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  • Thread starter berty1979
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Pagey- That is not good mate, did you post a question in the Q and A section? Someone might know something. Hope you can make it mate.
Yeah, ive made a thread, but no one has come up with something i havent tried.
Plus no shops in my area sell an ethernet cable long enough, but will an ethernet about 25-28m long slow down my connection too much?
hey pagey
the ethernet standard is to allow 'lossless' transmission up to 100meters (around 300 feet). Any good quality cable below that length should be perfectly fine. If you are experiencing any network issues - i would change the cable and see if they still happen. although cables can sometimes be the cause of poor network connectivity, its fairly unlikely, and i suggest having a look at the other components of your home network.


hey pagey
the ethernet standard is to allow 'lossless' transmission up to 100meters (around 300 feet). Any good quality cable below that length should be perfectly fine. If you are experiencing any network issues - i would change the cable and see if they still happen. although cables can sometimes be the cause of poor network connectivity, its fairly unlikely, and i suggest having a look at the other components of your home network.



doublecheck the small ink print on the cable itself - see if it says UTP or STP
you want STP.
if the cable is running along places with powercables, powerbars, powersupplies, etc. - its possible the electromagnetic field generated by such devices can cause interference in the ethernet cable.
STP cable should protect from this, and UTP is very susceptable to it.
STP = Shielded Twisted Pair
UTP = Unshielded Twisted Pair
you can always try running your cable in places with no other power related devices, and also, make sure you have no 'kinks' (harsh bends) in the cable.

cheers x 2
Let us know if you have any luck Pagey. It sucks when you cant connect, my internet has been going off twice a week for the last fortnight. So far its only been weekdays but hope its ok for sunday!
Cheers neth, always good when someone knows their stuff :)

I will go on the hunt for one tommorow, I dont live anywhere near anything that will cause interference but i will still get a STP cable.

Thanks again :)

Rhy-yeah will do, im keeping my fingers crossed i can pick one up thats long enough tommorow or sunday. Yeah that would suck if it did
No I'm at my auntys no ps3 and I think I did some think to my fingers on left hand so might not be able to race due to injury lol
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Ok PB, sorry to hearthat mate, your spot will be taken by a reserve until you get back, I am only expecting 12 or so per race for the first few races anyway so it wont be a problem. Cool video and further proof that when someone writes a message during the race people crash because you cant help reading it!
Rhy-im definately not going to be able to make tommorow, ive searched everywhere and havent been able to find a cable long enough. So ive had to order one off amazon

Hope you all have a good race :)
:( At least you should be set for next week so not too bad, Ill see you in practice in the week mate. If a miracle happens and you borrow one or something just turn up as usual.
Brett - Age of Empires 1, 2 and 3 are all quality games. Also ask him if he's played Minecraft. It's a quality game aswell, and it's only £13.
I love Aof E myself mate, 2 and 3 are quality, I got him company of heroes for the gift and ordered myself C+C Generals for £3.50 off amazon. You should get it so we can have a fulll on war :)
You ok for the race tommorrow? Or you watching LotR again lol.
Yes I need to practice I have a swollen finger its gone fat need to see if I'm still good.
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It turns out that despite floods swollen finger he is still a legend :)
Race day tommorrow, remember to re set routers and clear caches etc. if you cant make it please let me know! So far we have 12 and maybe the 2 reserves if Pagey doesnt manage to borrow a cable off someone.
Todays practice was really fun (i had to leave to do some chores)
I really need to learn to tune better, if i could i bet you i could set 1:11's
Skate- You drove real smooth tonight mate, better than I have seen before. Keep at it, practice is always fun man come to more sessions!

Ellis- Neither has sandman but thats ok it is optional. It will affect your performance though :)
Sorry guys, but my chances of being to race tomorrow are slim. I practiced too much today(according to my parents), so I'm most likely not going to be able to race. I wish I could make it. :(
We have visit at our house again => it is a small possibility that I can´t make it.
I don´t know when they come and leave.
But I hope I can do it normaly they leave at 8pm => maybe I miss the Qualy.

PS: Who organizes the FGT600 Race ?? Would be nice if I could start there today (if I can´t make the "Main" Race)
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