekon it could have made it to 190km/h.. but i wasnt going to push it.
I'm gonna call BS on some of you. I don't believe that 39 people have driven 140+mph in their car. And where would you do this that would not be illegal? If your car get's up to 140 in a 1/4 mile then you got some money. I call BS!
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