Don't be a drama queen. I simply pointed out, why some of us felt you weren't crystal clear.
I've supported your battle from day 1, and every 'complaint' I've mentioned has been constructive and in an effort to help this succeed. People stressed that it needs to be more organized and you kinda brushed it off and that shows as we've already run into a few issues, as well as a lot of 'unknown' variables, that you seem to refuse to address until absolutely mandatory. Anytime someone presents a possible issue or finds a flaw, you act like it;s the end of the world. We bring it to your attention, so that you can fix it and move on in a successful manner.
I've gone out of my way to make it perfectly clear, that you had my support that I planned to abort my attempt at this 'battle' as to not compete with you, as I see no point. When others mentioned possibly running two competitions at a time, I offered to offset the dates to allow both drivers and tuners the best outcome, to avoid any possible conflicts between the two. I contacted you via PM weeks ago, offering you any help I could, and even offered you the option of copying my entire layout, to use for your event, since at the time, you had nothing formal posted. I find it far more insulting of you to insinuate that I've been trying to sabotage your efforts, than any comment I've posted thus far. 'Taking your ball and going home' is not the way this needs to be handled. Sac up and understand that people's 'concerns' are compliments not insults. People, myself included, are concerned because we want this to work, not because we want you to fail. If you can't differentiate between the two, then I'm sorry.