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  • Thread starter berty1979
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haha, I dont believe you would do it but it would be a laugh.
1034 from morcambe to birmingham new street you would arrive at a similar time to SM, I could pick you guys up and take you to gods country! :D
Sounds too tempting :lol:

RF- :lol: How are you going around Indy mate?
In a car...
Choice of words is key in my last statement.

RF- How is Indy going for you :lol:

Pagey, what town/city do you live in?
Yes, I forgot duh!

M4 west
M5 north
A448 Kiddeminster
A442 Bridgenorth
A458 shrewsbury
A458 Dolgellau

A bit of a trek, about 3.5 hours mate
I live in Frome now though :D google says it will be just over a 4 hour drive, i can make that 3 hours 30 though
Pagey-Its about 20 minutes further from Frome, did it suggest travveling the length of Wales or M5 then head west? 3.5 no problem

Ellis- Could be :D
Its telling me to go across the severn bridge, skirt around the brecons then straight up to dolgellau. But its 6 minutes longer to go up to birmingham and then west
There isnt much in it, I have done both journeys a few times on the coaches and would pick the motorway for a bus but in a car the Wales option would be a cooler drive. You gotta pay to get in accross the Severn though!
Yeah going up to birmingham and across would be very boring, motorway for most of it, i prefer taking the scenic routes 👍. Yeah it sucks, £5.70 to get into wales!!
That wales is scrounging off the English :D
Yeah i know, i will have to try and save 5.70 in fuel, just slot it into neutral on the hills
Ahaha, there is a website that tells you the best speed to do for fuel efficiency in various cars, havent looked for years but I remember my old Calibra was 58 miles an hour in 6th for 43 mpg. My Alfa gets 58mpg at around 70 in 6th which is great. You car must be good on juice if you drive it carefully AKA boringly :lol:
You have an alfa!?!?
My car isnt good on fuel, because i dont drive carefully....at all ha my friends call me a mentalist when im behind the wheel, plus old cars arent good on the mpg. On the way back from wales, 131 miles i averaged 40mpg, but that was going 90mph for a lot of the way :D
Thats not bad for a petrol engine, my previous 3 cars would return about 25mpg at that speed and 2 of them had 6 gears!
Yes I drive an Alfa 156 at the moment, its got a nice sporty chassis but is basically a family saloon. Its got plenty of poke though, 160 bhp and r 225lbs of torque (remapped) :D
I normally drive faster cars though :(
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Im really quite jealous right now haha If thats a slow car what cars do you normally have?!
I should be getting a Civic Vtec sport, two down from the type R. How do i go about getting it remapped?
Civics are great cars, at your age go for cars that handle (like the civic).
My last few cars are as follows (I still love them) I wont list the mods :lol:
Fiat coupe 20vT+ (chipped) = 251 bhp and 245lbs torq, handling was out of this world mate.
Vauxhall Calibra 4x4 Turbo (chipped) = 230 bhp, again, brill on corners :D
Vauxhall Calibra 2lt redtop= 150 bhp Awesome car, it was lowered on 17's and virtually unbeatable locally.

I had a Alfa spider for a while as a company car too, it was the 2 litre which could beat the 3 litre on the welsh roads because of the horrible weight distribution ruining the faster 3 litre. It was cool having a ragtop and the ladies loved it :D
I want all of those cars!! ha
But sadly im having to stick to cars with low horsepower, anything over 150BHP and i will be paying around £5000 per year for insurance, at least. Most companies wont even insure me on a Fiesta ST!!!!
How much extra BHP does chipping and remapping give you?
I know its tough at the moment but it only gets better, remember to shop around and build your no claims when you can. A fiesta ST is a VERY fast car mate!
I think GT5 gives people unrealistic expectations of some cars, most of the US cars couldnt touch my Coupe round here for various reasons. European cars are generally better as are Japanese cars.
Older cars are chipped as long as they have an ECU and normally give 10% on the bhp (can be less) and they make the fuel economy more efficient.
Modern cars are remapped to improve fuel/air mix efficiency making a bigger bang and therefore more power. Fuel economy can increase too and remaps can give more gains than a chip with massive gains available to turbo deisel engines.
Yeah true, i was looking at the Zetec S, one down from the ST, thats still pretty quick
I know people who know people who know people so i can get it chipped and mapped and various other things
I would recommend it, you can buy a bluefin and re map it yourself. You buy a gadget for £500, I dont know if you can use it unlimited times, if you can its a bargain 👍
How much is it? Its massivley easy to install, my car would gain about 35bhp and a load of torque. Thats massive gains for the money even at £500!
Thought so, thats fine on an older car but the bluefin can be used again and again and can restore the car to standard at any time. I got my coupe chip for £20 from the owners club. Bargain for a 10% increase!
You sound like you love your cars mate :D
Yeah a bargain to say the least ha i might be able to get mates rates off a friend, i think he might have bought one for his Toledo, not sure though
Yes i do 👍 sounds like you do as well

Hmmmm, do i go for the TDI civic, which looks slow but will go pretty well after mapping and stuff, or do i go for the 1.6 sport that i cant chip or map (as far as i know) which looks good, but wont go as fast
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