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  • Thread starter berty1979
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Rich- The OCD only updates when the new time trials come out, I will not pick the teams for a good while yet so you will get a chance to get another car. Check the UCD as they sometimes appear there.

Tony- See above

Ellis- The parsnip is the poor contender to the turnips throne sir!
Different leagues my good sir. While a turnip is a good insult, Parsnips are much much tastier
Actually parnsips are ancient and are from somewhere like eurasia ;)
where as turnips are more like roman times i think :D

Way before medieval friendo
Cant wait until this arrives at my house. But im gonna lose so much FGTC practice time.
Anyway Im probably going to start a practice room tomorrow at about 8pm your time. So come if you want
Skate, I may be on in my lounge at 730pm so join me. We can share some iseas for Monaco 👍

PB- Yeah I got it mate, not driven it yet. I also got the free kart :D Can you follow the others and tell us which FGT's you own and name 4 people you would like to team with (just lsay if you dont care about team mates)
Not healthy bro, cant believe we could do that! Proves the FGT is much the faster car I reckon. Maybe in the hands of an expert the F1 might win at monaco.....might.
Sandman- is the ferrari f1 unrestricted now?

Berty- It would destroy it round monaco. I tested it last year when i sucked at both and posted 2 seconds faster easy around monaco in the f10
We just raced them and I think the FGT would win in that scenario BUT, if it were a time trial then I think the F1 would win. Most other places the FGT wins :D
We just raced them and I think the FGT would win in that scenario BUT, if it were a time trial then I think the F1 would win. Most other places the FGT wins :D

Wait so the ferrari f1s are unrestricted?!?!?!?
For now mang, I reckon its a glitch and PD will fix it but YES, you can finally pit the F1 against the FGT :D happy days!
Or the Go Kart vs the tankcar if you wish :lol:

Edit: SM beat me to it mang ^^^
They will fix it unfortunatley and the F1 is still pretty useless because it cant keep up with the X1/FGT and its too fast for the rest :(
We need more F1 cars dammit!
Mornin' all! Two more sleeps till Santa comes! Woooooooooooooooooo! Can't wait!

On Boxing day we all have to wear festive knitted jumpers for the fun of it haha.
I´m thinking of being a Reserve for S3.
I just don´t like the SRF and your reason to keep it :D
Is it more challenging without ?? SURE
Is it faster without ?? NO
But why bann it ?? Just because it makes it more up to the Driver (ok now it´s the same, but without SRF maybe the Field gets mixed up a bit).

But I tell you If I want to be fix in S3 before 1.1.2012 :)
Here are my "wishes" (Car/Team):
Cars: Red and White (maybe I get another one => I´ll post the Colour)
Teammates: Don´t know pic one for me (worked fine for S1/S2 :D)
Etid- Your more excited than flood, knitted jumpers all round!

Sakery- This is a bombshell! I will wait for you to let me know whether you are in for S3 and I wont announce the teams until January when you have made your decision. I guess I dont check SRF but I dont want you to be not competitive or get spun out with small contact.

Just waiting to hear Pigboys choices and if Smithaz/Ronin/Smartheart are in. 1 spot and 2 reserves left.
I am now satisfied with v2.02

and RUF's are 500x more awesome now.

But i still want rims on my FGT :(
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