Series Updates:
The second race on the calender will be at Tokyo R246. It's a street circuit that is actually wide enough to run two classes on... mostly. And it can support the big cars pretty well, driving on it doesn't feel to awkward, not a lot of point and squirt corners. The series calender will be updated with this information very shortly.
Also, for those who have notices, there is a slot on the calender at the end for a bonus event at the end of the year. More info on that a little later on.
And now for something completely different...
Test event!!! 

Next week, I am fairly certain I will be around, so we will have our test event with both classes running at the same time. The thread for this will be up some time tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully we can add a few names to the series, numbers are going to be really important for this thing.
The track will be the full circuit at Grand Valley. We will run the full 90 minute distance with tire and pit stop rules will be in place. Looking forward to seeing how this thing works out!
If everything is good, the series will start on June 19th. See you guys out there!