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  • Thread starter berty1979
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You can map the petrol but the gains are smaller. The deisel is probably the best option although read up on it as the honda deisels were not very good for a time, might be sorted now though.
Love my cars bro, they are amazing peices of tech.
Im probly gonna get a fiesta zetec s next time, got '03 astra 1.8 at minute but its not great, preferred my 1.4 saxo but it was nackered so i needed to get rid.
I have never driven the 03 astra and tbh preferred the older ones, with all the restrictions on emissions performance dropped badly 95-early noughties before the car companies found a way round it. My calibra was much faster than the later editions (ecotech).
The new astra is great but has a really cheap feel to the cockpit 👎
The Fiesta has the right mix of an eager engine and fairly light weight, couple that with IRS and no F/R overhang and you have a good car :)
Ill stop now as I am boring myself let alone you lot :D
I havent really driven much, the nicest car i have driven is a Mini cooper S with the chili pack, such a nice car :D
Newer cars are obsessed with the environmental impact, so the exhaust systems arent giving much power, just giving out fewer carbon dioxides. So the older versions are gonna be faster sometimes.
I can imagine Fiestas being awesome in the corners, with the fairly short wheel base and all that
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SM- Sorry :lol:

Pagey- The mini S is awesome man, not driven one but it looks a handy bit of kit. You can decat some modern cars but they will fail the omissions so you have to put it back on. I am not sure but this can sometimes make a car worse I have heard. I had a big scorpion back box on the fiat and it sounded nice (5 cylinders always sound better than 4) but didnt decat it.

The fastest car I have ever driven was my dads old SD1, the list of modifications wouldnt even fit on your tuning sheet on GT5. It was around 400+bhp and pulled hard in every gear....nice!
I saw something about them being cheap to bu now along with the Audi TT and porsche boxster. I prefer the porsche but would be scared to leave it parked anywhere.
I never understood some people spending a fortune on a brand new 1 litre car just to get the new plate when they could have a 5 year old performance/luxury car for the same money.

Example- My old fiat cost 24000 when new and I got it for £4600 5 years later and considering there was only a few hundred in that trim made.
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My mate keeps buying little Suzukis brand new, he called me up about a year ago all excited about his new car. He proudly told me it had a 'big' engine, bearing in mind his previous car had a 0.9 litre engine can you guess the engine size of his new car? I nearly fell off my chair laughing!
Damn you Sandman, it was a 1.3 :lol:
I branded him a turnip!
Man I would love to do the real time 24 hour race man, I think it would be too hard to get people to do it though. There is one on nurburg in Feb but I need it to be Jan :(
Yeah, you register a team of between 2 and 4 people all meet up at one house and race for 24 hours online. You would have to train and research how to protect tyres and set the fastest but safest laps. You would have one guy driving, one as the second, one sleeping and the other the race manager (also drives) and rotate the duties. I think it sounds amazing.
Yeah, you register a team of between 2 and 4 people all meet up at one house and race for 24 hours online. You would have to train and research how to protect tyres and set the fastest but safest laps. You would have one guy driving, one as the second, one sleeping and the other the race manager (also drives). I think its sounds amazing.

Yeah that sounds , if i could drive i would definately come.. its just such a long way. Ill see
Yea I know mate, I could get a few lads from round here but wouldnt win or come close because 1 is an alright driver but the other thinks a 1.3 is a big engine and drives slower than his mum :(
You should do it man, £30 on the train and its only 90 mins in the car after. would be cool to get us/pagey/ellis racing 24 hr.
Yea I know mate, I could get a few lads from round here but wouldnt win or come close because 1 is an alright driver but the other thinks a 1.3 is a big engine and drives slower than his mum :(
You should do it man, £30 on the train and its only 90 mins in the car after. would be cool to get us/pagey/ellis racing 24 hr.

I would, will my parents agree for me going to birmingham then going to wales with someone i met on ps3? Thats the problem Lol.
SM- No they wouldnt, I forget your only a young'n. sorry dude.

Pagey-It could totally work but it would be hard to get people to commit I reckon, understandable though.
SM- No they wouldnt, I forget your only a young'n. sorry dude.

Pagey-It could totally work but it would be hard to get people to commit I reckon, understandable though.

Its **** tbh because it would be awesome! When im driving or 18 i would 100% do it.
SM - It would be man, no worries though I forgot that for all you know I could be a serial killer! :lol:

Smithaz- Independent rear suspension 👍
SM-Dude dont say that, now I might kill you even though I wasnt going to before :lol:

Pagey- Yes of course, read a few posts up I explained how it works. 1.25 on what?

I'd love to do that, why cant you do it in February?
Because the wife and baby will be home.
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