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  • Thread starter berty1979
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We were racing last night on the same track it was awesome, I was hoping to race you sometime!
Did you win your Ferrari series?
We were racing last night on the same track it was awesome, I was hoping to race you sometime!
Did you win your Ferrari series?

No, I came 2nd to Artmann. I quit the last race at Madrid. Too lazy. :sly: I did win the North American Super GT series though. I'm not going to do the ROC thing, too much racing already. :sly:
You read my mind with ROC, I havent got time either, with trying to get the touring cars sorted. I am starting to like monaco, frustrating trying to pass though.
Hahahahahaahahaha read PB's post on the last page. He got modded :lol:
Not the first time I am guessing :(

No one seems to have the mclaren (orange) so we might have to have the yellow car instead
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You read my mind with ROC, I havent got time either, with trying to get the touring cars sorted. I am starting to like monaco, frustrating trying to pass though.

You did pass me very awesome yesterday though 👍 and bowdown :D (outside at Turn 2)

1:11.694 was my fastest so far, but I´m consistant at 1:12´s.
How you guys make those 1:09´s I don´t know (you wheelers can "overturn" => go better through the tight turns than the DS3 users).
I saw you guys at the Tunnel-Chicane cut though (left-wheel on the Curb) for my taste (although rule-confirm).
But isn´t Spurgy driving with the DS3 ??
How can you be that fast ??
Steering sensivety to 10 ?? I run 4 and think it´s high enough.
:D thanks man, it took some quick thinking!
I dont know about the DS3, I thought it would be as good as a wheel at monaco and I will confirm the chicane in a second. I laughed at you parked on the chicane like a grumpy old teacher making sure we had to go wide :lol:
1.12 was my best time until Sandman helped me tune my car better 👍

The chicane

Due to the fact that there is a concrete wall and barriers you may get round the chicane whichever way you see fit in qualifying and in the race, this is not open to discussion.
I do have my sensitivity at full, which is 7, doesnt go up to 10 you fool :D but I still think the controller is half asleep when you tell it to turn, the only way to stop it is by steering early, can be a bit risky though, which is why im hitting the barriers a lot here and why my times arent very consistent, they usually vary from early 1.09s to early 1.10s I reckon I could do a late 1.08 if I had a really good lap, just always mess up my laps one way or another. :(
Ronin- Consider it done mate, ignore my PM asking you that very question. Merry xmas too 👍

One regular and one reserve left for S3 now. Still no word from smartheart or smithaz :(
First, merry Xmas all!

Second, hope to make it for the new years day race

And least important, but something on my mind after readin through the most recent posts: there is something inherently wrong with this series (or regs) if a controller wielding driver is at the top of the pack. no prejudice, just think that it is not realistic. The aids for controllers go a little too far in helping the driver IMHO. Looking forward hoping for regulations less conducive to controllers, which at the same time increase the challenge for wheel drivers.

Happy to see that the latest update improves multi display stability, and hoping the netcode has been improved so that full rooms don't cause slowdowns for drivers under certain connection circumstances.

Broke 1 desk clamp on my g25, will have to figure out a way to mount it temporarily.....

Allo gov'nah!
Merry xmas neth, did you read the bottom of the OP :lol: there may be room for you with some of the guys nursing hangovers. Did the assists for the controller guys get stronger lately (I was thinking that), saying that Pagey is a legend with it (he now has a wheel).
lag can be pretty bad as we found out with a 16 man touring car room the other night but the FGt's are still going pretty well. Skate bust his G27 last month too :)
Its 'aboot' time you raced us again!
Merry Xmas, dont think ive raced you before so should be good if you can make the next race, always good to race different people :)
Aids for controllers? didnt realise we had any, other than you can change the sensitivity, which basically just lets you turn :D and most of the guys up front use wheels I thought? Meh, I suppose it just depends on how much practice youve had with each, Ive played F1 games for ages so have had a bit (too much :D) practice with a controller. I think its a good thing that controllers can be as fast as steering wheels anyway, dont see why they should have an advantage.
There is something in the programming that promotes stability in the controller users, it arrived in an update. There was a thread about it somewhere on here but havent seen it for ages. I like it to be even so it suits me fine.
Neth is a good racer, you can review his stats in the retired driver section in the OP.
There is something in the programming that promotes stability in the controller users, it arrived in an update. There was a thread about it somewhere on here but havent seen it for ages. I like it to be even so it suits me fine.
Neth is a good racer, you can review his stats in the retired driver section in the OP.

Wow! never saw that retired section, makes me feel old :(
I'm 30 (31 in march) , and might even start having kids in the new year... ****... i AM getting old *sob*
thanks for the hommage Rhyfe, very pleasant surprise!!!
Did you see the little 'what are they doing now' bit, I couldnt resist :lol:

Dont worry mate, when you get a family you can still get away for a beer with the lads.
Having kids will change you though, but for the better in some ways 👍
I have never fiddled with the controller sensitivity, might have to try it out. I think wheels have advantages at certain tracks as controller do too.

Merry Xmas see you in 5 days or so!
Look at some of the others, they are amazing.There is a brand new audi r8 touring car there!
Etid- Definatley there are advantages and disadvantages, it pretty much sorts itself out in the end, happy xmas dude 👍

ellis- If your buying :D Lotus is awesome!

PB- Is that on the account you want to use (the fast one)?
I kicked your ass sandman, dont let it upset you because you got hustled in your 'professional' drift car with all the aids on 👍
Bitter words from a fallen ego buddy. Cant believe you were using AWD for drifting bro :( shame on you!

I would just like to point out that I actually suck at drifting and although sandman is not that good, he is 10 times better than me.
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