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  • Thread starter berty1979
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indy wise im doing 106's consistently, dropping to 108 at the end of the stint. hoping for a podium 👍
Best change that to 'you fast turnip' or the mods will get you :(
I have no idea either its over 1.5 seconds faster than my best lap :(
will they really? anyone practice happening tomorrow? iv been working this week so havent really been on much
Pagey- I reckon I can keep up with you if I can latch on at the start but if you get away you will be lapping me at the end :(

Smithaz- They can be strict, one of our lads got a strike 1 today from the admins, ill be having a run round tomorrow sometime ill let you know if your online.
My race pace isnt that good compared to my fastest lap, im probably around the same speed as spurgy
I'll have to run some laps later & shoot at improving..... I seemed good from the first practice I'm hoping for a good result. Early X-Mas present?? Please pretty please.....
Ill be practising later today, ill give you a shout when I am online.
At least I can have a sip of coffee in the pitlane here, not like TM :)
I've logged 50 laps so far in practice (including the first time with you guys). Fastest time 1:05.4 on a near empty tank. I dont thing a 1:04.xx is possible for me.....Although I'm sure there's a dozen freaks out there that could do it. Its gonna be a close one as to another podium for me. Cant figure out if a manual is significantly faster than an auto. Although I have learned some things that I didnt know before. ;)
I havent done any long stints but ill see about fuel usage later today, I am well off the pace too but ill pull something out of the bag and give you guys a run for your money.
The GTP super GT series uses success ballast. Disgusting. :(

Sad too because thats probably one of if not the most competitive online race series aside from the i racing leagues. I suppose in real life super gt is all about putting on a show for the fans rather than seeing who's the top dog in the top car.
Not a fan of the ballast system then?
It is unfair if the cars are excactly the same but I suppose they want to keep the pack together as much as possible. It was suggested to me early on in the FGTC but I was not keen.
Na....ballast not for me. :)

Although I think less effort should be made to even cars out in leagues. ;) Makes it more true to life when some cars are faster than others.

I havent tried my Ferrari 330 out much. Got a 2:13 at Spa in it the other day. Felt like a 2:10 was do-able. Whats a good time there in the classics?
It is realistic with some cars quicker than others and thats all good if your in a good performing car. No one would race an entire season if they had no one to race, thats why they even them up.
Cant remember a good time at spa, I was totally useless so I pushed the memories away :lol:
Thats the point, the only way to get better is to practice and learn the car rather than relying on ballast or anything else.
You were improving loads then your wheel went :(
Your faster than me but I may be slightly quicker on the consistant laps, should be close between us!
Thats not bad for a petrol engine, my previous 3 cars would return about 25mpg at that speed and 2 of them had 6 gears!
Yes I drive an Alfa 156 at the moment, its got a nice sporty chassis but is basically a family saloon. Its got plenty of poke though, 160 bhp and r 225lbs of torque (remapped) :D
I normally drive faster cars though :(

I had a 1979 10 year Ann trans am with a built 400 sb got 9 miles a gallon! Good thing gas was .87 a gallon back then! Now I drive a 2005 dodge ram 4x4 15 to 17 mpg! I'm saving $ for down payment for dodge challenger fun car to drive! Test drove one a few weeks ago, the salesman was freaking out in the car as we left dealership he told me to give it sum gas and I did just that and a little more:)
WOW that big hemi moves that car very well. I can't decide 6 spd man or 5 spd auto! Peace out
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