You're entirely failing to see 2 points here
Firstly, I did post that paragraph from the AUP for a reason.

Your posting style leaves a lot to be desired. Missing capitals & apostrophes all over the place and still continuing to use "txt speek" such as "tnx".
This'll be your last free public warning, the next one will be official.
Secondly, you're not just arguing with someone's mathematics, you're arguing with the whole of Physics in general, right from Isaac Newton through Albert Einstein and to Stephen Hawking and beyond. And what you're suggesting is that somehow they're wrong. Simple observations of the Universe around us suggests otherwise, they're pretty much spot on so far.
As is
VEXD. đź‘Ť
The facts that he's posted about his Honda (which I've seen in real life, and is really rather nice) match the facts about his top-speed capabilities, which are again proven by plugging the numbers into the equations that produce a answer that more-or-less
exactly matches the possible top-speed of his car versus that which he's achieved.
Plugging your numbers into that very same equation do not come remotely close to what you're claiming.
VEXD has proved that he's got a good grasp of the physics of his car, the capability to build a Honda that does exactly what he says it does and the loving attention to detail to keep that Honda in the spectacularly good condition that it is in today.
Nobody is disputing that you have the Civic, or have performed the mods that you're claiming, there's nothing impossible about that. However, plugging the numbers you've given us into the equations that are known, undisputed facts, (unless Professor
horde_r35 would care to enlighten us as to where we've been going wrong all these years), simply don't add up.
It's not a "pointless saying" that you're arguing against here, nor do we have to be mathematics Professors to be able to input numbers into known equations and get an answer.
If your car truly does do 161mph, then it's generating considerably more power than you think it is. Again, that's not impossible.
But claiming 161mph from a 160 - 180HP Civic
is, and arguing against the Physical and Mathematical proof of that just because it's presented to by another member here isn't going to make you right whichever way you look at it, unless gravity, air-pressure and wind resistance suddenly begin to obey different physical properties around Lisbon than they do in the rest of the known Universe, or your "speed run" bridge has a gradient of 1 in 1!