Fastest You've Ever Gone in Your Car?

  • Thread starter TAFJonathan

How fast have you gone in your car?

  • 60-80 mph

    Votes: 48 5.2%
  • 80-100 mph

    Votes: 107 11.6%
  • 100-120 mph

    Votes: 254 27.6%
  • 120-140 mph

    Votes: 240 26.1%
  • 140+ mph (WHOA!)

    Votes: 274 29.8%

  • Total voters
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I'm gonna call BS on some of you. I don't believe that 39 people have driven 140+mph in their car. And where would you do this that would not be illegal? If your car get's up to 140 in a 1/4 mile then you got some money. I call BS!
In all of our defense....I think you might have read some of the posts out of context or you didnt read any of them. I only read 1 that said something about 140 in a quarter mile. Most of the replies were long stretches. Some on the Autobahn[sp] which is perfectly legal since it doens't have a speed limit.
I'm 15 yrs old and recently my Dad took me to Sicily, Italy on a business trip. We got there and went to the rental car place right outside the Catania airport and we got an Alfa Romeo 156 wagon. Pretty "peppy" car, as my dad would say. Anyway, it was about 10:30 (Italy time) at night and he took me on an open road and taught me how to drive a stick (I knew how, just never did it before). Before I knew it, I was in 4th doin about 100kmh. I threw it into 5th (I think) and got it up to 155kmh (about 96mph) or so before I had to stop. . . ran outta highway. . . My dad was so proud that day. . . as was I :sly: .

So, that's the fastest I've ever driven, actually, the fastest I've ever gone in a car for that matter.

*hehe* - I can't wait till he gets to go to Germany :mischievous: Ahh. . . the beauty of the Autobahn. . . :bowdown:
I'm gonna call BS on some of you. I don't believe that 39 people have driven 140+mph in their car. And where would you do this that would not be illegal? If your car get's up to 140 in a 1/4 mile then you got some money. I call BS!

And in my own, and others' defense, Italian police don't really do anything about speeding. They don't have the room on the roads to pull people over. Everyone in Italy speeds and my Dad and I almost got run over by some dude in a "souped-up" M3, and we were going 140kmh (about 87mph). That's just my story.
168mph in my Cobra. I just wish I could have had more room, as the car was still pulling hard, but things you see WAY ahead don't STAY way ahead for long at that speed, so I shut it down. :lol:
120 plus on a long stretch of deserted freeway. at night. :scared: that was the only thing preveting me from going faster, going faster than my dipped headlights could illuminate. i didnt want a bambi moment at that speed.
mercedes 300E (2.6)

i really really doubt that a car could go 145 at 3800rpm. im not calling bull****, but i think a 5th gear 5500 rpm would be alot more believable as it takes a whole lot of horsepower to go very high speeds. and horsepower that high isnt usually found much below about 5000rpm. on cars with a 4.11 rear gear. and aerodynamics from the sixties.

of course a .50 overdrive sixth remedys a lot of ills. and doubts.

and of course he could have a nascar spec engine or some beast of an engine that can produce very high horsepower below 4000rpm.

maybe im extrapolating a 150mph+ situation to a <150mph situation where it doesnt apply. what do i know.

then again, my car only has about 150RWHP and did 120 easily. again, what do i know.

i really really doubt that a car could go 145 at 3800rpm. im not calling bull****, but i think a 5th gear 5500 rpm would be alot more believable as it takes a whole lot of horsepower to go very high speeds. and horsepower that high isnt usually found much below about 5000rpm. on cars with a 4.11 rear gear. and aerodynamics from the sixties.
I have no idea if 3800rpm at 145mph is realistic or not. My question would be "Why?". My car hit's 140mph in 4th gear, and I have a six speed so I know I can hit 145 in 6th, but I have no idea what RPM I'd be at. The thing is, if you're looking for top speed, why on Earth would you be in 6th in the first place?? You certainly won't hit your max speed in that gear. Doesn't make much sense.
thats my point exactly. you lose horsepower by shifting to the longer gear. which is why my doubt is creeping into the picture.

your car is decades newer and has a much cleaner aero profile than a sixties camaro so its understandable that yours could do it. and i highly doubt yours has a 4.11 rear end.

mine has something like a 2.82 which makes high speeds achievable, but a 4.11? in sixth? (possible, as you and i have already mentioned!) with a sixties car? :shrug:
I'm gonna call BS on some of you. I don't believe that 39 people have driven 140+mph in their car. And where would you do this that would not be illegal? If your car get's up to 140 in a 1/4 mile then you got some money. I call BS!

There's this thing called the highway, and there's that time called night, where there's close to zero traffic.

Yep, it's stupid, and highly illegal, but hey, as long as I don't put anyone else but myself in danger, why do you care? It's not like I always go pedal to the metal, 140+ mph, it's happened to me only a few times. You know, there's no one around, it's a perfectly straight stretch of highway... you just have to try it at least once.
BY neanderthal: i really really doubt that a car could go 145 at 3800rpm. im not calling bull****, but i think a 5th gear 5500 rpm would be alot more believable as it takes a whole lot of horsepower to go very high speeds. and horsepower that high isnt usually found much below about 5000rpm. on cars with a 4.11 rear gear. and aerodynamics from the sixties.
of course a .50 overdrive sixth remedys a lot of ills. and doubts.
and of course he could have a nascar spec engine or some beast of an engine that can produce very high horsepower below 4000rpm.
maybe im extrapolating a 150mph+ situation to a <150mph situation where it doesnt apply. what do i know.
then again, my car only has about 150RWHP and did 120 easily. again, what do i know.
your car is decades newer and has a much cleaner aero profile than a sixties camaro so its understandable that yours could do it. and i highly doubt yours has a 4.11 rear end.
mine has something like a 2.82 which makes high speeds achievable, but a 4.11? in sixth? (possible, as you and i have already mentioned!) with a sixties car? :shrug:
neanderthal..I really cant believe you of all people would be arguing. I though you actually knew something about cars since you have that car in your avatar. And I even HAD respect for you.... But now I know for sure that you don't know anything about the capabilities of old cars. Especially since you said it yourself
quote by neanderthal... maybe im extrapolating a 150mph+ situation to a <150mph situation where it doesnt apply. what do i know.
Told you you are wasting your time arguing but you just feel you cant sleep at night unless you argue. You just dont listen but ill explain anyway even though you will just keep going and going.
For starters I did not to try to see my highest speed in 6th gear. I pushed 5th gear out to around 140mph @ 5,500 RPM then just dropped it into 6th. It lost some acceleration right after I put it in 6th gear but it wasnt much, the 4.11 gears keep it going with no problem. Right after I put it in 6th gear I looked at the tach and it read 3,800 RPM. You dont need a lot of HP to go fast. Proper gearing plays a huge part of that.
The key point is the .50 tranny ratio in 6th gear. Some guys have a .75 ratio, I have a Dodge Viper .50 ratio.
Now for the coment on a 60s car that cant go that fast. Thats the most ignorant response I have ever heard. By no means is my car even close to stock.
Just simply do a search on Kyle and Stacy Tucker's 69 Camaro called the Twister. That car hit over 210MPH with only 460hp. I only have a little less HP so 145MPH is very easy to hit. Well since you wont believe that either I enclosed the article out of Chevy High Performance magazine. Save the pic to your comp if you cant read it. Then open it 100%
Here is that article about the 69 Camaro that went 210MPH
If you read all this and still argue then you are simply showing you are a dumb as$ that just needs to argue for attention. I already stated I don't lie and don't need to lie.
On the way back from Sydney my dad did 160kph in his Ford Falcon. I have done 140kph in an SS Commodore Wagon through fun turns when going down south to the beach.

in case you didnt notice clown, i merely expressed doubt. and i iexplained why. cars from the sixties do not have the aeros that permit excessively high speeds. it just is. cars didnt have much racing technology in them, esp as regards to aero and drag. if you are arguing against that then you are the dumb@ss. todays econo car propbably has better cD than most cars rom the sixties.

i never mentioned anything about trying to achieve top speed. cobra did. i merely echoed his sentiment that a top speed run would be better achieved without the overdrive.

perhaps you should read peoples comments before you claim they were owned.
Earlier this year, I accelerated up to 120mph. It got there very easily, and as soon as it did I eased off. I was in 4th gear so still had another gear to go.

The annoying thing is, while I was at 120mph, a TVR Tuscan flew past me....
in case you didnt notice clown, i merely expressed doubt. and i iexplained why. cars from the sixties do not have the aeros that permit excessively high speeds. it just is. cars didnt have much racing technology in them, esp as regards to aero and drag. if you are arguing against that then you are the dumb@ss. todays econo car propbably has better cD than most cars rom the sixties.

i never mentioned anything about trying to achieve top speed. cobra did. i merely echoed his sentiment that a top speed run would be better achieved without the overdrive.

perhaps you should read peoples comments before you claim they were owned.

neanderthal I knew you would reply just cant accept being wrong can you? The more you reply the more I laugh because you keep contradicting yourself now and its getting very entertaining. :lol:
Then you have to try to blame some of your ignorance on soemone named cobra. (I will assume this is Lethalchem)
You say he talked about top speed.....umm no read YOUR posts again YOU said several times that I couldn't achieve that speed. Gotta burn.
Your post about aerodynamics is wrong too. You said an old 60s car cant hit those speeds because of aerodynamics. I already proved to you that a camaro can do 210 and you still argue.... With the right drivetrain set up you could make a bus go over 100 in a quarter mile. Like always I back up what I say so heres the vid. :lol:
School bus quarter mile 107mph
Hopefully this thread will be a lesson to you not to disagree with people when you dont know what your talking about.
I have several video's of speed runs, and this one isn't the best, but I'm still looking. It shows a run from 0-160mph in an '03 Cobra through 5th gear. Unfortunately it cuts off the high end of the tach, so it's hard to see. The rear gears are 3.55 in this car, and we have the same tranny as the Viper and Z06, although I think there's a slight gearing difference in 1st, I'll have to look that up. Here's the vid until I can find a better one: Cobra Vid


Dodge Viper:
Gear Type 6 Speed Manual w/ Overdrive
Final Drive 3.07:1
1st Gear Ratio 2.66:1
2nd Gear Ratio 1.78:1
3rd Gear Ratio 1.30:1
4th Gear Ratio 1.00:1
5th Gear Ratio 0.74:1
6th Gear Ratio 0.50:1

SVT Cobra
Gear Type 6 Speed Manual w/ Overdrive
Final Drive Ratio 3.55:1
1st Gear Ratio 2.66:1
2nd Gear Ratio 1.78:1
3rd Gear Ratio 1.30:1
4th Gear Ratio 1.00:1
5th Gear Ratio 0.80:1
6th Gear Ratio 0.63:1

Corvette Z06
Gear Type 6-Speed Manual w/ Overdrive
Final Drive Ratio 3.42:1
1st Gear Ratio 2.98:1
2nd Gear Ratio 2.07:1
3rd Gear Ratio 1.43:1
4th Gear Ratio 1.00:1
5th Gear Ratio 0.84:1
6th Gear Ratio 0.56:1
I have several video's of speed runs, and this one isn't the best, but I'm still looking. It shows a run from 0-160mph in an '03 Cobra through 5th gear. Unfortunately it cuts off the high end of the tach, so it's hard to see. The rear gears are 3.55 in this car, and we have the same tranny as the Viper and Z06, although I think there's a slight gearing difference in 1st, I'll have to look that up. Here's the vid until I can find a better one: Cobra Vid
Good vid. And yes we have the same tranny. You might have a .63 6th gear where I have a .50 6th gear. :) 👍
Good vid. And yes we have the same tranny. You might have a .63 6th gear where I have a .50 6th gear. :) 👍
Looks like your 5th is different to, from what I found. Must be the Z06 that has a different 1st gear.
Some of the 93ish Trans ams and Camaros also had a different first gear. Extremely steep too almost too steep to even use. It was a 3.36
Some of the 93ish Trans ams and Camaros also had a different first gear. Extremely steep too almost too steep to even use. It was a 3.36

But the 93 didn't have a T56 in it. My cobra, the Viper, and the ZO6 all use the same tranny.
But the 93 didn't have a T56 in it. My cobra, the Viper, and the ZO6 all use the same tranny.
The sure did. here is a quote directly form Chevy High performance mag
"The first-year ’93 Camaro used both 2.97:1 and 3.36:1"
read the quote here
4th paragraph down under T56
The sure did. here is a quote directly form Chevy High performance mag
"The first-year ’93 Camaro used both 2.97:1 and 3.36:1"
read the quote here
4th paragraph down under T56

I'll take your word for it. I've never been up on Slomaro history. I see all I need to know about them in my rearview mirror.:sly:
neanderthal I knew you would reply just cant accept being wrong can you? The more you reply the more I laugh because you keep contradicting yourself now and its getting very entertaining. :lol:
Then you have to try to blame some of your ignorance on soemone named cobra. (I will assume this is Lethalchem)
You say he talked about top speed.....umm no read YOUR posts again YOU said several times that I couldn't achieve that speed. Gotta burn.
Your post about aerodynamics is wrong too. You said an old 60s car cant hit those speeds because of aerodynamics. I already proved to you that a camaro can do 210 and you still argue.... With the right drivetrain set up you could make a bus go over 100 in a quarter mile. Like always I back up what I say so heres the vid. :lol:
School bus quarter mile 107mph
Hopefully this thread will be a lesson to you not to disagree with people when you dont know what your talking about.

how am i wrong? you have yet to actually prove that i'm wrong. of course, since i took no definitive stance you can't. :dopey:

i saw that avatar and assumed the name. big whoopie. go look at my post #185 and 187 and quote for me where i said anything about top speed. in fact find those two words adjacent to each other in either post and i will change my signature to "i know nothing, ignore everthing i say. ps; i got owned by camaroboy69"

i will even save you the trouble of opening another window to look by posting both of them right here.

post 185
120 plus on a long stretch of deserted freeway. at night. that was the only thing preveting me from going faster, going faster than my dipped headlights could illuminate. i didnt want a bambi moment at that speed.
mercedes 300E (2.6)

i really really doubt that a car could go 145 at 3800rpm. im not calling bull****, but i think a 5th gear 5500 rpm would be alot more believable as it takes a whole lot of horsepower to go very high speeds. and horsepower that high isnt usually found much below about 5000rpm. on cars with a 4.11 rear gear. and aerodynamics from the sixties.

of course a .50 overdrive sixth remedys a lot of ills. and doubts.

and of course he could have a nascar spec engine or some beast of an engine that can produce very high horsepower below 4000rpm.

maybe im extrapolating a 150mph+ situation to a <150mph situation where it doesnt apply. what do i know.

then again, my car only has about 150RWHP and did 120 easily. again, what do i know.

and post 187
thats my point exactly. you lose horsepower by shifting to the longer gear. which is why my doubt is creeping into the picture.

your car is decades newer and has a much cleaner aero profile than a sixties camaro so its understandable that yours could do it. and i highly doubt yours has a 4.11 rear end.

mine has something like a 2.82 which makes high speeds achievable, but a 4.11? in sixth? (possible, as you and i have already mentioned!) with a sixties car? :shrug:

show me the quote where i said you could not achieve that top speed. i can show you where i "doubted" you could and cited several reasons why, but you cannot definitively show me one where i disputed your top speed. doubt does not equal dispute.

again, please post demonstrative proof that i said sixties cars could not achieve very high speeds. i want you to quote verbatim where i used the words, "cannot, can't, will not, won't, impossible" and synonyms to that effect, with regard to cars from the sixties achieving very high speeds.

the gulf between doubt and dispute is vast, as is the one between being a dunce and a dumbass, but i see you have chosen to cross that gulf on both counts. in this (your) case the :dunce: smiley is most appropriate. but only because there isn't one for jackass.

this might be a ...... primer, ..... a hint, ...... an indication, that perhaps you should read a little slower and digest the body of the words you have read as opposed to misplace your own inferences on them. or do we need to post pictures to aid your assimilation of basic english?

I did 200km/h on the German Autobahn two weeks ago in my '95 Alfa 155 1.8 TS (and four weeks ago). That's something like 126mph? First time was just on a straight, and it took a while to get there :D It's at about 6000rpm in 5th at that point and it really doesn't want to go any faster. The second time that speed was arrived at a little faster because we seriously went downhill. The nice thing about the German Autobahn is that you can just 'cruise' at something like 115mph and every now and then you still have to move over for some crazy mofo in usually a BMW, Audi or Merc doing well over 140mph.

On the way back though we weren't in such a hurry so we just mostly stayed at around 150km/h (think that's around 90mph).

Still, it's a bit silly thing to do for someone who only just got his licence a month earlier, and if I hadn't been playing so many games and sat beside someone doing that kind of speed before, I probably wouldn't have dared to. I wonder if that's a good or bad influence ... Anyway, it's not really a good idea. It feels a lot safer than it really is - if you're not careful and hit the edge of the road, if you get a flat, or anything else unexpected happens, neither the car nor you is going to look very good. We saw a brand new Mazda6 totally toasted along the way, and that did make an impression on us ...
This is for you neanderthal. :lol:

You got OWNED and dont even see it. :lol:
This is for you neanderthal. :lol:

You got OWNED and dont even see it. :lol:
That picture indicates that neanderthal won....

I don't see anyone getting "owned", I just see a rather pointless discussion.
This is for you neanderthal. :lol:

You got OWNED and dont even see it. :lol:

in other words you couldn't back up your claim that

a) i said your car cant go that fast
b) that i said old cars in general cant go fast
c) that i got owned

i challenge you to rebuke my previous post instead of posting these red herrings. i dare you to. you dont have the balls or the capability to.

go ahead. go back to my previous post and rebuke everything i said and dont post nonsense like that image until you have.

i bet you can't.

OWNAGE by neanderthal again. :dunce: how's that crow taste?
arwin im glad you saw that mazda 6 toasted. driving accidents are most common in the first year of driving. i know i wrecked my dads golf a few months after getting my license, so i am one of the statistics.

try to go to a high performance driving school if you can. you will learn a whole lot more than years of driving experience can give you. learn defensive driving, and remember that unless its at a track, its not a race.
happy motoring.
ive taken my car 130-135, and i took my friends cuda 147, and i drove another friends gsx-r 1000 until the governer or whatever shut down the power, i dont know how fast i went cause i didn't look at the speedometer. i did it for thrill not bragging rights.
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