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  • Thread starter berty1979
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I should be around in the evening hopefully mate, we should then go again just before new year to be sure :D
I'm out of town now... in Minneapolis/plymouth @ a Radisson.still haven't traded in my DFGT. Too busy.

Somebody did 1:08.5 at Monaco? Thats a good one.

With Skid recovery FGTs are too easy at some tracks (Monaco) & still too hard at others like Cape Ring. I may not make monaco, i'll have to see on that one. Its tough to have the schedule skip over 2 weeks I guess. I'll be back but there's something else I've got going on on Jan 1.

I wonder if people would want to leave Active steering on for next season and take SRF off....I guess the car is still pretty tough online w/o it.

But if you think its too hard do this. Go on Monaco with a 125 PDI Kart. MUCH harder than the FGT round here using SRF.
Hope to see you at Monaco, if not see you the week after. I expect turnout to be a bit lower due to new year etc.
If we do a poll I'm happy with the aids the way they are for S3, its hard at some tracks and not at others, adds a bit of variety 👍
The setup has been proven to be very successful and its staying as it is. This championship really works, if anyone has any questions as to why please refer to the previous posts :D
Thanks mate i dont have know that that is a good time.
Do you have time tomorrow and Monday to practise??
I will be practising tomorrow very late but not sure about monday. It is a good time and equal to mine. Merry xmas :D

Find out what colour cars Babalu has please, and remember to try and buy one if they update the OCD
Im against active steering, we all pay for steering wheels and then turn on the option that takes all feeling out of steering.
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I just found this out.If you go to the B-SPEC seasonal you get a lvl 19 ticket if they are completed.I finished all of the event but only now got the ticket
UPDATE: all seasonal events now come with various tickets as prizes-i saw a lvl 18 and 20..

Another practice race soon at Monaco, want to keep the eyes zeroed in 👍
Let me know when and ill be there if its OK
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I found this out when starting a B spec grind the other day mate. It was part of the new update, I won an another Astra touring car :D
Merry christmas everyone :D got a dfgt finally, only problem is I have nothing to put it on, and its impossible to use on your lap :grumpy: got a few games and stuff too so should keep me occupied for a while :) what did you get ellis?
Oh god....spurgy with a wheel :D I just got loads of little things, CDs, headphones and stuff. Because my dads giving me a fair chunk of money to buy a new car :D wooooo!!! And some money towards uni.

As for Monaco.....I'm struggling :( my fastest is a 1.10.9. On every single corner the back end steps out, and nothing I do to the diff or suspension sorts it out. It's like driving with no aids on. I feed the power, get to about 75% throttle and I lose the back end.
Nokia lumia 800, BUT unfortunatly my mum has to activate the sim and she has forgotten both username and password for the t-mobile website. -.- Plus when using the option "forgotten both username and password" when you fill the details to what mum says is 100% right, comes up wrong. Looks like my phone will never work then 👍
Mwhahahaha, Mwhahahahahaha :D will take me a while to get used to though :( oh and my sister got a giotech exos headset thing, something like that anyway, so I have a mic now :D and Pagey, use the drifting to go round the corner, thats what I do anyway :)
Im against active steering, we all pay for steering wheels and then turn on the option that takes all feeling out of steering.
dont think it does at all.

Active steering automatically helps you correct when the car begins to slide. Its conceivable that this could be done in real life.

SRF is not possible irl, it involves increasing the grip of the race car. A RACE car can only be as good as its made. :sly:
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