Fastest You've Ever Gone in Your Car?

  • Thread starter TAFJonathan

How fast have you gone in your car?

  • 60-80 mph

    Votes: 48 5.2%
  • 80-100 mph

    Votes: 107 11.6%
  • 100-120 mph

    Votes: 254 27.6%
  • 120-140 mph

    Votes: 240 26.1%
  • 140+ mph (WHOA!)

    Votes: 274 29.8%

  • Total voters
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Originally posted by Josh
I still can't beleive the way polak2001 is talking to Altf8(one of our forum's ADMINISTRATORS). I know if it was me he was talkin' to like that he'd be on the list of banned members...

Polak2001, consider yourself lucky that one of us hasn't banned you(yet)

Oh, I will Josh. I'm just having my last bit of fun.

Polak: End of line bud. I warned you. Strike two equals ban in my book. Yes, I know what an instrument cluster is. Did you really think that I could calculate the real world top speed of an Integra and not know what an instrument cluster is? Please! :rolleyes: was (not) fun playing this little game with you, but you are now disrupting the forums. Bye!
On behalf of this person and the trouble he's caused, I apologize to the members of GTPlanet. This type of person is bothersome, but easily forgotten.

I've banned him and will continue to look for his probable return.

Thank you all for supporting GTPlanet!
Originally posted by Josh

Altf8 was saying that polak blaming the instrument cluster was the funniest thing he has ever heard of. Trust me, Altf8 knows very well what an instrument cluster is. And Alt probably knows a LOT more about cars than you'd think...:D

Awww...shucks... *blushes*
Hehe, he got banned. He was full of it anyway. He had so many posts, can you divide the posts up and give everyone some posts?


That pic is funny, and so true, but those people can run faster than me, so I should shut up. ;)
Originally posted by risingson77
Looks I'm too late with my latest poster. Oh well, I'll put it up anyway. :D

Arguing on the Internet

Oh, and if someone finds this offensive for some reason, please feel free to delete it. :)

I was gonna use that the other day, but the version I found had a tiny banner across the bottom that read something like, "brought to you by Steve's Shut The **** Up Foundation" so I decided I better not post it...:D
Originally posted by AltF8

I've banned him and will continue to look for his probable return.

Question: When YOU ban someone, do you ban just their username, or do you ban their IP address? I know mods don't have the option of banning IP, but they can ban username...

Good decision though.
Originally posted by Josh

I was gonna use that the other day, but the version I found had a tiny banner across the bottom that read something like, "brought to you by Steve's Shut The **** Up Foundation" so I decided I better not post it...:D

You could've covered it up using just MS Paint...oh well, it's moot now. These guys wouldn't let me link directly to the photo, bastiges!
I've banned just his username for now. He (of course) found me on ICQ and swore some more at me...claiming that he was 'never coming back' to the site. Uh...yeah, this I know bud. :)

He tried to weasel his way out, blaming his actions on bad parenting or sad.
AH AHA HA HA HA AH AH AH AHA HA!!!! holy crap what a tosspot polak is. well im sure he has all this crap the he claims when his hand is on his rod that is. he probably still rides the old tredly to school with the flowers and streamers on the handlebars. what a joke he is. i see now why he is banned. thanks for showing me jordan.
Driven: 147mph (indicated) in MY1997 Subaru Impreza Turbo, UK standard.
Ridden: Unknown. Rev limit in (stock) 5th gear in (chipped) 1982 Audi Quattro. Estimate 165mph, but prepared to be proven wrong.
pinned in 2nd gear in my camry ive hit about 90kmh

pinned in 3rd, 125 - 130.

i might have to go out this afternoon and try out 4th and 5th on the highway.
WOW! I just found this post. :eek: What a troll! And saying he was doing it at a dragstrip? Well, the NIRA boys and girls are trapping at about 160-180 I believe, and they are in full drag cars with well over 600hp. I wish I would've found this thread sooner to get in on the flaming, but oh well.

Back to the subject, I've done around 105 in my Se-R, don't know how accurate the speedo is. The car is limited to 109 on the stock ECU though. But that was the only time I plan on taking the car over 100. I've been around 120 in both my dad's Eclipse GSX and his TT 300zx.
Originally posted by Stealth Viper

Are you an undercover agent trying to expose who is hijacking trucks filled with imported japanese a/v equipment? And have you fallen in love with the daughter of the mastermind behind the hijackings, so you are unwilling to admit that he is guilty? And do you street race in urban streets packed with cops and witnesses?

Or did you just really like the movie...:lol:?
HAHAHAHAHA I am sorry but that is funny!!!
a friend of mine, lance warren, in his 98 HSV Clubsport R8. for you americans, go here, and you will be filled in.

this is only in 5th gear, still with 6th to go and is pulling around 280 - 290 kmh (175 - 181 mph).

the photos too big to upload here (286k) but visit the website below and youll find it. theres even video proof too so that you dont think hes done it with photo shop or some program.

thats power my friends...and polak if your still watching....GET THAT UP YA!!!!!

visit to see more of lances HSV, his 2 mazda cosmos and heaps of other quality stuff. has heaps of vids, really sweet supra powerslide with smoke pissin off the wheels at 180 - 200 kmh...its all worth a look.
ah, the Cosmo, one of the coolest Mazda cars ever.........but they didn't send it over here. There is on in the country, and the guy was useing it as a daily driver, and was selling it on Ebay.
Originally posted by MazKid
ah, the Cosmo, one of the coolest Mazda cars ever.........but they didn't send it over here. There is on in the country, and the guy was useing it as a daily driver, and was selling it on Ebay.

Actually saw my first one in the flesh the other day (they were never sold here, Japan only as I recall), someone must have brought over as a grey import.

Certainly a very attractive car - long, slim body with quite a pronounced turret - were they a two seater or a 2+2?
At least 150 on my CBR 6. I only glimpsed at the speedo because I was racing my mate.

In a car? 120 :( Help me get rid of my diesel 306 by having a look at my "I need new wheels..." post!
2+2, a great family car. I'll buy one someday......yeah right. :(

Just like the AZ-1. What an awsome car. the doors were gullwing, MR, superlight. I'll sneak one of those over here too. ;)
Originally posted by MazKid
2+2, a great family car. I'll buy one someday......yeah right. :(

Just like the AZ-1. What an awsome car. the doors were gullwing, MR, superlight. I'll sneak one of those over here too. ;)

Was that the really little thing Mazda showed with a couple of different bodies (including a Group C Le Mans car in miniature?) on it.

If so - I remember one motoring journalist here saying he wanted to buy one with the Group C body and drop a rotary in it.

Is this the road version?


I seem to remember Mazda showing it with differing bodies.
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