Ferrari Festival! • One-Make • Events Complete!Full 

  • Thread starter BrandonW77
I'll probably study the replays in a day or two. Right now all I have to go off of really is a practice lap of Chase's I watched from the lobby; not only was he braking later for almost every corner, he was braking less. Proper modulation seems to be important for this car; I was working on being easier on the pedal during the races, and it was yielding deeper entries and a more settled car mid-corner, but unless I was totally focussed on it, my left foot defaulted to its standard unrefined leaden approach. :lol:

I presume everyone knows this, but maybe they don't. With ABS on, giving 100% braking actually yields less braking power because once you cross a certain threshold the ABS kicks in. So 70-80% braking would slow you down more than 90-100% braking. I try to stab them to about 80-90%, then start backing off progressively as I go through the turn and hopefully off of them as I pass the apex. This car really benefits from trail braking too, especially to just a bit past the apex.
I presume everyone knows this, but maybe they don't. With ABS on, giving 100% braking actually yields less braking power because once you cross a certain threshold the ABS kicks in. So 70-80% braking would slow you down more than 90-100% braking. I try to stab them to about 80-90%, then start backing off progressively as I go through the turn and hopefully off of them as I pass the apex. This car really benefits from trail braking too, especially to just a bit past the apex.

*nods* It's something I'm well aware of but often forget to apply 'in the moment.'

Trail-braking isn't something I'm normally comfortable with, I prefer to have most if not all of my braking done by turn-in, but it looks like I'm going to have to work on it with this car. (I'm planning on showing up on Saturday, otherwise I would probably move on to next week's selection instead of trying to improve with this one. ;) )
Trail braking is beneficial in most cars, one of the most valuable skills I've learned in the game. Took me a long time to learn it because I was actually afraid of it, so easy to result in a spin. But once you learn how to balance it and modulate the brakes properly it can shave many tenths off your lap. Especially at Brands, I'd trail brake heavily into turn 1 and carrying more speed through there really pays off at the end of the lap. 👍
Well I looked up trail braking and it really sounds like something I should try but it also sounds pretty difficult to learn. I could only imagine doing that in the lancia stratos :lol:
Yeah, with the Stratos you really want to get all your braking done in a straight line, then turn in on partial throttle. o_O; You often need dabs of brake mid-corner to keep it in line (lots of dancing on the pedals for me at least), but you definitely don't want to drag the brake down to the apex with that car....
Sorry for yesterday guys, but I was too tired. Anyway, I'm not 'officially' in the Tuesday list ;).
What was the average lap times yesterday? And the best lap please?
Right now all I have to go off of really is a practice lap of Chase's I watched from the lobby

I wouldn't pay much attention to what I do, I don't really think too much about how I get a good lap - I just try and get as much even load between the tyres as possible and I'm certain I do a lot wrong.
What was the average lap times yesterday? And the best lap please?

Somewhere in the 1:35's seemed to be a good lap. I got a 1:35.1 in qually, Brandon broke the 1:34's in practice the other day, someone may well have got a 1:34 in the race too - I'm not sure.
It was good fun last night. First race was better for me than the second. I could of taken 5th (which was surprisingly good in my occasion) but I did my normal mistakes which costs me! :indiff: But overall I felt good on track.
The second race was great 1st lap. Then turn 1, my rear tire catches the sand and there I went. Was all over the place that lap and was way back to even catch up.:grumpy:

Someone mentioned that they just ride the guy in front until they make a mistake, well that is absolutely true with me. I kinda get nervous when someone's right behind me. For one, I dont want to mess up and mess them up also. And second, lookin back doesn't help. :nervous: I hope i have time to Race with you all on Saturday.
Ha ha I feel the same way ace :lol:. When someone is on my tail for 15 minutes it terrifies me. It was just horrifying having Brandon and kling on my tail for half or more of the 2nd race last week. My nervousness usually leads to me making mistakes. I was surprised I didn't choke :lol:. Also looking back doesn't help it only makes you even more nervous. It works the same way as the don't look down thing :lol:. It scares the 🤬 out of you but you just can't help but look back/look down :lol:
First race for me in third, got a better start than Brandon in 2nd so was along side him for the run to T1, after a friendly nudge (I'll blame Brandon here), a quick Look Back to check my right side for the corner, and... there I go off into the sand! Doh, note to self STOP LOOKING BACK :banghead:

Had a terrible race there after, and Race 2 was not much better.

Still had some good fun putting pressure on those I could catch, only to plough the front, and end off on the grass/sand.

Good racing guys ;)
The First Race:
I get a good launch off the starting line and run a decent line thru turn one, so I'm able to pass a couple of cars in the early part of lap # 1, and find myself in 3rd place. I try to settle in during the rest of the lap, but my lack of practice with the Ferrari is evident, so Amarynceos cruises up to my rear-bumper,:nervous: and I start to lose touch with Brandon, who is in 2nd place, so I decide to let @[B]amarynceos[/B] thru, so he can chase after Brandon.

So at the end of lap # 1, on the S/F straight I pull waaay over to the right, ease off the throttle, and drive right along-side the inside armco. Amarynceos drives past and before pulling back out on the track, I check my mirrors to see if anyone else is close. Bamm! My car glances off the armco wall that veers slightly outwards just before the pit-lane pit-out area. This sends me careening across the track and out in the sand on the left-side of turn one. As I struggle to control my Ferrari, I suddenly get right-side traction, so my Ferrari makes a hard right and veers back across the track, completely perpendicular to the track, and with @[B]turnupdaheat[/B] driving right at me.:eek: Turnupdaheat has to take extreme evasive maneuvers not to hit me, so he veers off to the right out into the sand. Somehow, he actually gets thru without completely stuffing his Ferrari into a sand-castle.👍 Well done!

I'm now driving thru the sand and grass and my Ferrari's wind-screen gets completely obscured, and eventually I run out of beach-front property and smack the armco again.:ouch: I check my body parts, and all still seem to be attached, but when I look for my wits, some seem to be missing.;):D

Looking around I notice that another car is driving thru the sand, so I worry that I've completely stuffed someone else's race, so I decide to pack it in for the rest of the race, so I drive my Ferrari over to the nearest corner worker. For a couple of laps I have a nice conversation with a very friendly corner worker who helps me brush sand off my Ferrari.

Sorry if I messed up anyone's race:guilty:

See you on the track!
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Ha ha I feel the same way ace :lol:. When someone is on my tail for 15 minutes it terrifies me. It was just horrifying having Brandon and kling on my tail for half or more of the 2nd race last week. My nervousness usually leads to me making mistakes. I was surprised I didn't choke :lol:. Also looking back doesn't help it only makes you even more nervous. It works the same way as the don't look down thing :lol:. It scares the 🤬 out of you but you just can't help but look back/look down :lol:

This is the part I thrive on and what keeps me coming back. I used to make so many mistakes, either due to pressure or lack of focus, and it was frustrating so I made it my point to learn how to minimize these problems. It takes constant focus, anticipation, and forward thinking. It's almost an internal race/battle with myself and when I can avoid those mishaps, even if I don't win the race, it is deeply satisfying and almost as good as a victory to get through it with few-to-no mistakes. It doesn't come easy, it takes lots of experience with different scenarios and different drivers and the only real way to learn it is by making the mistakes and learning from them. I didn't win either of the races last night but I am supremely proud of my lack of major mishaps. 👍
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^ Just to touch back on that, IMO these are the things (as well as muscle memory for wheel users) that transfer almost 1:1 to the real world. The mindset, the focus and the racecraft are the same whether it's in the virtual or real world. Example, I did that little kart race on Saturday and out of the gates I was going two abreast with another driver into a tight chicane that was turn 1. I had no panic or nerves because I had mentally been in this scenario hundreds of times. I held my line, gave the other guy just enough room (but no more) and kept my head down going through the turn.....and came out in front of him. It was awesome, but it felt so familiar and normal that I didn't even have to think about it and didn't get all nervous about it. 1st and 2nd place were a ways ahead of me so I just focused on trying to stay consistent and wait for them to battle/screw up. It almost worked, I made up the 7 or 8 kart lengths and finished right on the bumper of 2nd place but 3 laps wasn't enough to get it done. Great fun though. 👍 I also believe these skills can transcend racing and help with any number of Life's challenges.

Anyway, did anybody have a go on SM's last night? If so, how did they fare? Also, what's the opinion on tire wear = Normal? I didn't start noticing tire wear until after lap 12 or so and still had 10's all around, so it wasn't as much wear as I hoped for but still more ideal than Fast where a lot of us were on ice skates for the last few laps in the F430. I had slipstream on Weak also instead of Real like last week, I noticed a small bit more draft but it still wasn't enough to make overtaking too easy, which is good.
Am looking forward to Saturday's race where hopefully I will be a bit fresher for the race, and my concentration will last the duration!

I think I'm pretty close to your pace Brandon, my best last night was just inside the 1:35's, so hoping I can put you under some pressure ;)

Re the tyres I think the wear rate was too low for any strategy to come into play and work in favour of the smooth driver over the wild (sideways) driver or perhaps the SM vs SH battle. Personally I would prefer a higher wear rate, but I understand the desire to try and find a balance in this area and still keep cars drivable towards the end.
Draft I think is about right, I think it's better this way, as we have no aero any way, and if we get too much boost, people may start misjudging breaking points etc, and end up with both cars in the litter!
Re the tyres I think the wear rate was too low for any strategy to come into play and work in favour of the smooth driver over the wild (sideways) driver or perhaps the SM vs SH battle. Personally I would prefer a higher wear rate, but I understand the desire to try and find a balance in this area and still keep cars drivable towards the end.

I think Normal would have been good on the MR car but with FR we can stick with Fast. I like a little bit of strategy but I don't want the wear to be so that we struggle the last couple laps. Also, shaving a lap or two off the longer race will help the tire/fuel wear stay in a manageable range. 👍

So, for this Saturday I will cut the second race to 16 laps (should still be a 25+ minute race) and turn tire/fuel wear up to Fast. Sorry if it seems like I'm making this up as I go, my single car testing didn't really reveal some of these issues and I hadn't planned on allowing to tire compounds so I'm kind of adapting on the fly.
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@GTsail290 , ah, so that's what happened. I was terribly confused at the time, thought somehow I misjudged the outside line and messed you up somehow. :nervous:

@BrandonW77 yay for heavier wear, :( for shortening the race. Is fuel an issue at Fast? I did an 18-lap run a few days ago and thought I burned less than half a tank, but I could be misremembering. Anyway, I like more fuel burn no matter what, and this car is so tremendously easy on tyres that one can really exploit the fuel burning off. 👍

(This is one of the areas where I feel a great step was made from GT5 to GT6; I never got much of a feel of the car getting lighter in 5.)

@MC-Chase , even if you're doing 'a lot wrong' you're doing it about a half second to a second a lap faster than me, so I'll be studying your lines (and Brandon's as well) to try and pick up some notions here and there. :mischievous:

Looking forward to trying to pick up enough time to stay with the leaders on Saturday!
Boy I really wish I had more time to practice but this stupid term paper is seriously limiting my practice time. However I hand it in on Friday so therefore, I will be done with it on Thursday. @BrandonW77 were you planning on hosting a practice lobby on Friday evening? If you could I would really appreciate it as it will basically be the only time I will have to practice for the race besides the day of.
@BrandonW77 yay for heavier wear, :( for shortening the race. Is fuel an issue at Fast? I did an 18-lap run a few days ago and thought I burned less than half a tank, but I could be misremembering. Anyway, I like more fuel burn no matter what, and this car is so tremendously easy on tyres that one can really exploit the fuel burning off. 👍

(This is one of the areas where I feel a great step was made from GT5 to GT6; I never got much of a feel of the car getting lighter in 5.)

I'll do an 18 lap run with the wear on Fast and see how it works out with the FR car. I'll probably have to adjust this on a car by car basis, I'm not used to running a series with such different cars from week to week so this kind of caught me off guard. In the F430 on Fast wear we almost ran out of fuel in the longer race but I'm guessing the Daytona will be a bit more frugal.

Personally, I really don't notice any difference in the car due to fuel burn until it gets under 1/8 tank. I've seen many people mention it and I've looked and looked for it but I just don't feel it. Once it's under 1/8 tank it's suddenly like a different, ill-handling car but before that point it all feels the same to me. Maybe I just don't know what to look for.

Boy I really wish I had more time to practice but this stupid term paper is seriously limiting my practice time. However I hand it in on Friday so therefore, I will be done with it on Thursday. @BrandonW77 were you planning on hosting a practice lobby on Friday evening? If you could I would really appreciate it as it will basically be the only time I will have to practice for the race besides the day of.

Probably. 👍
Personally, I really don't notice any difference in the car due to fuel burn until it gets under 1/8 tank. I've seen many people mention it and I've looked and looked for it but I just don't feel it. Once it's under 1/8 tank it's suddenly like a different, ill-handling car but before that point it all feels the same to me. Maybe I just don't know what to look for.

For all I know, it could be all in my head, but I really feel like I can push deeper into the brake zones, roll more speed through the corners, and pick up the throttle more quickly as the fuel burns; it's usually once about a quarter of a tank is gone that this is the case.

Haven't run this car to low fuel yet, but it might have another change for the worse at that point. I did a couple laps offline at one point and the 'Daytona' felt quite frankly horrid compared to how it feels online, and my suspicion is that there's no fuel weight when running offline time trials....
For all I know, it could be all in my head, but I really feel like I can push deeper into the brake zones, roll more speed through the corners, and pick up the throttle more quickly as the fuel burns; it's usually once about a quarter of a tank is gone that this is the case.

Well, I've noticed that too but I always attributed that to the tires finally being fully warmed up. When I raced Rockets with @MC-Chase it was always after the fifth or sixth lap when we got our fastest times. But fuel burn makes more sense, explains why I can still match my best times 10-15 laps into a run.
Ok, just did a full run with wear on Fast in the GTB4 and we should be fine doing 18 laps. I also took the 512BB around Indy and it will need to have wear on Normal, after 8 laps on Fast my rears were down to 8/9 and getting very slippy. 👍
I figure this is an acceptable reason for a triple post. On the anniversary of this tragic day/weekend, I thought I would share this for those interested. It's a long read but tells you everything you want to know about what happened 20 years ago in Imola.

Oh, and just in case you haven't checked your news feed today......:drool:
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I wasn't really aware of F1 at the time and it wasn't until many years after becoming an F1 disciple that I even knew about Senna or what happened. It wasn't until seeing the movie that I fully understood. Thankfully, the tragedy has resulted in such great safety improvements that we haven't had to suffer the same since (at least not yet).
It really is unfortunate that safety improvements only seem to happen when someone loses a life over it. Of course the improvements save many other lives but if you're already aware there are safety issues, why can't you fix them before someone has to lose their life?
It wasn't until seeing the movie that I fully understood.

Got to say I took issue with that film, especially about Prost.

In fact...

*gets ready to take hail storm of objections :nervous:*

I'm not the biggest Senna fan. Rather, I think his death has yielded him a rather over deserved legacy - and that's not to say for one second that his death wasn't tragic (it very much was) or that he wasn't an exceptional talent (he very much was), but he had sterling competition throughout his career who all seem to take a back bench even though I believe they were often equal talents. I think he was very much a risk taker, which yielded some spectacular results in the rain, but similarly if you take lots of risks sooner or later your luck will run out, and ultimately it did. I'm also not a huge fan of his questionable winning tactics at times - I have more respect for people who play fair.

This being said I'm no authority on the subject of racing drivers and I was only a kid when he died, so likely my opinion isn't really worth a whole lot!