Hrm? You no longer running it = you backing out.
Pass the torch if you still feel like giving it up when you're done administrating the first round. We're used to dealing with your system at the moment so lets not change mid stride or it's a lot of wasted time for everyone involved. Don't emo out over having your decisions questioned, just make them and tell everyone who makes an issue of it to STFU. Lots of CEOs make money that way.
I generally only criticize someone more when they quit over being criticized... so just tough it out.
Word. Don't end it now. This is the only competition that test the tunes the tunes make.
Frankly, I just don't want to have to deal with Adrenaline. Call me old fashioned (hell, I am old) but I find the lack of any trace of respect a bit off-putting. And seeing as this TGB has the legs to last for a good long while, I'd just rather pass the torch now.
This old "drama queen" who "can't differentiate between concerns and insults" is signing off
Cheers everyone!