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  • Thread starter berty1979
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Do not call me a liar.....its all on the damn replay

I am now going to beat the crap out of some unlucky troll on skyrim
For the love of god will you two pipe down :lol: Now leave it be until the stewards have decided the outcome. Then you can say who did what to whom.
Pagey/Sakery- Sakery is entitled to say in his report how he saw the race as you are but it clearly states in the rules not to argue about incidents on here. There are stewards looking at both of your races who will decide, it may be 50/50 or it may be someones fault. Jesus, is it a full moon tonight!

Ellis- Nice report, you seem to have enjoyed that one 👍 I saw 2 cars effing about at the tyres at the first corner and laughed out loud, then nearly crashed myself :lol:

I have reviewed the first corner and have my view on it, I have asked 2 other stewards to independantly review it before I make the findings public. It seems that most people were trying to keep out of it so everyone just needs to calm down!
Damn i was looking forward to reviewing this race 👍 all m hard work trying to be clean has come to this point, being asked to stand in as a steward to result in not saving the ruddy race.

But my biggest question.:

Where the hell was my team mate? Lotus are preparing a statement about the dissapearance of their no#2 driver.
I didnt have a problem with his opinion, merely the fact he was challenging mine, and calling me a liar. Thats the last im gonna say on it.

Sorry, i forgot to take my Wolfsbane potion....
Ellis- You are the Lotus at the moment mate, talk to etid and prepare an official statement for the board please.

Pagey- Ok mate, enough said, it will come out in the enquiry minus all of our ego's
A press statement was released by lotus today about the event of the week and today.

There has been a lot of speculation about our number two driver Mr Doyle. And to be honest we have not heard much from the driver himself. This week there has been a lot of talk about this trailer business and he has publically apologised for that incident but we are still not sure if that issue has been personally resolved. And again another incident behind closed door which we and the chair and other higher ups of the FGTC have been in talks about, again unresolved. But again there was another incident todays as to where he went to. And once again we are not quite sure. I am to presume he pulled out at the last minuite on his own accord. He was quoted saying to out number 1 driver Mr Nutt asking him about a setup and strategy just before he dissapeared. Which may lead us to think there has been a break down in the communication between our two drivers. We are looking to have talks with the driver in question and the chair and higher ups of the FGTC about the future of the team and hwo to proceed after such events.

Lotus press team.
FGTC official statement.
It is clear to us that although mitigating circumstances may exist in the case of one Mr Fergus Doyle aka Etid that at least one major rule of the championship has been broken.
Drivers shall not leave the race of their own accord and by doing so said driver must suffer the consequences.
We would also like to offer the advice that it is not too late to repair your drivers relationship with the FGTC if he presents us with a frank apology and admission of his part in the 'turnipgate' scandal.
I await your response.
FGTC Human relations team.
Lotus statement: Talks have been made with the FGTC chair and set out a series of plans to foresee the future of the team. These plans have been discussed both ways and neither party can be blamed for taking control as this was a joint decision on the matter.

FGTC official statement to follow.
Having discussed the matter at length with the Lotus spokesman the FGTC have come to a decision on the 'turnipgate' scandal and todays events.
Todays actions result in a strike 1 warning for poor conduct in that Etid did leave the race after qualifying.
Etid has until 2100 on the 7th of december to issue a frank admission to his part in the removal of the video and if guilty will issue a public apology. After the deadline if these terms are not met the driver will recieve a 1 race ban and a further 48 hours. If at the end of this extension the board is still not satisfied with the response a complete ban will be issued. Hopefully this will force a clearing of the air between team Lotus and the FGTC.
FGTC human relations
Any further questions on the matter: Feel free to email the Team Lotus' Spokesman on ellisnutt@hotmail.co.uk or a private message

Further action on this event will now be in private from the lotus end and,until these deadlines reach will not be discussing the matter in public.
No more correspondence will be released until the deadline or the statement is released.

On different tack, I am looking forward to the stewards report. I bet it wont be as bad as people make out.
I think that :lol: I think the incidents will be concentrated into a small amount of bad ones :lol:
yeh even i was a slight victim of that.

Hey Bret, you noticed how lately, the disagreements have been less between us, we have more mature conversations with a reasonable point. I like the new 'us' . It's easier :D
I told you that marriage guidance would work!
Now to send pagey and sakery, they will be cuddling next week at GVS 👍
"pagey, tell sakery how you really feel about him"
"I love you sakery, I always have" *kisses*

Flood don't get excited too much about that. Don't splurge your pants ;)
Now we all need to take our clothes off and get into a big pile! (south park episode season 8, episode 6)
Or is that a bit much :lol:
Yes, keeel hiimmm.....who are we killing again?
What was that american series about zombies that was recently popular? Any ideas?
Yes, keeel hiimmm.....who are we killing again?
What was that american series about zombies that was recently popular? Any ideas?

We must keeel ... himmmm.

Dunno mayte??? Keeeel Zombies ?
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