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  • Thread starter berty1979
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Due to me buying Skyrim the other day, i have had hardly any practice for Indy, its sooo addictive!!!! I am having a problem with killing giants though, they just mash me up

I am hoping for a podium if im lucky, but definitely a top 5
Ellis- We may get into a tussle then 👍

Pagey- You will get a top 5, you have the fastest pace you numpty :D
Yes but i always seem to throw it away when im the fastest or one of, happened at le sarthe and a few other races
Due to me buying Skyrim the other day, i have had hardly any practice for Indy, its sooo addictive!!!! I am having a problem with killing giants though, they just mash me up

I am hoping for a podium if im lucky, but definitely a top 5
Giants are a tricky one. Take them from a distance with bows and arrows. or shouts if you can. Don't go hand to hand combat with them youl get demolished. And if you keep your distance they dont do anything. And never, ever touch their mammoths. The get really peeved off then :lol:
Rhy- easier said than done for me :D

Ellis- Yeah thats what i do, i shoot them with an arrow, get scared, run away, come back, shoot them again and so on haha
Oh no when I do that its them that go "oooo it's giant"

Inuendo intended
It is. They are a menace giants. I was being chased by one so i ran to a town so they could help me. But they all ran away from it when i got there. The one guy that stayed got whacked and pinged across the town :lol:
It is just a tad pathetic yes :D plus it takes hundreds of arrows to kill a giant, so in the end i get bored and go kill a Necromancer to redeem my manliness
Ellis- It sounds like a benny hill episode :D

Pagey- Your tactics sound like my schooldays, I would pick a fight on a bigger kid, lose and go find a 1st year (yr7) and squash them to make myself feel better :)
I only ever had one fight at school, one guy chucked me off my chair, so i got up and smacked him. The easiest fight in the world, he had a proper meat head so i couldnt miss and apparently he went down like a sack of ****. People were careful not to annoy me after that :D
Nicely done sir! I had a reputation at school but I dont know why as I had very few scraps, I enjoyed all but 2 of them and the reason I got X in drama has something to do with a chair and some blunt force trauma :lol:
haha drama is useless anyway. Chairs are a pretty good weapon, you can either stab wildly with the legs, or use the seat to batter them :D
I felt awesome when this year 9 picked up my football at school couple of weeks ago and was about to kick it to his mates until he turned around at me.I just looked at him and he went "here you go" and walked away with his tail tucked between his legs :lol:
I would just like to point out that the FGTC does not advocate the use of violence unless it is in the form of self defence.
Official FGTC Press Team
Due to me buying Skyrim the other day, i have had hardly any practice for Indy, its sooo addictive!!!! I am having a problem with killing giants though, they just mash me up

I am hoping for a podium if im lucky, but definitely a top 5

Gaming is a major problem for a lot of people. I'm convinced those genetically predisposed to addiction (drug & alcohol addiction) are also predisposed to gaming addiction. :sly:

I know that if I buy other games it will be too much and all I'll do is play. :scared:

practiced with Smithaz & spurgey. Smithaz is a bit up on the rest of us it seems as far as all out pace. We'll see who wins. Havent raced Pagey yet.
:lol: I bought it thinking, oh yeah i get payed today, i will go on it just to see what its like.....4 hours later im scrambling up a mountain so some bear wont munch me :D
Im not addicted to smoking, or alcohol, so i think this is my bodies substitute.
Im already breaking out in a cold sweat and shivering cus i havent been on it for 2 hours!!

Okay screw Skyrim, i wanna play on Alex Kidd in Miracle World!!!!
Yeah the bear was getting too rough, i told him to take it easy but he wasnt having any of it.....
Any furry creature is up pageys street.

Again inuendo intended
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