Tony, the link for the spreadsheet is here. It isn't done yet. Also, you need to create a google account, then PM me the email you used to sign up. I will then authorize you to make changes. I'll PM instructions on how to use it when you get that part done.
I think I figured out the Team Points, but that won't be up and running until the teams are established, the "final" grid is up, and so on.
Tony, we should discuss plans for when someone has black screen at the start and issues of that nature. Also, if someone completes over half the race and they have a connection issue (like you said, detectable compared to leaving race), do they get points (half?) for the position they were in. You may not have to think about any of these things, but I've seen them all happen. Also, define no blocking. I think the current F1 rule allows a double move as long as a car width is allowed on the second move.
10GMT Sunday is about the latest (until hours later) that I can start, but if we're on time I should be good. This is if I'm converting right. What time is 10GMT to you in Central, Rich? I'm assuming 5PM Eastern; so 4PM for you. Plus we have daylight savings coming soon. Remember when Rev. would always show up an hour late. Ohh, the good old days.